Autopsy Geelong defeated by Tigers by 31 points.

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Glad to see Sel kept them all out there.

They need to feel that burn and understand the pain and digest it front on.

But you cant get it fully if you are not out there.

Make the burn a driver going forward.

GO Catters

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I think the problem is too much relies on Hawkins he has the ability to score goals but not enough ability to do it solo. Something says that having that second big forward option is really going to be helpful with attacking.

I've been saying that all year.
We didn't really learn anything after all.
Watched them attack the ball with feral madness, the outside run, radar like chaos, scrub kicks and at stages we stood back and watched.
That's the disappointment, unable to come up with any sort of counterattack. Unable to build on a lead and heads dropped, intent dropped.
Too many down, missed chances and no hard tags. Few forward forays past an awesome defence.
Nice dream while it lasted, and a good finals run to detract from lockdown misery, so thanks for that Catters and fellow forum members.
Does anyone else feel kind of disassociated from it all given the circumstances?

If today’s game was at the ‘G after a normal season I would be shattered. Hard to have the same emotional attachment given everything that has gone on to get to this point.
Jeremy Cameron to FF and Patrick Dangerfield to the midfield please.

Jeremy Cameron to Collingwood and Patrick Dangerfield to Centelink 😉

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There is no point melting, we gave it a bloody good crack, Richmond are just a great side with a game plan that has now stood the test of time for 4 years in finals footy. We got a hell of a lot right, we probably just needed to go for 10 mins longer from late in the 2nd to start of the 3rd, if we win the contests at that time I don’t think Richmond would have believed they could come back.

Martin just can’t be contained in finals, the bloke is too good.
F**k, love them or hate them, but that was classy as hell by Richmond to put a hold on their celebrations for a few minutes to form a guard of honour for the GOAT.
Richmond just a better team & our system and personal just doesn’t stand up against them.

I’m proud of a lot of things this club did this season.

The word of warning for is is... Adelaide were 3 goals up against Richmond in 2017 & look where they are now, tread carefully.

Hopefully there are no training camps booked for the summer
The guys who are 15-22 failed us again mostly. Too many passengers. Too many of these guys have one gear.

Keep making excuses, its all irrelevant, we exist to win premierships not lose Grand Finals.

A failure and nothing short of it. Shows why we need to stock up on old guys.
Honestly I agree they are average. Dustin Martin won them that game hands down.

No one goes near him, must smell or something.

Seriously though, HT, up by 15pts, everyone and their dog knew Richmond would come hard 3rd quarter, what was the message? Surely you start with our best midfield group and blanket Dusty? This bullshit “we back our system” bullshit kills me, put someone on him to slow his influence ffs, no team does it and it’s mind boggling.
Stewart was bloody great for us, along with Guthrie, Harry is cooked and gave nothing in the 2nd half, stupid turnovers instead of going forward killed us, Danger should hang his head in shame, made it all about him and cocked it up!!!

That's been the issue the entire time he's been with us, except the last few weeks.
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