Opinion Matthew Nicks: Adelaide's Coach (Part 3) - The Biggest Loser

Is Matthew Nicks the right coach for Adelaide?

  • Firmly yes (I love what I'm seeing)

  • Leaning yes

  • Can't decide either way

  • Leaning no (but don't sack him yet)

  • Firmly no (he should be sacked)

Results are only viewable after voting.

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If you say so ....but it doesn't make it so

And what about Longmuir .....two years out of the Finals, with one of the best midfield's in the AFL ....there should be questions asked of him ....no excuses, few injuries

There were questions about him this year. But due to attempting a rebuild during Covid the club decided to give him a never ending pass I guess. Finals be damned I tell you. Oh wait, he did make finals in 2022. Well I'll ne a monkeys uncle.
I never said that and you shouldnt insult people just because they disagree with you. As I said, I do agree with a lot of your points. Its a shame you have decided you are nothing but right and everyone else is wrong and you choose to ignore all the good points we make.
Then put up a half decent argument, and you'll earn respect .....not the rubbish you've been dishing up

You fabricate too many things ....IIRC you've said, it's an anonymous forum, the truth is not required .....or something along those lines

I'm arguing the points ....where correlations exist with other Clubs, those circumstances are relevant, as in a court hearing
On the Couch they mentioned if Rachele had these issues and had been discussed, remember Nicks didn’t say it was the celebration, why would you wait until R24 to drop him?

It makes zero sense given Rachele can’t redeem himself at all. He has to wait until next year.

It again shows an amazing level of incompetence by Nicks.
This is a very, very good point.

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Then put up a half decent argument, and you'll earn respect .....not the rubbish you've been dishing up

You fabricate too many things ....IIRC you've said, it's an anonymous forum, the truth is not required .....or something along those lines

I'm arguing the points ....where correlations exist with other Clubs, those circumstances are relevant, as in a court hearing

Wayne you showed up this week after long absences. There are hundreds of points made by a lot of people countering your every argument. Lots of actual data. Just because you turned up at the end and you demand that we all at length discuss your points with our own data or you are right. Thats not how it works.

As a site and supporter group we are noticeably fatigued. Some people are clearly on a break. Sick of saying the same shit for two years and nothing changes. So take the crap you are dribbling and cut us a break. You are no more right or wrong than us. Show some respect.
So do you agree ....Scott, and Clarko gone next year ?
Huh? I get that you don't mind Nicks and all, that's fine, but you've made a really weird argument here.

I don't think you can compare giving nicks first couple of years a chance as we were rebuilding but then becoming increasingly disillusioned over the next three years of diminishing returns, to the point where many feel the list isn't much improved (list improvement is a seperate point I can get to later), to two coaches in their second years but adding on poor performances from previous roles/clubs or in the case of Scott from poor performances of the club that he had nothing to do with regardless.

If Clarko and Scott perform as badly as their teams did this year 100% they will be feeling the heat. In fact, they already are. Many questioned their appointments in the first place. Clarkson obvious has runs on the board which has shielded him somewhat, but many had said the game had passed him by (alongside the controversy he brought with him via racism scandal), and there are many north fans / those in the media questioning why the team hasn't progressed. Scott only got the job because Essendon were in absolute shambles and literally couldn't get ANYONE. If they weren't such a basket case on an administration level now, he would definitely be gone next year.

Furthermore, and remember I'm only using Clarkson because for some reason you brought it up-- if we are going to look at clarkson's last years at hawks, the decline came swiftly: premiership in 2015, top four in 2016, out of top 8 in 2017, top four in 2018, then the real decline started in 2019 with finishing 9th, then bottom four in 2020, and Clarkson announcing he was done (via Sam Mitchell) midway through 2021. Three years since being top four. Five years since a premiership. So that timeline essentially fits with where we are at with Nicks now, except without four premierships or any finals to his name. During this time Clarkson tried and experimented a lot with the team, including cutting a lot of senior members and trying others in different positions (some to more success than others--Mitchell, Impey, Sicily). Will Day (arguably Hawks most important player) was recruited in this time, you know, the South Australian the Crows passed over to get Fischer McAsey.

