Anthony Albanese - How long? -2-

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the Supreme Court,
He just stacked it with conservatives, the same as every iteration of the Republican Party for the past 50 years has been trying to do. I'm more annoyed about the Republicans blocking Obama's nominations.

the Republican Party itself (his daughter-in-law is now effectively the CEO),
That's been a morally bankrupt institution for decades, and the Republican base wanted the takeover to happen.

the US Public Service (again only an attempt but he's coming for it again if he wins)...
Again, Republicans have wanted this for at least a decade. At one point Rand Paul and another candidate for the Republican nomination (I forget whom) seemed to be trying to outdo each other in how many different public service institutions they wanted to slash.

My point is, Trump is not some unique destructive force. He is simply the logical culmination of the Republican Party, which has been trying to destroy American democracy and institutions since at least the time of Nixon. Karl Rove tried all kinds of dirty tricks with the aim of building a permanent Republican majority, and when that didn't work, the rabid conservatives decided they would rather destroy the institutions as long as they could rule over the ashes. It's no wonder that voter suppression efforts took off under several Republican governors once Obama got elected.

However I'm happy to concede Trump is only possible because of American circumstances. It's why we also need to protect institutions here in Australia.
I agree. Give Dutton the chance and I think he'd do all that and more.
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"She should have sold out her community to further her political career, just like I sold out mine!"

Wong is an utter disgrace. One of the most overrated politicians in Labor Party history, and that's saying a lot.
I like how she makes it sound like Labor enacted the policy too

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I daresay she'd be out of touch with a lot (if not the majority) of Australians who would expect their elected officials to have some intestinal fortitude and stand up for what they truly believe in, not kowtow along party lines.
Labor’s ethos is pretty simple. It is collectivism. They have their argument behind closed doors, and then they unite. That is how they do it.

If you want to be a progressive liberalist, join the Liberals. And good luck.
Labor’s ethos is pretty simple. It is collectivism. They have their argument behind closed doors, and then they unite. That is how they do it.

If you want to be a progressive liberalist, join the Liberals. And good luck.

Supposedly, the 'progressive liberalists' only exist at branch level in the LNP.
Even then, this idea that the LNP is progressive or liberal is fiction.

When push comes to shove, the branch members are more than happy to support the party and its policies no matter where they sit on the political spectrum, as long as it means votes.
Fascism, communism, dictatorships are all good for branch members as long as the LNP are on the treasury benches.

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"She should have sold out her community to further her political career, just like I sold out mine!"

Wong is an utter disgrace. One of the most overrated politicians in Labor Party history, and that's saying a lot.

Wouldn't expect anything less from one of the "mean girls of politics"

Built her career with being a bully, a leopard doesn't change its spots.
Not a member of the ALP and never have been. (nor any political party for that matter).

But this comment from someone who is makes sense to me (although my understanding of Australian political history indicates that conflict between what ALP members vote in as policy and what the elected members (as a Caucus) decide to implement as government policy is often in conflict).

As always, Chris Kenny puts some much needed political context around Senator Payman's decision to cross the floor this week. Also as always, Samantha Maiden takes an alternative (and in my view simplistic) view on events.

Senator Payman's interview on today's Insiders program is well worth watching for those interested in getting a nuanced view on her position.
Cool I stand by my previous comments. Wong is pathetic, the epitome of a politician out of touch with ordinary people.
I think she is just weak, whilst we needed to improve a lot from the previous government's megaphone approach which meant even when they were right, they didn't get support. Senator Wong just has no position or caves in.

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