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  1. F

    List Mgmt. Trade & Draft Discussion 2023 post season - Picks Reid,30,40,49,66 (Bush league)

    Why? To make Gaff and Sheed look better? On Pixel 6 Pro using mobile app
  2. F

    List Mgmt. Trade & Draft Discussion 2023 post season - Picks Reid,30,40,49,66 (Bush league)

    If we are so keen to strike a trade with the Hawks for Brockman, could that mean we are eyeing off someone else in the PSD? I WILL lose my shit if it gets to the PSD Draft and they announce that we are on the clock, to which we reply with "pass." On Pixel 6 Pro using mobile app
  3. F

    Big Cricket Thread

    Onya Greeny! On Pixel 6 Pro using mobile app
  4. F

    Analysis The Case for Plan B and how it can be done

    Such a well written, and put together piece. Really interesting. If I were you, I'd be expecting a call from Simmo and his boys asking you to jump on board.
  5. F

    Game Day Collingwood vs West Coast Eagles on Saturday 31st of July 2021 @TBA

    Tend to agree. Not quite as bullish as you though. Eagles by 20 goals for mine
  6. F

    Prediction 2021 Premiers - West Coast Eagles

    Look, I'm just jumping on in this thread for the sexual favour. Can't wait!
  7. F

    Review Negatives vs North Melbourne

    Simmo is gonna crack the whip this week, I can just feel it.... OUT: Edwards IN: Vardy
  8. F

    Game Day West Coast Eagles vs. Sydney Swans - Round 16

    Yep agreed. We got this! Eags by 10 goals!
  9. F

    Game Day Round 6 : West Coast v Geelong Sat 24/4 @ Graveyard Stadium

    I can see the presser now.. Simo: After that performance, heads are going to roll out the selection table, you can guarantee that... One week later... Simo: Yeah, we decided to send Ainsworth back to the WAFL this week. No other changes.
  10. F

    Game Day Round 6 : West Coast v Geelong Sat 24/4 @ Graveyard Stadium

    Bring Ainsworth on!!!
  11. F

    Game Day AFL R2 vs Gold Coast @ Metricon 5:40pm AWST 13 June 2020

    I don't strongly disagree with this comment, based on tonight's performance...
  12. F

    Game Day AFL R2 vs Gold Coast @ Metricon 5:40pm AWST 13 June 2020

    Slight over reaction there champ. First game back after two months off. Bit much to say the assistants are the reason we got to where we were.
  13. F

    Game Day SEMI-FINAL: West Coast Eagles vs Geelong

    So, what's been happening? Are we on tonight?!? Just switched over from the Boomers [emoji25]
  14. F

    Prediction The Round 23 Equation: Where do we finish

    Fingers crossed their run of seven HOME games, finally catches up with them...
  15. F

    Game Day West Coast vs "The Campaigners"

    Willie sez "I got this guys"
  16. F

    Game Day West Coast vs "The Campaigners"

    Darling has gone MIA since the first. Find Jack, find our mojo...
  17. F

    Game Day West Coast vs "The Campaigners"

    Missed the Eddie countdown this quarter...
  18. F

    Game Day West Coast vs "The Campaigners"

    This is enough to bring me to tears [emoji24]
  19. F

    Game Day West Coast vs "The Campaigners"

    Geez, Gaff is having a stinker so far..
  20. F

    Game Day Rnd 16: Derby 50 - West Coast vs Fremantle

    Cracks a whipping [emoji1787]
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    Game Day Round 14: West Coast Vs Essendon

    Yep, the commentary has gone to an all time low. Mute.
  22. F

    Game Day Round 10: Reigning Premiers Vs Plodding Crows

    More like no Masten, no West Coast!!!
  23. F

    Game Day Rd 9: West Coast vs Melbourne - Who Would Have Thought The Sequel...

    I reckon the umpires will get us over the line here... GO UMPIRES!
  24. F

    Changes: Gold Coast vs Fold Coast

    Games gone past half of them...
  25. F

    Changes: Gold Coast vs Fold Coast

    I'm with you Balls In. Us Balls have gotta stick together! Seriously though... Did they look at the team and just go "yep, that bloody Brander, drop him and we win that game..." Disappointing to say the least, feel sorry for the kid. He shall forever be known as the GOAT. The scapeGOAT.
  26. F

    Essendon fans booing.

    In an interview with Sidebottom after the game, the commentators asked what he thought of the booing of Pendlebury. He summed it up perfectly with a "who cares?" At the end of the day, who does care? A few irrelevant football commentators who want to shape the game??? Let the fans boo I say!
  27. F

    Game Day Round V, 2019: The Lycett Strikes Back (West Coast vs. Port)

    When we play bad, the likes of Masten, Cole and Duggan look horrible. When we play well, they're more like, meh...
  28. F

    Game Day Round V, 2019: The Lycett Strikes Back (West Coast vs. Port)

    Maybe time to experiment a little? God only knows what we have going on now isn't working... Love to see Allen get a run through the middle. Have Darling come in off a wing maybe? Give Duggan a prolonged run on the ball also... Game over, try something...