My POV is on record ....and I disagree vehemently, he hasn't maximised the list at his disposal

Name players then ...who haven't developed ?
I kind of, maybe, agree with your point in that he can only use what he has at his disposal, and our drafting/trading has been woeful.

But also your argument comes from a point of confirmation bias where....when you're at the bottom and comparing your form at age 19 to 23, you can kind of only go up.

Have you forgotten all the delisted players in the last four years? Would you count them as "not being developed"?

Bryce Gibbs got worst, Tom Lynch bye bye, Stengle went gonesey, Smith can't kick, Laird has decided to throw people under buses more than learn how to do a kick-in.
Hately, Rowe, McAsey, Mchenry, Newchurch, Schoenberg, Jones, Ben Davis, Murphy, Himmelberg, Milera, Strachan. Any of these names ring a bell?

Have any of these players set the world alight, or "developed"? Five of them are first round draft picks in the last few years alone.

But yeh, I agree the list at his disposal is also mediocre and you can't expect excellent results playing pure 19 year olds, and the list is in this shape mainly due to drafting and recruitment just prior to or just as he began (2016-2020) which leaves the team bereft of that essential 25-30 year old group which would be your core and leaders, so you can only shine a turd so much. How much he has to blame to that is a whole other debate.
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Neil craig resigned. Despite what you think about him he put the club first. Nicks is delusional. Does the same thing week in week out expecting different results
craig went on way too long, he was for himself, although that was the image he tried to portray of being a club man

my recollection was there was a midweek board meeting for him aka got the tap and after that he "resigned"
Apologies, I only saw this after I posted about first-year/first-year etc comparisons.
I won't read anymore of your post, this part stopped me in my tracks
That's convenient :sneaky: . You don't have to take into account any counterarguments that you don't read.
So you were prepared to be out of the Finals for the first 2 years 20/21
I did not say that.
I said I gave Nicks leeway for those 2 years,
--- because of Covid and the restrictions
--- because the group was disunited and unhappy,
--- because he did not have Assistants of his own choosing.
.....in a full rebuild, and Covid
If you don't understand the restrictions Covid put on a young group, new gameplan and Coach ......maybe do some research
Try not to be condescending, yeah? We're adults.
As for "new gameplan", WHAT "new gameplan"?? That suggests Nicks has a gameplan.
What is it? "Just go out there and defend, fellas" ==> 0-4 after 4 games.
Do you think the Crows are playing better in 2024 than in 2022? 14th to 10th to 15th says NO.
Our players do not know where to go or what to do any more clearly than back then.
So on your expectations .....If I'm a NORTH supporter, then Clarkson gets the sack next year .....no if's and maybe's
NORTH still bottom after 2 rounds of Draft Compo picks .....and the Club was above us when we bottomed out.
Nope. Definitely not. What, after two years? That's ridiculous.
NM above us when we got the spoon is irrelevant; had nothing to do with Clarkson.
If you want to roll in the last 2 years of Calrko's reign at HAW, that's 4 years of failure ......gotta be sacked under your criteria.
No, and I didn't want Nicks sacked after 2 years, either. His last 2 years at Hawthorn are irrelevant.
Your clutching at straws you've invented.
Then obviously Brad Scott is gone as well ....ESS, is it 21 years without a Finals win ?
Wot?? What has the 21 years got to do with Scott? Now you're just being silly.
I wouldn't expect Scott to be sacked after 2 years either.
So do you agree ....Scott, and Clarko gone next year ?
Nope and I don't gaf about either of them, anyway. My disagreements with you are about Nicks, not Clarkson or Scott. Their records are not relevant to the Crows, in any way.
You've gone to a lot of trouble to put silly arguments/words in my mouth and attack me for things I did not say, or imply.

