Play Nice Bye bye Brad

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Something abnormal must happen for him not to have his papers stamped at the end of the year.


:stern look
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It's quite interesting listening to Port fans re: Hinkley this year. While he is still supported, there is a feeling he is stubborn and not willing to make changes when their game plan isn't working. Will be interesting to see if 2015 is just a blip. It might also be a habit of being at Geelong for so long, where they were man for man better than opponents every week so could get away with complacency from time to time.

To me it's easy to see why recent Clarkson assistants have been so successful - Hawthorn under Clarko has been one of the most versatile and innovative clubs ever, always looking to tweak and stay ahead of the game. From a tactical point of view, I though watching the Dogs today was fascinating and easy to see why they have sustained their form - they kept changing their stoppage set-ups, always had a man at the back and resisted the urge to go long unless they had a one out contest. Their spread was very good and their hands so quick, and their defensive press forced us to constantly try and switch the play in the back half. When we got them it was by exploiting their weakness, which is genuine key backs. They did a great job of not letting us get that quick, direct kick inside 50 though.

I think the sign of a good coach is how fringe/out of form players respond. Beveridge has got veteran and second tier Dogs having career years, which is what happened with Hinkley at Port too. 2016 will be fascinating to watch the Dogs because teams will work them out, and Beveridge doesn't strike me as the sort of coach who will let their game plan stagnate.

He's a ripper IMO.

thoughtful post
it was a 2 goal game for most of the match
we got within a goal,lost by 4
and arguably quite a few of our good players had a bad day
lets ignore the coach, personally I don't think it his fault when the players make skill errors
ours did, often

seems a bit much after a good win last wk

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I'm so embarrassed reading these last three pages as a North Melbourne supporter.
I'm so embarrassed as a north supporter by the garbage my team and my coach served up today. Every north supporter should be.

It's just not good enough and it's happened too many times under Brad's watch.
they are pretty skilful
they have a lot of creative players who will cut you up if u let em
bont stringer and macrae, 3 I know are all Agraders, no doubt
I reckon Scott should've made a few moves. First one was to move Atley on the ball as he was buzzing around that backline and digging in. Release him to mix up the midfield and a bit of pace. I reckon this was the time to release Atley and it should've been done at half time.

Second move was to switch Jacobs to McCrae because Bont was beating Jacobs anyway. At least try and stop their outside run which was chopping us up.

And yes, my old chestnut, Petrie to the backline and Hansen the red vest. Not sure what's wrong with Hansen but he is off. We needed a more mobile forward line so Zeibell to FF with Brown and Waite roaming.

Finally, while these moves may have worked the bottom line is that we have players on our list that are suspect under intense pressure. We've seen it consistently with this team under Scott and it's the core of our problem. Poor decisions and calamitous disposal at times by the same culprits.

The issue I have with Scott is that he continues with the same old same olds when clearly they don't perform under pressure. In fact some "melt" in pressure situations like how Hunter flops to the ground in a contest or when he backed into a pack he shat himself (again) and meekly spoils the ball or how Gibson (a leader) could not hold onto Bontempelli after he also made Dal Santo look soft just preceding that insipid effort.


Right, so as much we can blame the players for not turning up, it's poor management to continue to reward known culprits. Get it through ya skull Brad, these players you continually back in are going to be your demise. Get your balls out of the Psychological Ways to Coach In The AFL manual and back where it was when you were a campaigner as a player. Drop these culprits and give others an opportunity. Our Leaders are setting poor examples. Time to set the leaders as the example. Stamp your authority or you will go down with your mates.
An interesting read and rather than post a witty comment i will pose 3 questions to further or hinder the discussion.

Does B Scott coach with an intent? What is his intent? Does it translate through to his players?
Last year, in Brad's pressers he would often say "we made them play our way", meaning other teams were forced to play our game style.

This year I feel we are playing other teams game style, win or lose, which may us us reactive, and allows us to be dictated to. Infact I am not sure what our game style is.

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An interesting read and rather than post a witty comment i will pose 3 questions to further or hinder the discussion.

Does B Scott coach with an intent? What is his intent? Does it translate through to his players?
3 stupid questions that no one on here could comment on.

While your here asking stupid questions can you let us know how long a piece of string is? Cheers. that press conference is disgraceful.
I liked it. Gave up nothing. I don't think we were killing ourselves to win that game and the dogs had alot more to play for (credibility after last week). Our mind is on the finals and the tactics have begun.
thoughtful post
it was a 2 goal game for most of the match
we got within a goal,lost by 4
and arguably quite a few of our good players had a bad day
lets ignore the coach, personally I don't think it his fault when the players make skill errors
ours did, often

seems a bit much after a good win last wk

Fair, but I'm not just using this game as an isolated incident. I think there is a fair body of evidence that we have a stubborn coach on game day.

Quite a few of our players "have a bad day" a lot more than players in a top side do, and our players make skill errors every week. They all keep their spots.
I liked it. Gave up nothing. I don't think we were killing ourselves to win that game and the dogs had alot more to play for (credibility after last week). Our mind is on the finals and the tactics have begun.
Disappioing that some weren't going at it with all they've got for Spud's 250th. :stern look
So true .. Just wasted 8 minutes of my life wathing it

I liked the part where he zipped his lips.

And when he got the sulks up when he was asked about Wellsy.

And when he had a cheeky dig at the Bulldogs last playing a top 8 team in round 5, yet saying our recent form (bar a cooked Freo we beat nobodies) was the platform for our finals assault.

Such an angry, little man for some reason.
I liked it. Gave up nothing. I don't think we were killing ourselves to win that game and the dogs had alot more to play for (credibility after last week). Our mind is on the finals and the tactics have begun.

When i commit from 1pm to 9.30pm, a 5 hour round drive, $80 fuel and sundries i expect more from a professional than a petulant display of nothing responses. ..keep that shit for the players. ..we weren't the ones out there missing targets or trying to break lines and do the impossible. I don't expect a song and dance, just perpectives on for instance why the mid field was flat...or even why NDS ran that last quarter 50m arch effort with no commitment.

It makes his thank the members spiel on the big screen even more than hollow than it was
I'm with wildbill and phillyroo. We are in the finals for the second year in a row and I wasn't too concerned whether we won or lost yesterday and I'm not too concerned about next weeks result either. I'm more concerned about any potential injuries. Wright limped off in the last. Anyone know how he pulled up?
Also to the posters who want the coach sacked when was the last time a club sacked a coach on the back of making finals 2 years in a row?
Or at least be threatened with a :stern hook

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