Biggest roar you've ever heard

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Leon Davis goal in last years Prelim was one of the loudest roars I've ever heard.
His only goal in the 2010 GF sounded like none other and this is from what I heard watching on TV.

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your posts are hard to understand, the ellipsis at the end of each sentence is probably what causes it.

so you're saying soccer in australia is a joke or it's a joke that it isn't as popular as it deserves to be?

It's not that hard mate.

During that WC qualifier, and in the leadup, Australia's 'horde' of soccer lovers were howling about how the 'sleeping giant will awaken' in this country, ie. Australia would make its first WC in decades, then Australia would win the rights to host the 2018 or 2022 WC, the A-League was just starting up around that time too. These events would see the massive 'soccer tsunami' sweep through this country, blowing aside all other sports in this country like they were paper, and become number one by a mile.

Fast forward to 2012, and you could kinda say it hasn't happened (trying to hide his massive understatement). The WC bid was a joke and an absolute laughing stock, millions of taxpayer dollars wasted on nothing. Australia recieved ONE single vote, out of 88 ( and the bidders came home with their tails between their legs, embarrassed and ashamed. The A-League IS a joke. Bandwagon crowds peaked at around 14,000 in 07-08, but had shrunk to just 8000 in 10-11. Last season saw a SLIGHT improvement, but also saw yet another team lost. Teams are dropping like nine pins, no FTA TV is interested, it remains too scared to compete with the big boys during the time of the year when football is supposed to be played, the sport remains a minor, backwater code in this country. Fourth biggest football code in Australia (out of 4), and probably seventh or eight overall at best.

I think it's safe to say the 'sleeping giant' is still in a deep coma in this country.

Clear enough now?

Here's some more reading for you:

And probably the best translation of it on a Youtube video, or any roar for that matter. Sends shivers up my spine every time.

That was the moment I thought to myself 'we will win a flag in the next few years'....

I shot that clip and, as you can tell from the clip, I went absolutely nuts as Franklin kicked. There was never any question of him missing that shot - as soon as the ball left his foot, the entire crowd knew it was going through for a goal. At the time, those around me didn't know how much time was left, but we knew it couldn't have been much.

It's probably the biggest roar I've heard live, even though there was less than 40,000 at the ground.
There's a few - 2007 & 2010 prelim finals (Coll v Geel), specifically when Ben Johnson kicked a goal to put us like 40 something points up in the first quarter. Heath Shaw's smother on Riewoldt. Zaharakis' goal on ANZAC day ranks as well.

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I'd have to agree with the loudest being at the Ess vs Rich '95 final. However the loudest prolonged noise I've heard at a game was at the '95 prelim between Richmond and Geelong at Waverley. We were getting annihilated but were so rapt that we finally were in the finals we started to sing the song at the start of the last quarter. This went for the entire last quarter. When the final siren went and we lost by about 15 goals the Geelong song came on the speakers. The Richmond fans then increased the noise level so that you couldn't hear either the Geelong fans or the loudspeakers. We knew we were back as a relevance............:oops:
Makes me embarrassed to be Australian sometimes remembering how feral and uneducated we were

It was at the 1980 grandfinal, I was 13 and probably the loudest noise at a footy game I had ever heard was when Peter Allen came out to sing, and that was before the ball had even been bounced. There was no roar, but the loud part was while he was singing you couldn't hear him. That was because (I reckon) every single person was calling out po@@@@@@@fter p0@@@@@fter (sorry I don't want to offend, but it did happen). It was amazingly loud. An old guy beside me said "look up there, he's singing but we cant hear him" he was referring to a loud speaker right behind us. It was truly loud.
Easily the biggest roar was at a Richmond vs. Hawthorn game in Round 21 at the Docklands in 2005.

Only 30,000 people there but we needed to lose the game to secure a priority pick.

Tigers were having their usual 9th sort of season and their fans were excited as they were coming back in the last quarter.

We kept turning it over to them in the last quarter but Richo and the other silly clowns kept kicking points. When the Tigers finally hit the front at the 29 minute mark the roof lifted off the "Dome".

Both sets of supporters were absolutely delighted that Richmond had won

What are you saying man?! Hawk supporters vehemently cried BULLSHIT! not long ago when this match was nominated as an instance of tanking.
What are you saying man?! Hawk supporters vehemently cried BULLSHIT! not long ago when this match was nominated as an instance of tanking.

People can say what they like, but I don't think Hawthorn were overly upset by losing the game.

The roar when Richmond hit the front was massive, Hawthorn supporters certainly didn't want to win.
I'd have to agree with the loudest being at the Ess vs Rich '95 final. However the loudest prolonged noise I've heard at a game was at the '95 prelim between Richmond and Geelong at Waverley. We were getting annihilated but were so rapt that we finally were in the finals we started to sing the song at the start of the last quarter. This went for the entire last quarter. When the final siren went and we lost by about 15 goals the Geelong song came on the speakers. The Richmond fans then increased the noise level so that you couldn't hear either the Geelong fans or the loudspeakers. We knew we were back as a relevance............:oops:
What rubbish. Was at that game. Geelong compeletely drowned out the tigers supporters in the last qtr. richmond fans earlier in the game did the kevin sheedy jacket wave that became a thing that year. Geelong fans did it twice as hard in the last qtr. Think you must have been too drunk to realise what was going on.
I shot that clip and, as you can tell from the clip, I went absolutely nuts as Franklin kicked. There was never any question of him missing that shot - as soon as the ball left his foot, the entire crowd knew it was going through for a goal. At the time, those around me didn't know how much time was left, but we knew it couldn't have been much.

It's probably the biggest roar I've heard live, even though there was less than 40,000 at the ground.
I still watch that clip today. If I'm having a bad day, I put that on, and things don't seem so bad.

In fact, I added that to another 'loud crowd' thread just the other day.

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