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  1. Milkshaker

    Politics Black Lives Matter

    Yes he was get your head out of the sand or wherever it is.
  2. Milkshaker

    Politics Climate Change Paradox (cont in part 2)

    They really need to stop predicting stuff. Summer in Australia have bush fires and they can be bad. Anyone can predict this its been happening for ever. Rainfall has been great across all the states. They cant even get 6 months right but they can predict the long term future...
  3. Milkshaker

    Society/Culture Drag queens reading to kids in libraries

    Yeah like its about that.
  4. Milkshaker

    Politics Climate Change Paradox (cont in part 2) NASA Scientist: Global Warming Is Nonsense Another scientist has pushed back against the doom-and-gloom climate change predictions from the United Nations and other governmental agencies. Dr. Leslie Woodcock...
  5. Milkshaker

    Politics Climate Change Paradox (cont in part 2) ONE MORE YEAR TO SEE IF THIS NONSENSE COMES TRUE January 22, 2019 7:58am Just one more year to see how right was this 2003 Pentagon report hyped so...
  6. Milkshaker

    Moved Thread Garry Ablett Matthew Kennedy & God

    Its not bloody homophobia. Enough of the bs propaganda. It is a differing moral viewpoint. If people don't believe in God and by the extension the premise of going to Heaven or Hell why get your knickers in a twist? God loves the person hates sin, that the premise. No Christian hates gay...
  7. Milkshaker

    Society/Culture Nobody has anything new to say about God.

    Was reading about the Hunting Wasp the other day. Incredible miracle of evolution. To begin with they have a lifespan of 2 months. It comes out of an egg a cute little baby wasp. In a month it is fully grown and has eggs of its own and now in the 'blink of an eye' the eggs need food, to be...
  8. Milkshaker

    Society/Culture Nobody has anything new to say about God.

    A explanation as to what an egg is and nut shelled as 'evolution; to make it palatable plus calls me stupid, nice. Evolution provided as the logical explanation except its not. Evolution itself is a mystery but espoused as absolute fact. So a chicken lays its egg. That is the easy part, but...
  9. Milkshaker

    Society/Culture Nobody has anything new to say about God.

    30,000 odd thousand plant species. 30,000 odd fish species. 500,000 odd insect species. 7.53 billion people on earth all uniquely individual. Just a few amazing numbers. Give me a logical explanation how an egg evolved. Mathematically impossible. Hysterical stuff.
  10. Milkshaker

    Society/Culture Nobody has anything new to say about God.

    Man lands on Mars and finds a mobile phone that was not made on Earth. Conclusion, primordial soup and billions of years of years of fire, solarstorms, ice, electrical interference made it.
  11. Milkshaker

    Society/Culture Misandry

    Sorry mate - unfamiliar with your posting. Quite a few triggers in your reply lol.
  12. Milkshaker

    Society/Culture Misandry

    She (my wife) is indigenous you flog but keep being offended.:thumbsu:
  13. Milkshaker

    Society/Culture Misandry

    My wife is succesful, beautiful, intelligent and a bloody hard worker. Her success is her own. She despises a lot of what modern feminism stands for. Best person for the job is her mantra as well pink green gay martian or white male etc
  14. Milkshaker

    Society/Culture Why I blame Islam for the fact it's raining today....

    I don't read tabloids. BF is enough form me. :) I am glad some their leaders condemn it verbally not that I have seen much of that. Will have to take your word for it or I am looking in the wrong places. More than happy to change my stance.
  15. Milkshaker

    Society/Culture Why I blame Islam for the fact it's raining today....

    Bull? I think you read my post wrong. Is Anne Aly an Ayatollah, Mullah, Mufti or Imam? She is a Politician. The Islamic leaders have been asked publicly on many occasions to denounce the violence and rarely publicly denounce terrorist acts and when they do say something it lacks substance.
  16. Milkshaker

    Society/Culture Why I blame Islam for the fact it's raining today....

    You with your derps and bigot slurs. Seriously. The above is what people are ultimately afraid of and rightfully so. What are the Muslim leaders in this ccountry doing to allay these fear. Diddly thats what. Yet lets call people fears and reservations bigotry. Vary helpful. Unless you...
  17. Milkshaker

    Society/Culture Why I blame Islam for the fact it's raining today....

    .............and the secular world is much better because? Sorry I don't get that argument either. Hatred, drug abuse, domestic violence, child abuse, murder sex crime, greed, war etc all exist and are thriving in the secular world. Have a look around. Yet people target religious groups...
  18. Milkshaker

    Will Australia get hit by a major terror attack?

    Will we get hit…..
  19. Milkshaker

    Science/Environment Missing link found?

    No that sounds perfectly sane.
  20. Milkshaker

    Society/Culture I support free speech, unless it offends me

    What a sad outlook on a beautiful and amazing thing.
  21. Milkshaker

    Society/Culture I support free speech, unless it offends me

    Pro-lifers are often criticized for their position that a new, human life begins at conception. Many incorrectly think that this belief is based on some blind religious dogma, a scripture passage somewhere, or some stubborn need to tell women what to do with their bodies. All the while, this...
  22. Milkshaker

    Society/Culture I support free speech, unless it offends me

    87% of male juveniles in detention in the US have never had consistent/present/sound male role model in their lives. Find some other reason if you like but this is more than just a coincidence. Being a father is important despite how the current influx of social engineers around us try to...
  23. Milkshaker

    Science/Environment God does not exist, yet...
  24. Milkshaker

    What do people think of Creationism?

    You need life for life to evolve though surely?
  25. Milkshaker

    What do people think of Creationism?

    See I struggle to believe anyone has any idea what shape or form the world was in billions of years ago. People can't agree on 100 years of climate variation!
  26. Milkshaker

    What do people think of Creationism?

    That fact you resort to abuse as an immediate response almost has me conceding origin from amoebas and apes.
  27. Milkshaker

    What do people think of Creationism?

    I have not said I believe in anything so obviously you like to draw conclusions from nowhere.