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  1. R

    08 No. 1 ticket holder

    Maybe you should re-group at the dockerland bashing/zombie/death metal/chuck norris board. It's that way ^ Whinging about Dockerland does not equate to Docker discussion.
  2. R

    08 No. 1 ticket holder

    Huh? how many hundreds of threads do you want? If wanna see something really embarrassing head over to wehavethepoison. I checked it out a while ago. Their idea of preseason discussion is a single thread of pasted newspaper articles and training reports from bigfooty...
  3. R

    08 No. 1 ticket holder

    Dockerland >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Bigfooty Bigfooty is 60% school kids and 30% inneffectual losers who troll to get out aggression pent up from being picked on at school. There are a few decent posters, but most of the garbage here is just teen agnst with a slight footy focus.
  4. R

    Why Can't I get Excited?

    You're scrambling a bit now by setting an arbitrary figure of "four goals every four games" as the benchmark for taking pressure off Pav. That would equate to about 24 for the season. Tarrant kicked 30+ goals for the season, set up a shitload more, and Pav had his best ever tally. Seems pretty...
  5. R

    Why Can't I get Excited?

    Comparing Farmer to Tarrant in terms of taking pressure off Pav is another strange move. Tarrant is a power forward, like Pav, whereas Farmer is a crumber. I thought that was pretty obvious. You still seem keen to paint Tarrant as the major dissappointment of 07, perhaps as a means to have a...
  6. R

    Why Can't I get Excited?

    Tarrant seems a strange example. Most people expected a decent output from Tarrant as well as him taking the load of Pav and allowing him to dominate. That is what eventuated. Your final eight acceptance mark seems to illustrate the point. You have clearly lowered the bar yourself. Last year...
  7. R

    Why Can't I get Excited?

    I honestly think that last year people began deluding themselves into thinking that our woes last year were all the coaches fault. When Harvey was appointed began telling themselves that success was now inevitable. Now, after a mediocre pre-seaon, people are beginning to look at the big picture...
  8. R

    Thoughts On Today's Match v Adelaide

    Classic! To be fair Dom he's just spinning out the same generalisations about Des you have been spouting for years. You have called Des a frontrunner more than anyone in BF history!
  9. R

    David Mundy

    It shows that you are not a great judge of character on the footy field.
  10. R

    David Mundy

    Then again you once also labelled Mcmanus a "pea-heart", didn't you Sabre?
  11. R

    Countdown 2

    Re: Countdown Not sure if this has been mentioned before....,26634,5014938,00.html ...but I am filled with apprehension about your new blogging role I.P. Before you know it you could be sitting a plush offices at the slimes with Haggers...
  12. R

    Daniel Gilmore 08?

    For Gilmore? I want to see him well, I really do. I just think that placing Goodes-like (even poor mans Goodes-like) expectations on a 25 year old who has been in system so long is raising the bar a bit too high. 15 or so solid games in 08 would amount to Gilmore's best season so far...
  13. R

    another off season thread - best at...

    Yep, that'll sure learn em. :rolleyes:
  14. R

    Byron Schammer

    Are you suggesting gimpy?
  15. R

    another off season thread - best at...

    Hey Rip, could we re-name and sticky this thread. Perhaps we could call it, "How to hijack a positive thread and turn it into a slagfest of my favourite scapegoat -The Jeffnakor way!" Could be a good training tool for future Freo trolls.
  16. R

    another off season thread - best at...

    School holiday spelling lesson #1 loser Example: 88mph is a loser who has nothing better do than waste his school holidays posting crap on a Freo message board. looser Example: 88mph has a Mum who is looser than a baggy green cap. You wouldn't want to slip up and accidentally call your...
  17. R

    3 Other Questions

    So he punished with stern words as opposed to stern words and a lengthy (and costly in terms of lost match payments) suspension. I know which one is harsher and it isn't the one handed down by the new, supposedly stricter, regime. It's debatable whether letting Famer off easy was the...
  18. R


    Same as the moderator election thread hey? IIRC it had 300 replies in a day yet you closed it down because it had "run its course". Yet earlier you suggested that GJ's thread are proven as valid discussion points based on the number of replies. It seems that the standard of posting on this...
  19. R


    Obviously the club condone Bells training regime and gave the ok for him to skip the photo shot as well. I am starting to seriously doubt judgement Sabre, if you can't see how these topics are in exactly the same vein as GJ's Bell and JLo "the cancer" topics. Your idea of what is a...
  20. R


    What's next though. Threads like: "Is Pav the worst captain in the AFL?" Based on the fact his becoming captain coincided with a very underachieving season. "Is Jeff Farmer a cancerous influence on the FCC?" Based on his off-field indiscretions. "Is Mark Harvey a eating at the moral...
  21. R

    3 Other Questions

    I just get bemused by people continually saying that Harvey is the strictest coach we have ever had, as far disciplining players goes. To me the Farmer non-punishment is a glaring contradiction to this that everybody seems to ignore.
  22. R


    There are a lot of blatant lies you guys inevitably miss though. For example the post in that "Does Peter Bell think he is bigger than the FFC?" thread where GJ lies by saying that clubs "don't quarantine players when they get a cold". This is absolute B.S. just made up on the spot. The...
  23. R

    one player steps out of line - whole team is punished.

    I don't agree. Personally I'd be dissappointed if something I'd said in private ended up on a public forum whether I was attached to it or not. Posting rumours from un-named sources is poor form every day of the week and people should be called on it. It doesn't matter whether it is a...
  24. R

    one player steps out of line - whole team is punished.

    And broadcasting private conversations on public forums?
  25. R

    3 Other Questions

    I really don't see that. He failed to drop Farmer after the Burswood incident. No matter how people look at it (or choose to ignore it) this compromised his position as a strict disciplinarian. A few weeks later a bunch of senior players got on the turps and were late/no shows for a...
  26. R

    one player steps out of line - whole team is punished.

    Why would it be unfair to name your source? If he wasn't sworn to secrecy then it is no big deal. If he was sworn to secrecy then you should name and shame the guy for not being able to keep his yap shut about team matters.
  27. R

    For DTers.... Andrew Foster

    Try searching this forum for The Brock Thread. You'll find a detailed and impatartial view of young Brock there.
  28. R

    3 Other Questions

    The reputation of Peter Bell obviously counts for something. Also, Harvey played Farmer the week after his last indiscretion, when he had supposedly already used up his last chance. If you chiding Gav for asking questions of Harvey prior the mid-season break, you should probably hold off on...
  29. R


    Who is defending it? I haven't sung Dockerlands praises, I have just said what it is. I realize that many people have been offended by Dockerland and now see it something evil masterminded by evil powers, but in reality it is a site created by a hardcore Docker fan for hardcore Docker fans...
  30. R


    That is exactly what I'm saying mate. If it offends you then don't expose yourself to it by visiting. It is not going change and by rights the owner doesn't have change it. Slinging mud at it from another site is just pointless whinging. To all those who think that the world has suffered...