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  1. F

    Maryborough Castlemaine District FL (Part 2)

    Big news of the week is that Lexton have applied to go to the Maryborough District Football League. Not having juniors would not help them in the Central Highlands. I think it will be a good fit as they wont have to travel far. Stuffs up the future of having 2 divisions in Central Highlands...
  2. F

    Central Highlands Part 3

    Big news of the week is that Lexton have applied to go to the Maryborough District Football League. Not having juniors would not help them in the Central Highlands. I think it will be a good fit as they wont have to travel far. Stuffs up the future of having 2 divisions in Central Highlands...
  3. F

    Lexton Plains Football League Part 2

    Big news of the week is that Lexton have applied to go to the Maryborough District Football League. Not having juniors would not help them in the Central Highlands. I think it will be a good fit as they wont have to travel far. Stuffs up the future of having 2 divisions in Central Highlands...
  4. F

    Central Highlands Part 3

    Helmut the report postd is 100% true. Just get in touch with a CHFL club rep or league official and they will fill you in. The juniors will remain with U18 U15 and U12 if there are numbers . The 4 LPFL southern clubs have an U12 comp between thermselves. the next 3 years will see the merging...
  5. F

    Maryborough Castlemaine District FL (Part 2)

    The VCFL report is out. Navarre and Natte to MCDFL and Trentham to stay and a 19 team League CHFL for 2 years and then the clubs can vote on a 2 division league or a geographical league
  6. F

    Lexton Plains Football League Part 2

    The VCFL report is out. Navarre and Natte to MCDFL and Trentham to stay and a 19 team League CHFL for 2 years and then the clubs can vote on a 2 division league or a geographical league
  7. F

    Central Highlands Part 3

    The VCFL report is out. Navarre and Natte to MCDFL and Trentham to stay and a 19 team League CHFL for 2 years and then the clubs can vote on a 2 division league or a geographical league
  8. F

    Lexton Plains Football League Part 2

    Ben Martin from Navarre the winner of the B&F for 2010 with 22 votes and 2nd was G.Lench from Skipton with 18 votes. Well done. Rookie of the year went to Cam Griffiths from R/C.and no rope was supplied
  9. F

    Lexton Plains Football League Part 2

    The Skipton game had either 12 or 13 50 metre penalties and the Rokewood game had about 6 or 7. One good thing about going into the new League next year the players wont have to play with the horrible Burley's and will be playing with Sherrins. I also see that Justin Porter made a comeback in...
  10. F

    Lexton Plains Football League Part 2

    Hey BP06 dont get me wrong I think that the CHFL is well run but in the LPFL and many other Leagues the Board is not paid and are volunteers and voted in via the clubs through the Deleagtes meetings. There is nothing worse than sitting around at meetings with In and Out Correspondence in all...
  11. F

    Lexton Plains Football League Part 2

    No KR I don;t have a vested interest in the Hub. I believe that for any League/club sports club or business to be successful then they need to get with the modern era and have a CEO/President and an elected Board to run the league. This is how modern businesses run and all sports clubs and...
  12. F

    Central Highlands Part 3

    No it will solely be based on senior result - so if you have average juniors and netballers - bad luck
  13. F

    Maryborough Castlemaine District FL (Part 2)

    Sorry KR but it is a done deal with Trentham going into the Central Highlands Second Division and Natte and Navarregoing into the MCDFL. The report and paperwork will be going back to all of the clubs and will be ratified at special meetings of all of the affected leagues and set in motion by...
  14. F

    Maryborough Castlemaine District FL (Part 2)

    Well the Lexton Plains is finally finished as of this year. Ararat will go to the Mininera League and Natte and Navarre to MCDFL. With Navarre not happy as they want to get in to the Central Highlands but wont be able too. The rest of the clubs will go into the second division of a new 2...
  15. F

    Central Highlands Part 3

    Well the Lexton Plains is finally finished as of this year. Ararat will go to the Mininera League and Natte and Navarre to MCDFL. With Navarre not happy as they want to get in to the Central Highlands but wont be able too. The rest of the clubs will go into the second division of a new 2...
  16. F

    Lexton Plains Football League Part 2

    Well the Lexton Plains is finally finished as of this year. Ararat will go to the Mininera League and Natte and Navarre to MCDFL. With Navarre not happy as they want to get in to the Central Highlands but wont be able too. The rest of the clubs will go into the second division of a new 2...
  17. F

