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  1. justthedukes

    Working Visas

    Has anyone had any success with a working visa for the USA? Ive heard its quite tough?
  2. justthedukes

    Player X vs Player Y Thread

    Got about $380k for one midfielder. Was thinking either Vince, Ling, Hill, Foley. Anyone got any thoughts on it? Or any better options at that price.
  3. justthedukes

    FTA-TV Curb Your Enthusiasm

    Does anyone know where I can get the box sets of all the seasons so far? I know there was a set released, but I cant find it anywhere anymore. Hoping it will be re released coming into xmas, with hopefully season 7 on it.
  4. justthedukes

    Your favourite things in the US

    Thanks mate
  5. justthedukes

    Your favourite things in the US

    Heading over to San Fran in Jan. With all the people talking about it, obviously going to do the Alcatraz tour, should I book in advance or can I just do it on the day? If I need to book, what is the best company to do it through? Had a look at a few websites, but they look pretty dodgy. I...
  6. justthedukes

    Your favourite things in the US

    Is it easy to get from Vegas to the Canyon? Would most hotels have bus services that go out there every day? Has anyone ever heard of a chopper ride that you can book that goes from your hotel to the Canyon? A mate mentioned to me...
  7. justthedukes

    Going to an NBA game?

    How does StubHub work? Do they e-mail you the tickets or post it out? Ideally I would want them before I get to the U.S, so I dont need to worry about it when Im there. Also, is it definitely legit? I shouldnt have any issues with it?
  8. justthedukes

    Your favourite things in the US

    Going for a quick trip to the US end of the year. L.A on the 24th for 5 nights Vegas for 4 nights (including NYE) NY for 6 nights Washington for 3 nights Chicago for 3 nights Anyone got any tips for me? What do I need to do before I leave? Visa? Also, is the drive from L.A to Vegas any...
  9. justthedukes

    "plugged in not charging"

    I know this has happened to me a few times, and Ive just taken the battery out, given it a quick clean, back in and it's 'plugged in and charging'.
  10. justthedukes

    Going to an NBA game?

    Would I be any chance for L.A vs. Miami, boxing day???
  11. justthedukes

    Good Vibrations 2011

    Does it ussually sell out pretty quickly? Or I have got a day or two to get tickets? On sale Thursday right?
  12. justthedukes

    iphone - new model?

    Does anyone know of a decent app to keep track of kilometers driven etc? For work reimbursement purposes...
  13. justthedukes

    Tertiary and Continuing Sports Management

    I did a Bachelor of Sports Management and now work in Community Development at an AFL club, and as stated, it's all about the volunteer experience's you get during your studies. There is noway you can graduate and slot straight into a job. Most of the time the jobs go to people already in the...
  14. justthedukes

    The US of A

    I'm hoping to head over there end of this year, for at least 2 months. What would be the best cities to visit?
  15. justthedukes

    Computers & Internet Paypal Account Hacked

    Tried calling them, and it was one of the worst phone services ever. Took ages to finally be able to speak to an actual person, and even after I did she didnt even answer my god damn question. I wouldnt use paypal, but most sellers on ebay only use paypal these days, which isnt ideal.
  16. justthedukes

    Computers & Internet Paypal Account Hacked

    This shit happened to me a few weeks ago, I haven't accessed my paypal account for at least 7 or 8 months, and I got e-mails saying I got a receipt for my payment then I had to provide information regarding the case etc. I was away when it all happened, I was just getting these e-mails, tried...
  17. justthedukes

    Jolly to Collingwood done deal

    Lake signed mate
  18. justthedukes

    FTA-TV Curb Your Enthusiasm

    Wow the first couple episodes of the new season have been nothing short of brilliant.
  19. justthedukes

    Lake cooling on Bulldogs

    Got nothing to do with the cap mate. I would assume the money would go to helping get a break even this year.
  20. justthedukes

    Tertiary and Continuing help

    AFL Legend- I did my dip of sport recreation, and then did a bachelor of rec management, and am now doing community development at an afl club in melbourne. How much experience in the industry have you had doing your diploma? Your not gonna get a decent job without already having contacts. One...
  21. justthedukes

    Max Bailey ACL - CONFIRMED OUT FOR 2010

    I think it will be harder for him to get back mentally rather than physically. It would be so tough to stay positive.
  22. justthedukes

    Does Cryril have 2nd year Blues?

    You idiot
  23. justthedukes

    Saints GF tickets..

    You just have to keep your eyes open. I missed out on the ballot but got one from a bloke on here. There will be a few with extra tickets on here that are willing to sell them, if your lucky like me they wont ask for anything more than the ticket price. I remember last year I got one on here...
  24. justthedukes

    FTA-TV Entourage Season 6

    When does it air over in the U.S? Torrents should be out soon yeah...
  25. justthedukes


    Re: faaarrrrrrrrkkk!!! ****ing hell. As has been stated, we are messing around with it way too much. Give our forwards a chance! This game, on top of what is the worst commentary ever, is shithouse. "How's the weather down there" "It's's pretty bad" Wow...thanks....
  26. justthedukes

    FTA-TV Flight of the Conchords - Season 2

    Anyone know when it's released on DVD? Missed the first few, so will probaly watch it all at once on DVD, and really cbfd torrents
  27. justthedukes

    FTA-TV Entourage Season 6

    Can't wait for it. That 'promo' is sh*thouse though. Hopefully the writers go in a different direction this season. Especially after the end of the last season, where Vince gets a Scorsese movie after getting fired. Rubbish.
  28. justthedukes

    FTA-TV Curb Your Enthusiasm

    I'm pretty sure they actually had a live audience. If I recall correctly, on the extras on the dvd's, they actually had to try and stop the amount of laughter that was going on on-set.
  29. justthedukes

    Mills, Nevill, Baynes & Ingles NBA draft prediction thread.

    I don't think Ingles will get drafted, but it wouldn't surprise me if he does. He's biggest asset is his versatility, he can run an offense and play 1,2 and 3 if needed. Though I think scouts might just look past him, hopefully they dont though. Mills to go early second round.
  30. justthedukes

    The Official Eastern Conference Finals Thread

    What the hell was that! Basically avoided human contact to avoid the score today and was quite happy with myself then hear that ad that gave the result away, still was an awesome game to see regardless, but geez that was shthouse.