Play Nice Hawthorn culture and Fagan

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This is going to be a very touchy subject.

There will be a very broad range of opinions about the correct way to handle this.

I'll remind everyone to post respectfully at this time - sniping at each other is not going to help.

Any continued pointless back and forth will get a day or more to cool off. If you want to avoid this fate, let it go.
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As if this really happened.

At least its in a formal setting now so that it can be properly progressed.

The lack of procedural fairness afforded to Fages while his character and reputation has been publicly sacked has been disturbing.

And he couldn't defend himself without criticism. He applied for an injunction to stop the AFL process which had stalled because the complainants didn't want to be involved and was never going to resolve - completely reasonable - but as a consequence you then had dipshits on this website claiming he is trying to silence the complainants.

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I need more detail - was it a big nod or a little nod or did Fages nod off perhaps?
Waynes World Yes GIF
For those who don't wish to read it, this is the extent of Fagan's alleged involvement in the complaint.

View attachment 2069670

So what are the possibilities here.

On one hand Clarkson, Fagan & Burt are monsters who should be charged accordingly.

Or, the complainants have a massive victim mentality (words to the effect), or are just going for a cash grab.

I guess there is a third scenario, that people who are trying to go for a cash grab are using the complainants who have a victim mentality.

Not much room for middle ground. Glad it's progressing through the correct legal channels now.
Just heard that Grant Birchall has also been named in the statement of claim about alleged racism. Haven’t read the document but they said on 360 he’d been named.
Just heard that Grant Birchall has also been named in the statement of claim about alleged racism. Haven’t read the document but they said on 360 he’d been named.
Its a particularly insensitive and ignorant comment - if true

I strongly suggest anyone posting in this thread needs to have a good read of tge statement of claim - the events claimed are detailed
I strongly suggest anyone posting in this thread needs to have a good read of tge statement of claim - the events claimed are detailed
Yeah, the statement of claim makes some pretty damning and serious allegations of certain Hawthorn staff making it culturally unsafe
What my post or Birchall?
Birchall. Asked Hill if his partner was a [insert taboo term here], Hill told Rioli about it, Hawks didn't take any action.

But apparently an apology was made according to Jordan Lewis, and Birchall/Hill are fine.
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So let me get this right.
Fages has been pilloried across multiple media outlets, starting with an ABC leaked Hawthorn report (in which he was never afforded a voice or any natural justice) for being a racist while at Hawthorn.
The AFL investigation found no case to answer and the attempt at mediation by the HRC was abandoned.
We now find that in a Statement of Claim by the claimants against Hawthorn, Fages has allegedly nodded in a meeting.
This is truly beyond a joke and if it wasn't so unjust, unfair and cruel it would be simply sinister.
So let me get this right.
Fages has been pilloried across multiple media outlets, starting with an ABC leaked Hawthorn report (in which he was never afforded a voice or any natural justice) for being a racist while at Hawthorn.
The AFL investigation found no case to answer and the attempt at mediation by the HRC was abandoned.
We now find that in a Statement of Claim by the claimants against Hawthorn, Fages has allegedly nodded in a meeting.
This is truly beyond a joke and if it wasn't so unjust, unfair and cruel it would be simply sinister.
Yes it is verging on thought crime ah la Minority Report.
Thought Fages had lost weight a few weeks ago, looked drawn and tired...this is taking a toll on him.

...and the bit in that statement about the meeting at Egan's house got my attention. Was said Clarkson phoned and asked if he could come over....did he know they were having that particular meeting and the why of it?

Egan apparently said yes, come over.....why? if they were having such a meeting surely he'd find an excuse to put him off going there.

I have no doubt Clarkson can have foot and mouth disease at times (not Fagan imo) but that bit above made me wonder.

Was Egan the person who was found to be dishonest? (I forget the exact details on that)
Thought Fages had lost weight a few weeks ago, looked drawn and tired...this is taking a toll on him.

...and the bit in that statement about the meeting at Egan's house got my attention. Was said Clarkson phoned and asked if he could come over....did he know they were having that particular meeting and the why of it?