    Lexton Plains Football League Part 2

    Weekend Review- Big games this weekend and big results. C/L vs Ararat - Ladiges and Digger kicking 17 goals makes a big satement to the rest of the top 4 teams. Aspland BOG will go close for him to win League B&F Natte vs Skip - close game and always hard to win at Natte.What happened there...
  18. F

    Lexton Plains Football League Part 2

    The "best" was way off last year's effort. We had 8 teams to pick from - 7 clubs had representatives and MCDFL had 11 clubs to pick from with 10 clubs represented. The umpiring was average but you cant blame them for our poor showing. The ground was dry and hard with cooch grass.We had a few too...
  19. F

    Lexton Plains Football League Part 2

    I have to agree with yoiu there Eromsil - Rokewood were outplayed by the smaller players and wet weather players of C/L . They did well considering that they had no tall players on the ground. Augie has been in Canada for a few months - so wont be back this year. He would be old next year but...
  20. F

    Lexton Plains Football League Part 2

    Sorry Whacker but it is true. There will be a report in the press this week about a merger between the 2 Leagues and a proposal as to where finals will be played etc. This is the best thing to happen for years as ther are other Leagues in the area that have big problems but wont face them!!!!!
  21. F

    Lexton Plains Football League Part 2

    Heard a rumour that Carngham Linton have a new coach that is an ex Central Highlands forward. Any truth in the rumours?????????????? The other rumour is that the big fish is going back to Lexton!!!!! I remember those amazing half time coaches sprays in the club rooms at Tigerland. Any other...
  22. F

    Lexton Plains Football League Part 2

    The Grand Final is deffinately at Learmonth. There would be no way that The Grand Final will ever be played at any of the club grounds. A number of leagues now play their Grand Final at another leagues ground - Maryborough Dist. etc, Central Highlands. All money from finals gates goes back...
  23. F

    Lexton Plains Football League Part 2

    Jason Hill got 9 votes in the Courier comp by the way??? What a turn up for the books. Central Highlands are playing their GF at North Ballarat ground and their netballers voted to go to Learmonth and not play at Wend courts!!!!!!! The LPFL board were thinking the same but logistically it...
  24. F

    Lexton Plains Football League Part 2

    I agree with you OSB but I cannot see this league going to a final 4. Lets hope the review of the Lexton Plains League and the other leagues enables us to get 2, 3 or 4 teams into the league in the near future
  25. F

    Lexton Plains Football League Part 2

    Well what a weekend of footy. If Rokewood was a race horse you would have an inquiry into its performance!!!!! Favourite against Ararat and getting done then a week later a complete turn around and beating the top team!!!! Every league has a team that sits in 5th that just makes up the numbers...
  26. F

    Lexton Plains Football League Part 2

    What an upset .Rokewood 12 goals 11 points were BEATEN that's right beaten by Ararat 15 goals 5 behinds. Was a hard fought game with blues skies no rain or wind but a team that was more desperate and tackled more to get the ball. If they win the next 2 games then they can be in the 5 and...
  27. F

    Lexton Plains Football League Part 2

    Some upsets and close games and blow outs!!! Ther was a howling gale at Rokewood and no rain with Natte close at half time but Rokewood ran away with it in the second half. The umpires didn't help with 12 frees to Natte and 4 to Rokewood in the last quarter!!! What about the Eagles!! No goals...
  28. F

    Lexton Plains Football League Part 2

    Apparently it was Nijam and no reports but Rokewood might put a complaint into the League about the incident.
  29. F

    Lexton Plains Football League Part 2

    Heard that rumour also. If it it is true then will blow their chances out of the water for the finals.Gibbo played in the seniors but didn't kick any goals. May help to open up thier forward line and just go for it. Rokewood were very ordinary against Lexton so with C/L if they are fit and all...
  30. F

    Lexton Plains Football League Part 2

    Dropped in to Lexton to Rokewood play Lexton to see an interesting game. In fact a schmozzle. 10 mins before three quarter time a brawl broke out an umpire ( maybe from Maryborogh) YELLOW CARDED 5 and sent off 5 Rokewood players and 2 Lexton players. So Rokewood played with 13 players and Lexton...