Official Team Thread 🐻 Las Vegas Bears S36 Official Team Thread ʕ·͡ᴥ·ʔ 🎰 - Viva Las Bears - Congratulations Millky95 BnF Winner 🐻

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AceAndy some random asking a question :tearsofjoy:

Good afternoon all. If you have the beverage package ($25 per day refreshments package)and order say order a spirit with a mixer. Do you only pay for the spirit and the mixer is covered by the beverage package? Thanks
I am not overly sure but i think what you are saying is correct.

It seems most lines have a drinks/premium drinks package but also a non-alcoholic package that covers coffees, juices, soft drink , smoothies and bottled water. Princess is reasonably priced with Princess Plus at 65 / day (drinks package + wifi + Gratuities) but Celebrity is around 100 for its drinks package.
Rd 1 Posting Stats
We had a great start to the season with 21 posters coming into the match thread and engaging with the Gumbies, with 16 of them hitting double figures as well.

Rd 1 Posting Stats .png

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Top of the ladder

Rd 2 Review
Ted Lasso Review.png

Well, howdy, you magnificent team of Bears! Gather 'round, because today, my friends, we've written a chapter in the book of qooty that's gonna be read and reread for generations to come. What a game, what a comeback, and what a victory that tasted sweeter than Grandma's apple pie!

Now, I won't lie, that first quarter might've been quieter than a library at midnight, with that goalless start. And that 31-point deficit? Well, it was a hill that looked more like a mountain. But you know what? I've said it before, and I'll say it again – belief is our secret weapon, and oh boy, did we use it today!

You all showed more heart than a roomful of teddy bears, and that's what turned the tide. The belief that no matter the score, no matter the challenge, we're a team that doesn't give up, that doesn't back down. We clawed, we rallied, and we fought like a pack of determined warriors.

And would you look at that? That comeback was like a symphony of qooty genius. We chipped away, we hustled, and we turned that deficit into a victory that's gonna echo through the annals of sports history.

But here's the true magic – it's not just about the points. It's about the spirit, the camaraderie, and the belief that every single one of us contributed to this win. From the players on the field to the folks on the bench, we're all in this together, and that's what makes this victory taste even sweeter.

So, as we celebrate tonight, remember this feeling. Remember the power of belief, the power of resilience, and the power of a team that's got each other's backs. This win, my friends, it's a testament to who we are and what we stand for.

Let's keep that fire burning, let's keep that belief soaring, and let's keep creating moments that'll be retold with pride for years to come. Onward, Bears! Today, we showed the SFA world that no matter the odds, we're unstoppable when we believe. Go Bears!
Typical newspaper agenda driven
Ronnie the Anti hero kept in fine print!
Ronnie kick started the game
He should of got the cover.
Ronnie kick 3 goals to go with his
20 kicks 13 handballs 9 marks
Fair call. You had a blinder mate - well played. 😘

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Typical newspaper agenda driven
Ronnie the Anti hero kept in fine print!
Ronnie kick started the game
He should of got the cover.
Ronnie kick 3 goals to go with his
20 kicks 13 handballs 9 marks
Sports journos these days are ordinary
In what became a bit of a clinic, RonnieRaven gave BringBackTheAnchor a lesson. - 61m from 25 to 86.

Neither having much reason to brag, not much between T2B_ and RonnieRaven - the former was probably a smidgeon better. - 8m from 87 to 95

While both players struggled to make an impact, Ligma did very well against RonnieRaven. - 22m from 0 to 22.

Had 3 players hanging off me the whole game.
What is this FA stat? Foal Assist? Goal Assist?

What is this FA stat? Foal Assist? Goal Assist?

You put two Dragons on life support. You made them earn it.
Typical newspaper agenda driven
Ronnie the Anti hero kept in fine print!
Ronnie kick started the game
He should of got the cover.
Ronnie kick 3 goals to go with his
20 kicks 13 handballs 9 marks
I have talked to the writer and the editor and they assured me it will happen again, they just can't quantify your greatness into words.

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Official Team Thread 🐻 Las Vegas Bears S36 Official Team Thread ʕ·͡ᴥ·ʔ 🎰 - Viva Las Bears - Congratulations Millky95 BnF Winner 🐻

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