Egan apparently said yes, come over.....why? if they were having such a meeting surely he'd find an excuse to put him off going there.

I have no doubt Clarkson can have foot and mouth disease at times (not Fagan imo) but that bit above made me wonder.

Was Egan the person who was found to be dishonest? (I forget the exact details on that)

August 11, 2023

"The author of an explosive report into allegations of racism at the Hawthorn Football Club has faced court for the first time after Victoria’s fraud squad announced he would be charged with more than 70 criminal charges.

Former Richmond Tigers player Phil Egan, 60, appeared before the Melbourne Magistrates’ Court on Friday for a filing hearing over allegations he stole from an Indigenous organisation between 2010 and 2015.

Last week, Victoria Police announced Mr Egan had been charged with 73 offences, including obtaining financial advantage by deception, using false documents, and receiving secret commissions.

The charges relate to his time as the chief executive of the Murray Valley Aboriginal Collective – a not-for-profit organisation that provides a range of programs committed to improving health and welfare of Aboriginal people in Robinvale.

According to documents released by the court, police allege Mr Egan “secretly gained” almost $780,000 from the organisation through fraudulent invoices submitted to the Collective, on top and above the $823,000 he was paid."
Thought Fages had lost weight a few weeks ago, looked drawn and tired...this is taking a toll on him.
No surprise it has. Though I will say that he's seemed a lot more chill and open about his side of things and how the process is going compared to the other people named in the allegations.
No surprise it has. Though I will say that he's seemed a lot more chill and open about his side of things and how the process is going compared to the other people named in the allegations.
He seems a lot happier and more open than at any time during his tenure imo. Whether he's at peace with whatever happens here and confident of the outcome or whether it's because we've won 9 in a row it's fair to say he's had a lot to deal with. Particularly if any claims against him are totally baseless which I'm willing to bet is highly likely.
August 11, 2023

"The author of an explosive report into allegations of racism at the Hawthorn Football Club has faced court for the first time after Victoria’s fraud squad announced he would be charged with more than 70 criminal charges.

Former Richmond Tigers player Phil Egan, 60, appeared before the Melbourne Magistrates’ Court on Friday for a filing hearing over allegations he stole from an Indigenous organisation between 2010 and 2015.

Last week, Victoria Police announced Mr Egan had been charged with 73 offences, including obtaining financial advantage by deception, using false documents, and receiving secret commissions.

The charges relate to his time as the chief executive of the Murray Valley Aboriginal Collective – a not-for-profit organisation that provides a range of programs committed to improving health and welfare of Aboriginal people in Robinvale.

According to documents released by the court, police allege Mr Egan “secretly gained” almost $780,000 from the organisation through fraudulent invoices submitted to the Collective, on top and above the $823,000 he was paid."
So Fages has been afforded no natural justice in a case based on him nodding at a meeting attended by this upstanding citizen allegedly responsible for a serious crime involving fraud whilst the CEO of the Murray Valley Aboriginal Collective.
So Fages has been afforded no natural justice in a case based on him nodding at a meeting attended by this upstanding citizen allegedly responsible for a serious crime involving fraud whilst the CEO of the Murray Valley Aboriginal Collective.
It's outrageous but you can't say anything or the jump to conclusions crowd will be all over you.

There's been ample opportunities for these allegations to be aired and proven and to date it's just more allegations but no substance.
dont know why people here are getting hung up on the nodding of the head thing.

the thing that is material to fagan is:

a) his presence at the alleged meeting
b) the content of the alleged meeting being as the plaintiffs allege

i really dont care one way or the other if he nodded or not. what i do care about is whether fagan was present when burt and clarkson had the meeting. if the events occurred as alleged, fagan was at best complicit in what was done and at worst played an active role in organising and communicating the content of said meeting.

fagan denies that it ever occured and i doubt this ever reaches the trial stage. what actually happened we will almost definitely never know.

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Play Nice Hawthorn culture and Fagan

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