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  1. L

    Opinion Favourite 5 Brisbane Bears/Lions of all time

    Too many to keep it to 5. 1. Voss 2. Johnson 3. White 4. Power 5. Champion 6. Brown 7. Black 8. Leppitsch 9. Akermanis 10. Scott twins 11. Lynch and so the list goes on.
  2. L

    Voss It Is...

    This is sooooo exciting. There was lots of cheering in our household tonight when we got home and found out. You are a champion in every way Michael Voss and I am so glad you are back with us, where you belong. If you coach the same way you played then we'll have no worries. You are a...
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    Leigh's Replacement

    Firstly I am devastated that Lethal is leaving but my choice to replace him would be Vossy. I know he hasn't coached at senior level but from memory he did coach the cubs when he broke his leg a number of seasons back. Having said that there are a few others on the list who are interesting such...
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    Jon Brown says he's staying

    :)Fantastic news about Browny although I never thought he was going. He has too much Lions blood running through him to leave. I am devastated by Leigh's news though!!:( He will be so hard to replace!!
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    Don't Panic

    This is a great thread Duritz!! Although we were hurting after last week's loss (I'm still a bit stunned by it all) it is so important to find positive's from our season. We are a great team with great players and we have a great future. Life is too short to find negative's all the time. By...
  6. L

    Goodbye Browny

    Browny is not going anywhere. His history and tie with the Lions is just too strong. Look what he said to Luke when he was thinking of leaving. You don't really believe that a bloke like Browny (and what a champion he is, both off and on the field) would change in his belief. I certainly don't...
  7. L

    Votes - Round 14 vs Demons

    Can I vote like this. 5-Power 4-Power 3-Power 2-Power 1-Power I guess not. Here are my votes 5-Power 4-Brown 3-Hooper 2-Black 1-Selwood
  8. L

    AFL Round 14 Melbourne V Brisbane Lions Official Thread

    Thanks goodness we are only 3 points behind now. :thumbsu: Can we go on from here? I hope so!! Terrible, terrible footy in the first quarter. :( It was like they were already thinking about their weekend off. Come on boys!!:)
  9. L

    Votes - Round 13 vs Crows

    Not sure if I'm allowed to vote but here are mine!! 5 - Power 4 - Brennan 3 - Patfull 2 - Clark 1 - McGrath
  10. L

    Favourite Players From Other Clubs

    Andy McLeod has always been a favourite - just love his natural skill and his ability to do something special with the ball almost every time he touches it.
  11. L

    If you could have one player back, who would it be?

    Current players - definitely Craig Bolton. Past players - Richard Champion - he was a real champion!!!!
  12. L

    Favourite Past Players

    This is a hard one. So many to choose from!! 5. Darryl White 4. Michael Voss 3. Magic McLean 2. Chris Johnson 1. Richard Champion
  13. L

    Your Top 5 Favourite Current Lions

    1. Power 2. Adcock 3. Roe 4. Corrie 5. Black My son's Favourites 1. Brown 2. Bradshaw 3. Power 4. Adcock 5. Notting
  14. L

    Can you help me please?

    Thanks for your help!! A friend from Brissie who is friendly with a couple of the players found out where it was for me, and yes we did manage to make it. Although it was disappointing that they moved it indoors after only a few minutes of rain.
  15. L

    Can you help me please?

    Does anyone have any information about the footy clinic on Sunday morning for the kids. I filled the forms in for my son and sent them back but forgot to write down where it is and what time it starts. Its been a couple of years since we've been so my memory is a bit vague. Can you help please...
  16. L

    New Lions Away Jumper is here

    I messed my previous post up. This quote was meant to be attached to it!! "Jumper looked good, i can't understand how people can say that it should always have Maroon on it and that the bears shouldn't be forgotten. The fact of the matter is that Fitrzoy was 100 years older then the...
  17. L

    New Lions Away Jumper is here

    Unfortunately its comments like this that further divide the Lions fans. :thumbsd: We should stick together as one groups (Brisbane Lions) and support our boys, not matter what they wear!!
  18. L

    New Lions Away Jumper is here

    so will I... I am a Brisbane Lions supporter without the Fitzroy connection and I go to mainly Melbourne matches. I want to still be able to see our great jumper (with maroon, not red) that we won our 01, 02, 03 premierships in. I think we should be moving forward, not backwards. Leave the...
  19. L

    New Lions Away Jumper is here

    Re: Lions to Launch new Away Jumper I agree. We are the Brisbane Lions now. I also think that we need to think of our young supporters. There are so many children / teens who support the Brisbane Lions because they won 3 premierships and appeared in a fourth. Not because their parents supported...
  20. L

    Flashback of Hawks game

    I sat in the sunshine at the Gabba and watched the Bears come back and beat the Hawks. I was also there on Saturday night (with my son) in the pouring rain watching the Lions do the same thing. A fantastic game!!! I gave my son the option of going home at 3/4 time as we were drenched but as any...
  21. L

    How many on this board are regular interstate travelers?

    Not many of us about in Mount Gambier, although having said that I think we are growing in population. Lots of the kids down here love the Lions. If they keep winning we could start our own supporter base here!!!
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    Who is playing footy this season?

    My 8 year old is playing Junior footy for the first time this year. He'll play at half time when West Gambier play at home and also for his school. He is footy mad and doesn't go anywhere without a footy in his hand. He is so excited about being able to play 'real' footy this year!!:D:D:D
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    What do we all do for a job

    I am a teacher and have been forever!!! Good I get to spend the holidays with my son. I really enjoy working with children. I get to work in different parts of Australia. I love learning new things and thats is always happening in education if you let it. Bad I hate the politics that come with...
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    At the moment we have a beautiful grey black tabby cat called Tom who is 3 and a bit. We also have 2 gorgeous puppies. Matilda is a Jack Russell (also has no off button) and Charlie is a Maltese. They are both 5 months and keep us very busy and entertained. :D:D I don't know how to put photos...
  25. L

    How many on this board are regular interstate travelers?

    When I lived in Queensland before my son was born I used to travel to Adelaide, Sydney and Melbourne to watch the Bears/Lions on a very regular basis. Now I'm back in SA I get to Adelaide once a year (approx 500km) and I try to get to Melbourne twice a year (approx 500km) usually to the matches...
  26. L

    Where will we finish in 2008?

    If we can stay injury free, top 4 for me.:)
  27. L

    Getting to know you!

    Hi! Although I've been watching and reading for a while I'm reasonably new to posting so I thought I'd add to this one. Cheers! 1. Place of Birth - Naracoorte, SA 2. Nickname as a kid and now - Possum as a kid, none now! 3. Person you would most like to sit next to in a plane and why - Elvis...
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    Celebrity Name game

  29. L

    Annual Melbourne Road Trip

    We'll probably go to the matches where there are family activities attached as that way my 7 year old gets to meet some of the players. Also as it takes us approx 6 hours to get to Melbourne it gives him something to talk about for morning talk the next week. I'd also like to go to the Bulldogs...
  30. L

    Nicest/Rudest Lions players you've met

    Two of the nicest would have to be Luke and Vossy. I used to take lots of children to training in Brisbane and they always took the time out to talk to the children, sign autographs and have their photo taken. Absolute gems!! I remember one pre season training many moons ago when Vossy had his...