Nicks got a pass for 2020/21 for a lot of reasons. 2022 was meh.
2023 was better but in the off-season
--- Rahilly went
--- Nicks wrecked our run-hard/overlap/freeflowing game.
Nicks assumed we'd be playing Finals and that our forwards would have a similar year. So what did he do? Focus on defence, and damn-near every other aspect of our game went to shit.
I won't read anymore of your post, this part stopped me in my tracks

So you were prepared to be out of the Finals for the first 2 years 20/21 .....in a full rebuild, and Covid
If you don't understand the restrictions Covid put on a young group, new gameplan and Coach ......maybe do some research
Covid, really? You’re going to blame Covid?
We must still be training under Covid protocols given our disastrous game plan this year.
In life, it's not always about group think .....most societal leaders are actually very independent thinkers & couldn't give a toss about the majority opinion .....just name a few, Elon Musk, Dan Andrews, Don Dunstan, and Dick Smith

Group thinkers, are simply spectators in life ;)
So, you're in the "Elon Musk, Dan Andrews, Don Dunstan, and Dick Smith" clique?
Ridiculous, egomaniacal waffle.
No, you are the master in deflection and not answering questions directly put to you.

I wasn’t the only one to question this. Numerous posters said exactly the same thing.

Why do you guys engage with him?

He won't move from his position, doesn't matter what evidence or facts you put forward.

How the actual **** is this guy our moderator.

Feels like we have D_One reincarnate on our board.

He is trolling, if you didn't respond the rest of us wouldn't have to scroll past every second post. He has the most posts in this thread.

How about we start a special thread called something like Wayne's Wank and all the mugs that want keep going with this never-ending drivel can argue the toss about BS over there?

This guy gets it, how about the thread where all the Waynus debaters can go and argue with him be called:

"Mass Debate with Waynus"
Covid, really? You’re going to blame Covid?
We must still be training under Covid protocols given our disastrous game plan this year.
Brayden Cook is still following Spurrier's advice.

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Lets assume we have a 50K membership ....this, I'm told reliably, represents 0.0023%, which unfortunately doesn't meet the bar of statistical reliability
Without a doubt, this is the most illogical thing you've posted, which is hard for you to do. A new low.
You've totally distorted very basic Maths.

You've compared the people who voted to sack Nicks out of the total membership, ie 119-then voters, out of 50K. :oops::drunk:
Not all of the 50K people voted. Only-the-people who voted count.
Currently it's 125 out of 141 who voted. That means 88.7% of people who voted want Nicks sacked, now.
Name players then ...who haven't developed ?
Thank you for the opportunity; I'll play.

Enough for ya? :sneaky:
(not to mention the players who only got games through other players' injuries. Nicks cannot take credit for their development since he did not select them)
Schoenberg .....yep, I'll give that
McHenry ....Yep
You asked us to name a player who had not improved. Just one. Any player.
Several have been named and you've even conceded two (but there are more, let's face it).

Do you have a P.O.Box? I'd be happy to send you a pack of wet wipes to clean the egg off your face.
A pack of 100. You'll need them.
Thank you for the opportunity; I'll play.

Enough for ya? :sneaky:
(not to mention the players who only got games through other players' injuries. Nicks cannot take credit for their development since he did not select them)

Its all Nicks when the draftees we expect to succeed succeed but its not Nicks when they fail.

My favourite is Covid. Blames Covid for not making finals in five years, yet we would have made finals had there not been that umpires error last season. Im literally still waiting for how this is spun in the narrative.
Why do you guys engage with him?

He won't move from his position, doesn't matter what evidence or facts you put forward.

He is trolling, if you didn't respond the rest of us wouldn't have to scroll past every second post. He has the most posts in this thread.

This guy gets it, how about the thread where all the Waynus debaters can go and argue with him be called:

"Mass Debate with Waynus"
FWIW, I rarely engage with him, in fact I'd love to put him on ignore, but because he's a mod, I have to scroll through all his bullshit because he spams.
Hate to say it people, but we have until probably until Friday morning. If Nicks is not sacked or resigned at this point in time, he will almost certainly be our coach R1 2025. The club would want to start any coaching search asap to hopefully have a coach in place probably by mid October at the latest. Its probably a 6 week search at a minimum. So time is running out. 4 more days max.

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Opinion Matthew Nicks: Adelaide's Coach (Part 3) - The Biggest Loser
