Roast Media Shakes Head, Part 8

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Can't blame Whateley and King for having the same doubts about Port Adelaide's ability to stand up on the big stage that most posters here share. As they point out, we'll almost certainly be going without one of our best, most mature and consistent performers. The teams that will finish #5-8 are more threatening than they are most years too. All things considered, I probably wouldn't have Port as a Top 4 seed either.

On our past record in finals I don't have a problem with their assessment either just as long as they judge other sides with the same yardstick. Sydney have lost 5 of their last 8 games, Freo have lost 4 of their last 6 games while Carlton have lost 5 from their last 7! That is hardly good form going into the finals.

Port certainly are suspect in finals and losing Houston will not help but we are not out of it entirely. If we can get over the Dockers next week and earn a home final with a second chance we have as good a chance as anyone in a pretty even season.
David King is an absolute campaigner, reckons port targeted rankine. **** off you pond scum.
I'm not excusing Dan - he deserves a certain number of weeks. But the tunneling of Lachie Jones could have been worse than it was: what if he had landed on his head and broken his neck? (sorry to be so dramatic) This match review committee is so intent on punishing the outcome: who's to say that the intent of the Crows player wasn't to target Lachie?
David King is an absolute campaigner, reckons port targeted rankine. **** off you pond scum.

But… is that not allowed?

We previously targeted Lachie Neale and it didn’t go nearly as well
No one likes us, no one likes us
No one likes us, we don't care!

Unless you’re Kochie!
Shitty Kochie.
Always crying,
Shitty Kochie!
I didn’t hear any booing towards rankine - seen a lot of people clapping him off which is normal behaviour when a player is carried off. Is he thinking the clapping was in poor taste?

Probably best not to listen to 5aa after their team looses anyway.
Watching the replay as well, there are no boos until he is well off the ground and jhf is given the ball. There are a few people that wave to him as he heads down the race, but the vast majority in the crowd are standing and clapping. The South Australian media just wants to make port supporters the bad guys. Out of this match there have been 2 incidents regarding crows fans. One racist and one violent. Yet port supporters are “filth” and “scum”.
Does anyone realise in the Adelaide media the cows are 15th on the ladder after a shit easy draw and were predicted to be top 4? Any mention of one of their players acting like a clown all week and then playing one of the softest games you will ever see?
But they will still find reasons to slag off our supporters slag off our players and slag off our club.
A caller to 5AA this morning said that Warren Tredrea should apologise to the whole of South Australia for his reaction to the Rankine bump (I think he said "oh yeah", or something similar). We all say things in the heat of the moment: I'm certain that Tredders wasn't delighted to see Rankine get injured.

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That's the way to be. Better than trying to be "everyone's second team" as seemed to be Koch's goal originally.
That claim by Koch shows how he just doesn't get Port Adelaide. True Port Adelaide supporters don't have second teams (clubs). You're either Port Adelaide or you're nothing.
So has the club come out and denied the booing was us towards Rankine and was actually Cow supporters booing JHF? 🤔😕

If not, shame on them for not defending our team, our club and our supporters. 😡👎

Otherwise it must be true and we have to cop it. But I'd like to believe we aren't that moronic, and this is just media beat up shifting of blame to avoid scrutiny of the Lovely Boys!
I didn’t hear any booing towards rankine - seen a lot of people clapping him off which is normal behaviour when a player is carried off. Is he thinking the clapping was in poor taste?

Probably best not to listen to 5aa after their team looses anyway.
Yes I noticed the clapping him off.
The Crows media machine are all little sensitive snowflakes but we should have some compassion, they just lost their GF.
A caller to 5AA this morning said that Warren Tredrea should apologise to the whole of South Australia for his reaction to the Rankine bump (I think he said "oh yeah", or something similar). We all say things in the heat of the moment: I'm certain that Tredders wasn't delighted to see Rankine get injured.
They are so entitled it’s pathetic, are they aware what Rankine did earlier in the year?
In the coming days Dan will probably cop a tirade of hate mail via social media. The abuse will come from the same Cow supporter base that is critical of the Port fans for supposedly booing Rankine as he was carried off on the Cow Cart.

SEVEN are reporting that a Port player has been the subject of on line racial abuse. It is not Dan but I am told that there was an exchange between Willie Rioli and the Crow supporters. Apparently Willie has been racial abused for the second time this year. Crow supporters like Penberthy and co. do not have the moral high ground.

All Crows ever do is is whinge and feel sorry for themselves.
The Trumps of little old Adelaide.


Rachelle sure is copping it in the media.
Camporeale brought up a good point while Tredders was on. Did Rachelle's team mates support him in his/actions? If they didn't, that could easily result in a fracturing of the playing group.
I'm really surprised "Penbo" and AA are outraged over something that didn't really happen. 🙄
The booing came from crow supporters when JHF received the ball.
I didn't hear booing of Rankine where I sat anyway..
Penbo and his Crows Board spouse, deflecting from the Crows fan base vitriol? Really, I’m shocked.
Will and his Crows Board dad, doing the same on Ch 7 news tonight with the same story.
The whole booing thing used to sit slightly uncomfortably with me, but now I just don't really care. It's sport, and people's passions get inflamed. They go to the game and get it all out. Do people really want to create an environment when you're being ejected from the ground for booing? Because that's where this is heading.

Booing must be a completely acceptable form of voicing some sort of disapproval or dislike or there is basically nothing left in this woke society we now live in to do so other than write a ****ing letter to an MP who will just put it in the bin.
A caller to 5AA this morning said that Warren Tredrea should apologise to the whole of South Australia for his reaction to the Rankine bump (I think he said "oh yeah", or something similar). We all say things in the heat of the moment: I'm certain that Tredders wasn't delighted to see Rankine get injured.
The Ch 7 commentary team were pretty excited about the bump too. Shame the camera's were on them at the time. I bet they were smiling (at first)...

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Roast Media Shakes Head, Part 8

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