Autopsy Round 20, 2024: Positives and Negatives vs Fremantle

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fancy being so obsessed by a 19 year old oppo player when your team is currently sitting a few percent away from a guaranteed two home finals, with four h&a games to play…they’ll never get rid of the chip on the shoulder that lot, even after they do finally win a flag.

just waiting for all the abusive IG DM screenshots to leak from Harley’s team after last night..
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fancy being so obsessed by a 19 year old oppo player when your team is currently sitting a few percent away from a guaranteed two home finals, with four h&a gamesto play…they’ll never get rid of the chip on the shoulder that lot, even after they do finally win a flag.
Yeah exactly.
Others continue the disrespectful garbage as well. It's like a total reid hate thread lol

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1 positive is reid showing up not only the Freo players for targetting him but also the feral supporters Freo have.

Look at this **** wit.View attachment 2061264
Happy Excuse Me GIF
Reading this stuff actually makes me depressed. How much must this bloke be hating his life to post such unhinged stuff.

Yeah comes across as a bit of a sad loser.

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Really? I think you better have another look. You stick to your narrative though.

On Pixel 7 using mobile app
Mate I can screenshot quite a few more for you if you like and DM to you.

He's a19 year old kid and you've got posters going after him as if he's a serial killer or some shit.

I'd suggest your mods do something about it because this is the world of social media and people get depression from this shit.
He's just so slow....and not just running wise, he's slow with the ball which is probably worse.
No slower than ginbey with ballmin hand...and less fumbly. And can kick a goal.

Christ we gave chesser 17 games or so and he got nowhere near it.

Given where we are at id like to see culley played the rest of the year before making any decisions on his future.

TK comfortably best on in the player ratings. Not saying he was actually the clear best on, or even our best, but the hand wringing over Tim Kelly is astonishing. He was a clear asset on the day (again) and we’ve got people acting like they’ll gladly never see him play for us again.

Our list is far, far, too bad to be worrying about a bloke this good.
View attachment 2061305

TK comfortably best on in the player ratings. Not saying he was actually the clear best on, or even our best, but the hand wringing over Tim Kelly is astonishing. He was a clear asset on the day (again) and we’ve got people acting like they’ll gladly never see him play for us again.

Our list is far, far, too bad to be worrying about a bloke this good.
Kelly was good. The only one that picked up the ball clean in the contest IMO
View attachment 2061305

TK comfortably best on in the player ratings. Not saying he was actually the clear best on, or even our best, but the hand wringing over Tim Kelly is astonishing. He was a clear asset on the day (again) and we’ve got people acting like they’ll gladly never see him play for us again.

Our list is far, far, too bad to be worrying about a bloke this good.
Reid didn't even make that list 😲
The new coaching staff really need to spend a decent portion of the pre-season training working on the defensive positioning of our players.

You can excuse the younger players as they are still inexperienced and adapting to the level but a good portion of our senior players are equally as bad at it.

They haven't a clue when or how to hold their positions outside of a contest and cover the exits and when to go in to try and impact the contest and as such, we often leak easy goals in the process.

A good example being in the first half when we had the Dockers locked in our forward half and forced them wide to the boundary line, it was Ryan vs Draper (?) and, all Ryan had to do was hold his position to cover the exit and at best, Freo would have gotten a 50/50 long kick down the line but he chose to go into tackle and didn't impact which resulted in Freo getting a forward entry and a scoring shot.

We do dumb shit like this frequently in every game and probably give away atleast 3-4 goals a game in the process. Need to tighten up in this area if we want to improve next season and beyond.
Yep our previous didn't coach these guys, which is why we're coming from a long way back.
View attachment 2061305

TK comfortably best on in the player ratings. Not saying he was actually the clear best on, or even our best, but the hand wringing over Tim Kelly is astonishing. He was a clear asset on the day (again) and we’ve got people acting like they’ll gladly never see him play for us again.

Our list is far, far, too bad to be worrying about a bloke this good.
Yeah people on here are always incredibly harsh on Kelly and typically give yeo a pass.
At least he has stopped playing for frees shuey-style. Reckon Schofield had a word.

He does need to be better at keeping his feet when he doesn’t have the ball but someone pushes or slightly bumps him.

and he need to stop bumping himself but rather tackle. Could have had a couple of players holding the ball had he chosen to tackl .

But it’s his 1st year, he has a lot of improvement left in him. Can’t wait for moral revisionism come Monday from dockers supporters on racism and booing. Pick one:

1. You do it.
2. It wasn’t many.
3. What about the drugs?
Number 1. is getting thrown around everywhere
No slower than ginbey with ballmin hand...and less fumbly. And can kick a goal.

Christ we gave chesser 17 games or so and he got nowhere near it.

Given where we are at id like to see culley played the rest of the year before making any decisions on his future.
I agree, he needs to play the rest of the season.
I don't even remember it being an issue when he first started with us but it's very noticeable now.
I'm no big supporter of Ginbey but Culley is definitely slower than him with the ball in hand. Be nice if he plays out the rest of the year in the midfield to see if he can get up to speed or not.

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Autopsy Round 20, 2024: Positives and Negatives vs Fremantle

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