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  1. P

    Recruitment and Preseason 2011

    Given his transfer went through 2 months ago and Hump has already mentioned this, I'm sure your sources are correct. I hope your not slipping them cash for "inside information".
  2. P

    Recruitment and Preseason 2011

    I'm not following the Upwey reference? Nor the whole last paragraph for that matter...
  3. P

    Yarra Valley-Mountain District FL Discussion Forum 3

    Good try and maybe I'm wrong, but I dare say you're looking at the same cricket team, but a different bloke. It was hardly the world's hardest cypher to work out either Moin, but I appreciate your work none the less.
  4. P

    Yarra Valley-Mountain District FL Discussion Forum 3

    Nuffy alert! Nuffy alert!
  5. P


    Any reason why he is transferring in the first place then?
  6. P


    Once again James Reid has transferred out of Olinda rather than face the prospect of playing Division 1 footy. Can't imagine they would be too keen to sign him back if they slip back down next year (not that I can see that happening).
  7. P


    Powelly has no choice but to fight it. If clubs are just going to let players walk out on contracts, then why sign them in the first place. Even if they know they are eventually going to let him go, they'll have to make him fight for it, otherwise players will think they can just sign a contract...
  8. P

    Yarra Valley-Mountain District FL Discussion Forum 3

    Yep, it's standard practice that first team to enter the granny gets home rooms regardless of who's ground it is.
  9. P

    Yarra Valley - Mountain District FL Forum 2

    So what happens if Upwey and Monbulk both finish bottom in divy 1, or Wandin and Silvan? Who goes to the further league? Or will they just change teams about to make it work (whichh would defeat the purpose of the relegation system if the league just shuffles clubs around anyway). Given that in...
  10. P

    Div One: 2009 Tipping Competition - Winner: Derby103

    Re: Division One: 2009 Tipping Competition I know I'm not a tipster, but I've got to comment on the Silvan vs Alexandra match. A close game!? Not a chance! No offence to Alex, but Silvan will have no trouble with them and win by 100+.
  11. P

    Yarra Valley - Mountain District FL Forum 2

    Probably right Monniehawk, but I'd suggest the complete arrogance that certain individuals within side have shown has rubbed many an individual and club up the wrong way. As you said, they weren't the first, and they won't be the last to spend money to win a flag as it is basically a given that...
  12. P

    Yarra Valley - Mountain District FL Forum 2

    It seems the main diehard Silvan player that used to leap to the defence of the club and it's "professionalism" grew slightly disgruntled and finds himself playing at another club this year. Wonder how many other locals will hang around when the going gets tough.
  13. P

    Yarra Valley - Mountain District FL Forum 2

    The league records proclamation that "Mount Evelyn is the real deal!" is a bit rich isn't it? 2 games in with a loss to Silvan and a thumping of the wooden spoon favourites hardly suggested they had become world beaters. Now a loss to Monbulk at home to back it up suggests they are not quite...
  14. P

    2009 Interleague Squad

    Super thinking guys. Perhaps they should wait until the week before the game to name the squad? Maybe a quick ring around on the morning of the game? What's wrong with naming an early squad and making ammendements as blokes perform in the next couple of weeks. At least that way you get some of...
  15. P

    Yarra Valley - Mountain District FL Forum 2

    Gee, Silvan must be stoked. Haven't lost a game for a year and a half (probably 2-3 years since they went down at home too), lost some but gained a couple of guns from 1st divy EFL and the WAFL, and barely rate a mention! Somehow they've snuck under the radar. Hoping like most they don't get up...
  16. P

    Yarra Valley - Mountain District FL Forum 2

    Fair point TottallyTrue but the spread isn't there. Healsville has only had 9 coming and goings (and that includes 6 juniors coming up),while Upwey has 30+ (including juniors). That's a fair descrepency from the two clubs who played in the prelim last year. Also, some clubs like Woori have a lot...
  17. P

    Yarra Valley - Mountain District FL Forum 2

    Wouldn't put too much stock in practice matches unless you were there and you can see who is playing. Don't think Silvan will field a team bad enough to lose to the blues too often during the real season... but here's hoping. Any word on player movements. Some clubs being very quiet on the...
  18. P

    Yarra Valley - Mountain District FL Forum 2

    Hey Catzz, a quick English/French lesson... touché (French: touched, Pronounced Too-shay) is used as an acknowledgement of a hit, i.e. good call. touchy easily upset, liable to become or make somebody angry or upset. Wouldn't turn down too many compliments on here Catzz, they're few and...
  19. P

    Yarra Valley Mountain District FL Forum

    Spot on auskickrules, though not convinced about the Woori/MtEve game and will lean towards the home team. Upwey should take care of the much improved Healesville team. Probably been playing the best footy out of all the challengers at the moment (though Healesville would also be close). Silvan...
  20. P

    Yarra Valley Mountain District FL Forum

    Actually, make it 20 goals.
  21. P

    Yarra Valley Mountain District FL Forum

    You can tell your friends they are living in fantasy land. The standard of EFL divy 4 is terrible. There is absolutely no chance any divy 4 side would get within 10 goals of the top 6 in our Divy 1. Hard to believe they are actually serious.