Werewolf Gods v Humanity Werewolf - chicanery and murder most foul

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Man means nothing
He means less to me
Than the lowliest cactus flower
To the humblest yukkah tree
How we laugh up here in heaven on Olympus
The prayers you offer we
Thats why I We love mankind. soz Randy Newman

Somewhere in an olive grove on the Isle of Naxos, two venerables have just completed a massive lunch and are deep in their cups. Homer and Virgil are nearing the end of a long debate about the respective merits of Greek and Roman Gods and their impact on humanity and the rise and fall of Athens and Rome. At the end of the debate each rise on their shaky old pins and offered the following.

Virgil: The situation in Rome is serious but not hopeless

Homer: Yes but the situation in Athens is always hopeless but never serious
(very old joke)

Greek Gods (Wolves) Get a kill every night

Zeus (Alpha) -
Night Immune, gets a nightly seer.
Apollo (Beta) - As Sun God is immune to lynching, replaces Zeus if latter dies, loses day immunity if promoted
Artemis (manipulative wolf) - Hunts down and secretly manipulates one player to vote for a target of her choice
Argos (cub) - Greek Gods get an extra kill if their favourite dog is killed.

Win Con - Slaughter all Roman Gods, Odin and equal or outnumber Humanity.

Roman Gods (Mafia) Get a kill every night

Jupiter (Godfather) -
Night Immune, gets a nightly seer.
Phoebus (Apprentice) - As Sun God is immune to lynching, replaces Jupiter if latter dies, loses day immunity if promoted
Diana (intimidator) - Decides who her target will vote for in the lynch and how their target will post. *
Minerva (the avenged) - If killed in battle, the Romans get to immediately kill a member of humanity ( Odin and Zeus are immune)

* The Mod Gods will determine if the intimidation is unreasonable

Win Con - Slaughter all Greek Gods, Odin and equal or outnumber Humanity.


Odin (SK) - looks like and probably is Ian McShane

- Night immune, gets a kill every night. Gets an extra vote on the battlefield (lynch) once during the war.

Win Con - Makes the last four players.


Charon the Ferryman of the River Styxx -

Charon is a truly neutral character who cannot be killed at night nor lynched on the daily battlefield. They also cannot win.

They do have the power to delay execution for 24 hours of three players (one per night) if they like the coins offered to them. They can't save players who have been lynched.

As it is a new role please read the following details.

1. Every player (role or not) has the chance to extend their life for 24 hours though the payment of coins.
2. Coins will take the form of a short (50 words max,) note on why their life should be extended. The wittier or more persuasive the case, the better your chances. This should obviously be drafted for Night 1. There will be one opportunity later in the game for survivors to amend their coins. The coins/notes will be sent via Individual PMs set up by the Mods.
3. Each night Charon gets the list of those marked for death and their coins. They will not be given the role or name of the player.
4. Charon may spare one or none of those marked for death. Up to them.
5. As usual players don't know whether or not they have been marked for death.
6. If Charon spares a player, the originator of the Kill Action will simply be told "your kill action was unsuccessful".
7. Charon loses their power when the total number of players is TEN or LESS or they have exhausted their three saves.
8. Charon votes and banters just as any other player in the day phase. They only lose their day immunity if they claim their role. There may be consequences for false claims by others.
9. Charon will be there at the start and end of the game. For win con purposes they do not count as a player.


Humanity (village)- can the toys of the Gods exact revenge on their tormentors?

Aeneus (JOAT) -
gets seer, kill and protect powers. Only one can be used a night. Must use each power over the first three nights. Thereafter can use power each night but not the same one on successive nights.

Odysseus (true seer) - Canny bastard who gets a nightly seer.

Achilles aka @Croweater41 Gets a kill every night. If (unlike Crowwy) you kill evil overnight you get an extra vote on the battlefield the next day (Daily Lynch).

Hippocrates (Doc) - Gets a heal every night. Cannot heal same player, inc self, two nights in a row.

Oracle of Delphi (3 Flogs) - Three humans who specialise in slaughtering goats, gossiping about the Gods and trying to fix fellow humans. Get one kill, protect and a seer over the game.

The rest of the players are humans without powers who do their best on the battlefield each day to lynch one of the evil gods or Odin.

However PMs will be set up with every player so they can try to extend their life for 24 hours.

Amulet/the Jhyes Clarkeus - randomly assigned to a player at the start of the game. Protects against all night actions and lynches on the daily battlefield. Holder must notify the Mod Gods who they wish to pass the Amulet to by the end of the day phase.

At a time randomised before the game commences, the Amulet explodes just like Jhye Clarke. The explosion instantly killing the holder.

Mod Gods Vesuvian level hot lava lava.

Victims of modkills will be executed by hot lava.

Please note the Mods reserve the right to add or subtract roles depending on the number of sign ups.
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These will be the same as for Chippy’s last Chess WW game, with the addition that Players are NOT allowed to vote for themselves. jmoo wan is co-modding.

At the beginning of the game each player is given a 'role' at random and in secret by the moderator via PM. Regular villagers don't usually receive a PM naturally. BUT in this game everyone gets a PM inviting them submit reasons why their life should be spared for 24 hours in case they have been killed. The immortal Ferryman can decide to extend life for three different players.

