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  1. R

    List Mgmt. Brady Rawlings | Head of Football Talent (Recruitment, LM & TPP)

    Why are people saying he turned *** into Sheez and Wardlaw? We already had pick 1, and *. We turned Pick 1 and * into Sheez, Wardaw and prob a pick around 12.
  2. R

    List Mgmt. Ben Amarfio - has resigned as our CEO - Thank you Ben

    Gotta say disappointed as well. Clearly very astute commercially given the partnerships with government and the financial position. Classy letter as well I thought. I would have thought a commercial CEO and Viney as the football guy would have covered both bases quite well provided they could...
  3. R

    Past #22: Todd Goldstein - has advised NMFC he will seek opportunity at Essendon in '24 - 316 NM games/156 goals/'15 SBM/'15 AA/most hitouts in lge history

    Agree, Basti Patch Lachie McMahon Black Gibson Swallow Quite a few in front of goldy. Daw didn't do much better in ruck. Game was lost in midfield, goldy got beaten and our mids could not rove without pill down their throats.
  4. R

    Preview Changes next week

    Outs are meh Ins are disappointing BUT we are North, we have won a grand final with a Shannon Motlop and a Stuart Anderson FFS. We can win tonight if we apply ourselves.
  5. R

    Preview Changes vs Adelaide

    Seriously? I was at the game and saw the replay. While it wasn't his worst game, there were several plays where he gets the ball and helicopters a kick or hand pass to someone about to be tackled. His tackling has improved but under pressure he is probably the worst player in our team. He...
  6. R

    Roast Body language

    Not just this game, most games where we are the mr Hyde this happens
  7. R

    Past #3: Ryan Bastinac - traded to Brisbane for picks 17, 26, 28 & 47 (NMFC loses 34, 38, 40 & 2016 R3)

    Really well said. We are mentally soft. We can match it with most teams but so not have the desire
  8. R

    Past #1: Daniel Currie - officially traded to Gold Coast in exchange for a third round selection (#53)

    Serious? In the first qtr we won just about every hit out. Our mids were constantly second to the ball. We smashed them in the ruck. But our mids were terrible. Our problem lies with the midfield as a group.
  9. R

    Tackling Question

    Also gotta say that we have been much better with sticking tackles this year. If the rule interpretation was the same as last year we would have significantly more holding the ball calls.
  10. R

    Tonight's banner.

    People need to get a grip, yes it was clumsy. The nek menit bit was silly. But it was not intentional disrespect to Tom more like poor presentation.
  11. R

    OBJECTIVE opinions requested

    That's what worries me the most! To answer your original question, we will win some, but will not go far in Sept even if we make the 8.
  12. R

    Review Post-match discussion vs Bombers [39 point loss]

    Agree, I was there with a North supporter and an * supporter and we all couldn't believe that the players just jogged back to the square. It was so low energy it was scary. I heard someone on radio say that the performance was meek, perfect word to describe it, there was a play in the last...
  13. R

    Firrito going round again....

    Interesting thought, I remember him launching a 55m goal after running through the middle against Geelong in a qual final a few years ago. Can be very good for us, hard done by on this board
  14. R

    Ross Lyon is a Genius

    Agree, fantastic to watch, I see brad Scott is in the fox studio. Hope he has picked up some pointers.
  15. R

    Unofficial Preview 2013 Draft Watch

    We will be tenth, *scum will be 9th
  16. R

    Training today

    Thought taz looked pretty good, no real sign of injury that I saw.
  17. R

    Training today

    Popped down to Arden St today with the kids to watch a bit of the training. A few random observations: - thought it was pretty quiet on the field, not much talk. I dont get to training much, so hopefully this is normal - they did some basic drills and then broke into groups based on position...
  18. R

    Funky Carl on SEN

    Hi Lim, who is the head of WANM? And does it have financial backing or purely volunteer based?
  19. R

    Club claims pressured by AFL to relocate in Tasmania

    Well the AGM sure is going to be a belter. I am still undecided on which way to vote, however I do applaud WANM for their work to raise a key issue. I just hope that posters like Limerick continue to work for the club they clearly love despite some of the keyboard warriors on here taking cheap...
  20. R


    I won't be attending, but how do I proxy vote for this change. Also Limerick, you mentioned that Brayshaws paroxysm will vote no, do we have any idea what that number might be?
  21. R

    Life after Footy-Denis Pagan

    Great idea.
  22. R

    Any London based North supporters on here?

    Yeah, I think its Setanta sports. Its on every sunday morning, or at least has been the last couple of times i have been in Ireland, unfortunately they seem to love Essendon and the Pies. On UTV if i remember correctly.
  23. R

    Any London based North supporters on here?

    sky 3 showed them at some ungodly hour last season. not all games though,just a highlights package and one feature game. As for the replays on, i found them cr@p, I have 8 meg broadband and was still having issues. Anyway have a ball in london.
  24. R


    Hi guys, been reading some of the comments on here about brown, and am suprised that quite a few supporters on here seem to give him a bit of a bagging and compare him to Watt et al. Not having seen any games this season, just wondering what went wrong,i recall early in the season people...
  25. R

    Any London based North supporters on here?

    Hey Fellas, Let us know where you are watching the game, might come down myself. Although i doubt there is a live feed. I think its normally a repeat that is on thursday nights at most walkabouts. take it easy.
  26. R

    Adrian McAdam article - McAdam still the magician

    Thats so true, I remember getting there with a Richmond supporter and having to wait for ages to get in. I remember hearing the roars whilst outside. McAdam had already kicked one when we got in. It was a fantastic season. Stangely probably the best season i remember, even though we didnt...
  27. R

    Wells the bike rider

    guys, havent seen any games in the last couple of years what with being over here and all. But the first season Wells played he was probably our best chaser, i still remember the tackle he laid in the Jason McCartney comeback game. The biggest wraps on him from all the coaches and stuff were...
  28. R

    Thank goodness for that

    Walkies are a bit late i think...prob next thursday. Although never seen a north game at a walkie always freaking essondon, doesnt matter who they play. They could play with themselves and they will probably televise it.