Usage for hash tag: TheLurkerPrinciple

  1. 3KZ is Football

    Werewolf BEaston Basic WW Part III (Werewolves win)

    #TheLurkerPrinciple CONFIRMED #ItsScientific
  2. 3KZ is Football

    Werewolf BEaston Basic WW Part III (Werewolves win)

    Yep would swap at the drop of a hat. We still have all our flogs, so it would be great to have them lead. Until tonight, I have nothing and can only default to #TheLurkerPrinciple
  3. 3KZ is Football

    Werewolf BEaston Basic WW Part III (Werewolves win)

    Cool. If you had to apply #TheLurkerPrinciple where would you go?
  4. 3KZ is Football

    Werewolf BEaston Basic WW Part III (Werewolves win)

    Maybe we need to apply some of my theories and scientific principles. #TheLurkerPrinciple ??
  5. 3KZ is Football

    Werewolf BEaston Basic WW Part III (Werewolves win)

    It’s fun when you are starting out. So many complexities. When you have time I’ll fill you in on some of my body of work. #Its#ItsScientifice#TheLurkerPrincipleol#rolefluidity
  6. 3KZ is Football

    Werewolf BEaston Basic WW Part III (Werewolves win)

    thewizardmelon #TheLurkerPrinciple
  7. 3KZ is Football

    Werewolf BEaston WW - Village wins!

    That’s called #T#TheLurkerPrinciple
  8. 3KZ is Football


    I might have to go back to #TheLurkerPrinciple
  9. 3KZ is Football


    It is so edifying to see #TheLurkerPrinciple now an accepted part of the social landscape. As a theoretician it is rewarding to know I have made that contribution to the game. Happy to vote for Akkaps on the basis that they are lurking but more importantly, because of the reading my new...
  10. 3KZ is Football


    #TheLurkerPrinciple #It’sScientific
  11. 3KZ is Football

    Werewolf Town of Salem Werewolf VII (Mafia & Pirate Win)

    #TheLurkerPrinciple - I LOVE IT! I am going Grand Uncle Horace because apparently he is the new Smeg Head serial_thrilla Frederico_WA
  12. 3KZ is Football

    Werewolf TIAYG Werewolf

    #TheLurkerPrinciple is established science. Barrybran always lurks, so no surprises there, while croweater comes and goes. As a researcher and Werewolfologist, I am more interested in investigating the #ProdIndex and proving #ProdTheory. Last game it was 100% correct, identifying Porps, Tarks...
  13. 3KZ is Football

    Werewolf TIAYG Werewolf

    MWPP for me. Is clearly evil. Very very high reading on the #ProdIndex - jumped out of the boxes and went for me, using #TheLurkerPrinciple after about three hours of play on Day 1. Clearly has an agenda and it is EVIL. Trust me.
  14. 3KZ is Football

    Werewolf Basic Werewolf - Time for Chilli - VILLAGE WINS

    Ok … your thumbs down swung me. I haven’t mentioned #The#TheLurkerPrincipleause it has been completely mainstreamed and everyone gets it. As a cutting edge “Werewolfologist” my contribution to the game has been internationally recognised. Just think of the way that my recognition of...
  15. 3KZ is Football

    Werewolf Blindwolf Pt.3 - Village Win!

    Spoken like a true student of #TheLurkerPrinciple
  16. 3KZ is Football

    Werewolf "Bog Standard Werewolf in the ND style”- Kick off for 2023

    WINNER WINNER! We owe it all to Bovo Tarkyn_24 BOG 3KZ is Football 2nd BOG Great game everyone! Super Modding Grand Uncle Horace and ClarkeM on the chop out. #TheLurkerPrinciple #The LurkerIndex #LurkingInPlainSight #It’sScientific
  17. 3KZ is Football

    Werewolf "Bog Standard Werewolf in the ND style”- Kick off for 2023 my vote today on the basis that they are lurking their pants off. ONLY TEN POSTS ALL GAME. This game has absolutely cemented #TheLurkerPrinciple - kananooks, MC Bad Genius, Bovo, Werewolf all evil and all lurking. BEaston was the exception, but it was his own fault, coming into the day...
  18. 3KZ is Football

    Werewolf "Bog Standard Werewolf in the ND style”- Kick off for 2023

    ...on. That is #U#UberSussrom a scientific basis. #A#ActiveUnderPressureTheorylso is in play. Five posts up until this morning is rolled gold lurk. I haven’t got much of a feel for others, but #The#TheLurkerPrincipleked out kananooks and I reckon BEaston is a good bet to be a baddie. Time will tell.
  19. 3KZ is Football

    Werewolf "Bog Standard Werewolf in the ND style”- Kick off for 2023 so far. That is some QUALITY LURKING and that lack of engagement leads me to conclude they are EVIL. There are a lot of Wolves out to there and the Mafia can’t be the only faction that lurks. I hope this reason is sufficient...
  20. 3KZ is Football

    Werewolf "Bog Standard Werewolf in the ND style”- Kick off for 2023

  21. 3KZ is Football

    Werewolf "Bog Standard Werewolf in the ND style”- Kick off for 2023

    Sorry, but #LurkerIndexReading and #TheLurkerPrinciple are game related reasons. If someone is lurking then calling that out using the language of science should suffice. In future, I will explicitly cite #TheLurkerPrinciple because #It’sScientificnd is a game related reason. I don’t want to...
  22. 3KZ is Football

    Werewolf Traditional Werewolf 2

    Don’t overthink this. Ockham's Razor and #TheLurkerPrinciple makes them a target. Simples.
  23. 3KZ is Football

    Werewolf ICE CREAM WEREWOLF - sign up or miss out on another dank420_ classic.

    I’m throwing a placeholder on Kabanna because that would be a disgusting ice cream flavour and I’m employing #TheLurkerPrinciple dank420_
  24. 3KZ is Football

    Werewolf ICE CREAM WEREWOLF - sign up or miss out on another dank420_ classic.

    #LurkerIndexReading #TheLurkerPrinciple #LurkingInPlainSightTheory #ListerTheory #It’sScientific #KentuckyFriedChickenTheory
  25. 3KZ is Football

    Werewolf Merlin Werewolf

    Ah Ha! A confession! #TheLurkerPrinciple #ILikeToWatch
  26. 3KZ is Football

    Werewolf Merlin Werewolf

    I freaking invented the #TheLurkerPrinciple! That’s a weak tell. I have observed that you always clear me out early when you are evil. There is a strong pattern of behaviour there, observed over multiple games. Mwerps - YOU DIE!
  27. 3KZ is Football

    Werewolf Merlin Werewolf

    ...called work - teaching every period today. I love how fixated on me people are. I am a villager though. I hardly qualify under #TheLurkerPrinciple becausr I have been posting. Ok, so I’m not spamming the thread up, but there are plenty who are invisible. We need to lynch evil today, lynching...
  28. 3KZ is Football

    Werewolf Merlin Werewolf

    … and it’s #TheLurkerPrinciple - keep up mwerps
  29. 3KZ is Football

    Werewolf Merlin Werewolf

    Not really. Just damned if you do. #TheLurkerPrinciple
  30. 3KZ is Football

    Werewolf Rough and Ready to Die Werewolf - Vampires Win