Roles in this game are in five factions. The Greek (werewolves) and Roman Gods (mafia) are two evil factions. Odin and Charon are neutral while Humanity is the good faction (lol, imagine that).

The aim of Humanity is to identify and kill all Gods before enough of humanity is killed to enable evil or, Odin to meet their win con

How are players killed?
Each 'turn' of the game will last 24hrs or so and also represents one 'day' of game time, thus a game will go on for several days before it is concluded. There are two 'phases' to every turn of the game;

Night Phase: Factions and role players perform their assigned night actions, each evil faction gets a nightly kill

Day Phase: Players vote for who they think is evil.

Obviously during the day the villagers will want the group to vote for and lynch a werewolf, whilst the werewolves themselves will want not to be lynched; herein lies the fundamental strategy of the game:
Can the villagers identify the werewolves whilst at the same time convincing the rest of the group that they're not themselves a werewolf? And can the werewolves convince the group that they're not wolves at all and thus avoid being lynched?

Night phase is 9pm - 8am AEDT

Day phase is 8am-9pm AEDT

Werewolf Etiquette:

There are two main rules which everyone must follow in order for the game to run successfully;
If you are killed at any point during the game then you are no longer allowed to participate although I will allow a farewell post, but that post cannot impact the remainder of the game. Anyone breaking this rule will be banned from the next game.



Between non-werewolves and mafia, sending PM's or other forms of private communication concerning the game is not allowed.
Anyone caught sending screen captures of BigFooty of any kind in this thread will be modkilled instantly with no warning.
Anyone caught directly quoting PMs from the mods will be modkilled without warning.
Anyone caught deleting or editing posts from the thread will be modkilled without warning.

- Missing 2 lynch votes in total will see you mod-killed. Missing 2 night actions (if given a role) will see you and/or your faction mod-killed. You may choose to not use a night action but you must state so in your PM

  • Any modkill happening within the last hour before the deadline is called will act as that day's lynch, regardless of vote tally.
  • Anyone found to be breaking the above rules will be banned from the next game, and repeat offences will result in being banned from all future games should there be any; please follow the rules and keep the game legitimate.
  • For this game we will not be using the Reason for Lynching rule. Vote for anyone for any reason at anytime during the Day Phase.
  • During the Day Phase players must vote for whom to lynch, your vote must be formatted in bold like this: Player Name. Please also tag jmoo wan and I. We will "like" your post to inform you that it has been counted.
  • For this game you may not use the No Vote vote option.
  • Upon the voting deadline (end of day-phase) the votes will be tallied by the moderators and whoever has received the most will be lynched and be out of the game: remember, once killed you cannot take further part; do not reveal your roles to anyone until the game has been concluded.
  • Any ties in voting will be decided by a coin toss scenario.
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Player List and their ultimate fate

  1. Dingster
  2. sante
  3. BEaston
  4. Gralin
  5. Chat Pile
  6. dogs 105
  7. Barrybran
  8. Tarkyn_24
  9. Pie 4 Life
  10. Boncer34
  11. Frederico_WA
  12. Kurve
  13. Jhye Clark 13
  14. 3KZ is Football
  15. TheInjuryFactory
  16. SSwans2011
  17. Cadsky
  18. King Tenz
  19. MP_
  20. Chipmunk
  21. MC Bad Genius
  22. The Majestic
  23. Mop
  24. Drizzy
  25. Bluelegs
  26. por_pls_ya
Ultimate Fate

Jhye Clarke, Humanity, killed by SK/Odin N.1
King Tenz, Flog, killed by Roman Gods N.1
Barrybran, Humanity, lynched. Day 1
MP..Roman God, killed N2
FredericoWA, Humanity killed N2
Pie 4 Life, Humanity, tragically lynched Day 2
MC Bad Genius, Humanity, death stayed for 24 hours by Charon, died eventually on N 3
Kurve, Humanity, killed by Roman Gods N 3
BEaston, Vig, killed by Odin/Sk, N 3
Bluelegs, Odin/SK, lynched. Day 3
Chat Pile, Argos/Cub Greek God, Wolves, killed by Flogs N.4
sante, Odysseus/Seer, Humanity, killed by Roman and Greek Gods (Mafia and Wolves) N.4
Mop, Zeus/Alpha head of the Greek Gods (Wolves), lynched Day 4
Drizzy, absent minded Humanity, modkilled for failing to vote Day 4
The Majestic, Greek God, Wolves, death stayed for 24 hours by Charon, died on Night 5
por_please_ya, Roman God, blown to smithereens by exploding Amulet, Night 5
dogs105, Galileo, Oracle and Flog, killed in revenge by Roman Gods Night/Day5
3KZ is Football, Diana, the Intimidator, Roman God (Mafia), lynched Day 5.
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In and 4th

Nervous Ted Striker GIF by filmeditor
Yes please. Been reading lots of mythology lately as my 10 year old daughter loves it!

Perfect age for it. She will always remember talking with you about the stories.

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Werewolf Gods v Humanity Werewolf - chicanery and murder most foul

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