Autopsy Geelong defeated by Tigers by 31 points.

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Another missed opportunity! Was hoping the second half we would absorb their pressure and steady. They have us covered above the shoulders. This will hurt for a while. Very proud of the clubs effort to get there but to get beaten when we seemingly had control was gut wrenching. They were to good but we played a huge roll in their turnaround. The third quarter mirrored last years prelim debacle and we eventually turned up our toes.

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What a ******* shame. It's as if the players didn't think Richmond would make any changes after half time. We all knew they would! Anyway getting Cameron and Higgins next year won't be enough. Gonna have to look at changing the game plan again. Really want to see more overlap support and way more pressure on the ball carrier. Also need to look at moving the ball a lot quicker.
The game plan was fine for a half. Just ran out of legs.
Deja Vu
The little man must have been in their heads because he sure was in mine at HT.
Hurts more because we had one hand on it.

But this is what we do as fans - heart on our sleeve, hopes in our mind we front up and go again

season still a pass mark all things considered

Go Cats!
Made the backline work till it cracked, just not good enough up forward, l think they need to let a few go.
I think the problem is too much relies on Hawkins he has the ability to score goals but not enough ability to do it solo. Something says that having that second big forward option is really going to be helpful with attacking.
Richmond just a better team & our system and personal just doesn’t stand up against them.

I’m proud of a lot of things this club did this season.

The word of warning for is is... Adelaide were 3 goals up against Richmond in 2017 & look where they are now, tread carefully.
A grand final is an opportunity to win a flag. Win the flag and great. Don't win it and... all sorts of things can happen. GWS didn't make finals and are facing a mass exodus. Adelaide a few years on are a bottom side.

As I said going in, we've been in a real window for several years but it took us so long to get our act together and win two finals that this may have been our last shot with this group. Certainly you look at the group. Oldest GF side ever and late in the game they looked it. Ablett and Taylor are gone. Selwood has been fading the last couple of years, now Danger too. A number of others on the wrong side of 30. For how much longer can we steady the ship with trade-ins, FAs and state leaguers without having anything in the way of elite young core talent.

This wasn't a side coming into its prime on the verge of something. You don't come from this saying there'll be next year. It's a very old side which probably had one shot left, because they had missed so many beforehand. And they weren't good enough.
Should of been further up at half time but wernt and tigers made us pay.
Heat just has to come for perennial finals failure players such as Rohan, kolo and Blitz they just turn to absolute water. Scott out coached again too. Someone just anyone had to sacrifice their game for Dusty but instead Kolo just played a metre off him.... Just brain dead stuff. Silver lining is if you ever want to lose a granny this is the year as it honestly didn't feel as 'real' given the season and the venue. Chuck in Cameeron and hopefully some pace and hopefully hungrier next year
Was at the game. It felt more like a grand final then grand finals at the mcg. Atmosphere way better. Crowd way noisier.

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Different year same ****ing result

We HAD THEM. But not on the scoreboard. We ****ed our chances. It’s OUR FAULT WE LOST THE FLAG.

By missing easy shots and not taking our ****ing chances!!

That is criminal.

Rather lose by 25 goals than completely dominate a half , not take our chances, and crumble even the other side takes theirs is gut wrenching choking heart break.

There was no difference in the second half with tigs dominating or us dominating the first half.. APART them taking Their chances.

We all knew it’d happen at half time.

**** this choking club
Face it - midfield not good enough to not get dominated for one or two quarters, especially when are winning. Like port in 3rd quarter. Camenon won’t solve that problem. We are too thin and weak in the midfield against the Tigers.
Maybe putting Dangerfield back in there would have been the play...
Jeremy Cameron to FF and Patrick Dangerfield to the midfield please.
Weird hey, for all that and how close it felt, it wasn't far off the Adelaide margin of years ago.

This is probably not the smartest thing to say on a footy forum, I mean we're all here for a reason. But the sun will come up tomorrow folks, there's more important things in life, far more important, and nothing could have proved that better than this year.

Stay safe all

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