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  1. Markthirtytwo2

    Strategy Season Expectations

    See above.
  2. Markthirtytwo2

    Strategy Season Expectations

    I know, it was for him to pick it up. Thanks for the offer though.
  3. Markthirtytwo2

    Strategy Season Expectations

    You've forgotten? And your punctuation is pretty poor, your missing a comma.
  4. Markthirtytwo2

    Strategy Season Expectations

    Looks like I've lost my crown.
  5. Markthirtytwo2

    GBU vs Gws

    I thought Hartigan was marginally worse yesterday.
  6. Markthirtytwo2

    Strategy Season Expectations

    Leadership is one that is head and shoulders more important what you mentioned that would help in all three.
  7. Markthirtytwo2

    Roast Spud DMAC: 200 games of potatoes coming your way

    No you are, and as that's the best you can come up with, it's good night from me, and good night from him.
  8. Markthirtytwo2

    Roast Spud DMAC: 200 games of potatoes coming your way

    If I'm the king your the queen.
  9. Markthirtytwo2

    Roast Spud DMAC: 200 games of potatoes coming your way

    Well it got you to bite.
  10. Markthirtytwo2

    Roast Spud DMAC: 200 games of potatoes coming your way

    Edit: Ah I see he's fooled quite a lot of you early on in his career you just didn't want me to read it.
  11. Markthirtytwo2

    Roast Spud DMAC: 200 games of potatoes coming your way

    So tonight wasn't just a one off?
  12. Markthirtytwo2

    Roast Spud DMAC: 200 games of potatoes coming your way

    If he's been so bad over his career, why is this a new thread? Should there be an old one or two to bump?
  13. Markthirtytwo2

    Analysis Death-Riding Melbourne 2018 (now with poll)

    I was just going to ask to change the title of this little gem. Just beat me to it.
  14. Markthirtytwo2

    Political Discussion part #2 - Let’s go out for 10 Big Macs at the Engadine Maccas!!

    Only a w***er would say that though.
  15. Markthirtytwo2

    Political Discussion part #2 - Let’s go out for 10 Big Macs at the Engadine Maccas!!

    But think of this way, if the ABC didn't show these numpties, you'd have nothing to complain about. But then again........................
  16. Markthirtytwo2

    Mod. Notice Expression of Interest - New Moderators

    I bet that would prick someone's ears up if that happens. Edit: It would be hilarious if you both got the gig. Perhaps I might nominate them as well.
  17. Markthirtytwo2

    Injury Brad Crouch out for the year? #@%!

    Holy mackerel.
  18. Markthirtytwo2

    Music you are listening to at the moment thread

    I suppose most of you would have come across videos like "best of................. in the world" e.g. best rock drummer, 10 ten soul songs, etc. and 99% of the time they come from the northern hemisphere. And when it comes to guitarists, of course everyone has their own opinions and genre that...
  19. Markthirtytwo2

    Political Discussion part #2 - Let’s go out for 10 Big Macs at the Engadine Maccas!!

    Only new on here, I don't know if or when someone uses a term I've used for decades.
  20. Markthirtytwo2

    Political Discussion part #2 - Let’s go out for 10 Big Macs at the Engadine Maccas!!

    Especially when you sit on the right hand side of Genghis Khan and Attila the Hun.
  21. Markthirtytwo2

    Political Discussion part #2 - Let’s go out for 10 Big Macs at the Engadine Maccas!!

    I'm starting to get a handle on a majority of politicians from all parties and how I like or dislike them. Whilst I can't stand her, there's even somethings Pauline Hanson says I find myself agreeing with.
  22. Markthirtytwo2

    Political Discussion part #2 - Let’s go out for 10 Big Macs at the Engadine Maccas!!

    At least we make it up with the cost of living in other categories though surely.
  23. Markthirtytwo2

    Music you are listening to at the moment thread

    One of my favourites from them
  24. Markthirtytwo2

    Political Discussion part #2 - Let’s go out for 10 Big Macs at the Engadine Maccas!!

    Deflection as usual. All I asked was because I'm unclear what YOU mean.
  25. Markthirtytwo2

    Political Discussion part #2 - Let’s go out for 10 Big Macs at the Engadine Maccas!!

    Would you say it's the dog wagging the tail?