Player Watch #29: Will Phillips - tags N.Daicos vs Collingwood - subbed off at 3/4 time??

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I don't see it the same way as you though. Since 20-16 we have drafted at least 1 player that is still on the list that would get a game in any of the 17 other team. No better or worse than most teams.

We're the worst team in modern history. Perhaps all time, all things considered. Equalisation etc.

How can it be no worse than most teams?
We're the worst team in modern history. Perhaps all time, all things considered. Equalisation etc.

How can it be no worse than most teams?
Does not change the fact that our drafting since 20-16 has been no worse than plenty of teams 2016 Larkey 2017 LDU 2018 TT 20-19 Charlie 20-21 JHF 20-22 Harry and George and 20-23 Zane and Colby

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Really solid offensive quarter where he was involved in a heap of shots on goal and kicked one himself. He has also locked down on one of the form midfielders in the comp in a Flynn Gentile. Hopefully continues on with it in the last quarter.

Agreed. Had a moment at a stoppage in D50 where he lost him, let him out the back and he was gonna snag a goal if his run wasn't interrupted (which then gave Will the chance to tackle), but good to see him getting involved.
Bit weird to see him thrown onto a wing for a decent portion of that 4th quarter after dominating in the 3rd.
Does not change the fact that our drafting since 20-16 has been no worse than plenty of teams 2016 Larkey 2017 LDU 2018 TT 20-19 Charlie 20-21 JHF 20-22 Harry and George and 20-23 Zane and Colby

We have a lot of 1st rounder busts from 2010 to 2021.

2022 is the first season where we managed to actually grab a blue chip player so with that as the starting point, the players we draft between 2022 and 2027 will be core of our premiership team.

Sheezal wardlaw seems a very good combo, could be THE combo moving forward.

Mckercher will be a very good complement.

Smilie just looks the perfect fit to that group
Watched the last three quarters on the interwebs.

He needs to up the intensity by 100%

Everytime he came onto the screen he looked like he was in second gear and not giving a shit.

Just jogging between the arcs, every so often would get a posession with nice skills but FMD.....

An example of a player who got by on just talent at junior level and hasn't put in the effort since... yes glandular fever aside

Needs to lose 8kg of fat around his arse and legs, turn himself into an endurance pressure tackling forward.

Where he is at as a midfielder.... it ain't cutting it at AFL level.

Needs a right royal rocket up his arse and some home truths.

I've defended him to the hilt, but their is no excuse for lack of intensity or effort.

Make him watch some tapes of Robert Harvey et al to see what AFL level std effort is.

Maybe he will be one of those players where the penny will drop and he can reinvent himself else he will be gone at seasons end for a third rounder, will spend two years at another side before being delisted.

Pity really. I had high hopes for him.
I don't understand the criticism of his disposal, in my opinion he is one of the better users by foot, kicks to the teams advantage far more often than not.
Disposal is not the problem, lack of intensity, effort, fitness and a win at all cost attitude means he only gets the ball in his hands 10-20 times a game instead of 30-40 at VFL level that he should be getting.
We have a lot of 1st rounder busts from 2010 to 2021.

2022 is the first season where we managed to actually grab a blue chip player so with that as the starting point, the players we draft between 2022 and 2027 will be core of our premiership team.

Sheezal wardlaw seems a very good combo, could be THE combo moving forward.

Mckercher will be a very good complement.

Smilie just looks the perfect fit to that group
In your opinion who are our 1st round busts in that period remembering 2010 -11- 12 13 where highly comprised drafts.
We have a lot of 1st rounder busts from 2010 to 2021.

2022 is the first season where we managed to actually grab a blue chip player so with that as the starting point, the players we draft between 2022 and 2027 will be core of our premiership team.

Sheezal wardlaw seems a very good combo, could be THE combo moving forward.

Mckercher will be a very good complement.

Smilie just looks the perfect fit to that group
Heard Smilie disposal is not that good by foot. We will draft him for sure…
In your opinion who are our 1st round busts in that period remembering 2010 -11- 12 13 where highly comprised drafts.
2010 - Atley. Could have had Judd.
2011 - Bread. Went stale too quickly.
2012 - Taylor Garner from the Dandy Stringrays.
2013 - Lmac. Say no more.
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