Northern FL Division 2 - 2011 Pt 1

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All young two's players who want to have a go at playing one's footy in D3.
Good Luck to all of them.
They know they are allways welcome back :thumbsu:
As for depth we allready have more players training than we did for all of last year.
2011 Premiers :)

The Studeman has called it early.

You've certainly recruited well to buy the flag for 2011
and now have the mantle of being the Heidelberg of Division 2.

If you don't win it this year, the oil well may just be dry come 2012
and you could be languishing in D2 for many many years to come.

Have a good look at the teams that have been promoted and ask yourself "how they did it ?"

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The Studeman has called it early.

You've certainly recruited well to buy the flag for 2011
and now have the mantle of being the Heidelberg of Division 2.

If you don't win it this year, the oil well may just be dry come 2012
and you could be languishing in D2 for many many years to come.

Have a good look at the teams that have been promoted and ask yourself "how they did it ?"

For a change very well said Underbelly :D
Totally agree:thumbsu:
The Studeman has called it early.

You've certainly recruited well to buy the flag for 2011
and now have the mantle of being the Heidelberg of Division 2.

If you don't win it this year, the oil well may just be dry come 2012
and you could be languishing in D2 for many many years to come.

Have a good look at the teams that have been promoted and ask yourself "how they did it ?"

Good Luck in 2011 and have a Merry Christmas :thumbsu:
Were not looking at D2 winners they have a habbit of going up and then comming straight back down. We are looking at Northcote Park and Heidelbergs plan, worked very well for them.
$1.8 mil on the club rooms $30 Thou on a new electric scoreboard just to bring High st ground back up to scratch ready for D1.
After all it's only money and you cant take it with you and if you dont spend it some sleeze bag will just steal it from the club. So spend it and hope like hell you spend more than everyone else.:D
Good Luck in 2011 and have a Merry Christmas :thumbsu:
seems your getting ahead off yourselfs stude...
one step at a time mate........get out off d2 first.....:thumbsu:
Were not looking at D2 winners they have a habbit of going up and then comming straight back down. We are looking at Northcote Park and Heidelbergs plan, worked very well for them.
$1.8 mil on the club rooms $30 Thou on a new electric scoreboard just to bring High st ground back up to scratch ready for D1.
After all it's only money and you cant take it with you and if you dont spend it some sleeze bag will just steal it from the club. So spend it and hope like hell you spend more than everyone else.:D
Good Luck in 2011 and have a Merry Christmas :thumbsu:

$1.8 mill on the club rooms
$30k on a new electronic scoreboard
$100k on player payments
Loss of fringe players & juniors to St.Mary's

= disaster in 2012 if you don't win the flag (and even if you do, there will be no more money to pay players / recruits)

I'm glad I'm not the bean counter at Epping..

It's a bit like Dubai. They went and built a new city and spent billions & billions of dollars and we all thought what a wealthy country the UAE was with their oil reserves.....and then the investors didn't come to the party and the government tried to offload investments on the Stock Exchange and nobody had any money and those that did lost their life earnings....

They are financially crippled and there are incomplete buildings gathering sand and most likely will be knocked over.

Maybe you should have written a heart warming story to Oprah Winfrey about your foreseeable plight
$1.8 mill on the club rooms
$30k on a new electronic scoreboard
$100k on player payments
Loss of fringe players & juniors to St.Mary's

= disaster in 2012 if you don't win the flag (and even if you do, there will be no more money to pay players / recruits)

I'm glad I'm not the bean counter at Epping..

It's a bit like Dubai. They went and built a new city and spent billions & billions of dollars and we all thought what a wealthy country the UAE was with their oil reserves.....and then the investors didn't come to the party and the government tried to offload investments on the Stock Exchange and nobody had any money and those that did lost their life earnings....

They are financially crippled and there are incomplete buildings gathering sand and most likely will be knocked over.

Maybe you should have written a heart warming story to Oprah Winfrey about your foreseeable plight

who do you REALLY think will come down to D2 ?:D
So when we go up to D1 who do you REALLY think will come down to D2 ?:D

More than likely! Sounds like you might be makeing a rod for your own back. The old revolving door policy of player management. Why would those leaving want to come back to a club that is quite happy to see them walk out, to make room for those wanting to line ther pockets?
read on the lalor website that ray wall is returning to the club... does that mean his son david will be playing at the bloods?
So when we go up to D1 who do you REALLY think will come down to D2 ?:D

If you are referring to Whittlesea, will that prove your theory of the revolving door ? The bottom 3-4 teams were pretty even last season and Lalor were pretty unlucky. Most people on here actually thought Greensborough would be the team with Macleod a close second, and the Slime knocked off Heidelberg, so anything is possible.
You've publicly declared Epping in December as D2 Premiers - that's all that matters for the moment.
If you are referring to Whittlesea, will that prove your theory of the revolving door ? The bottom 3-4 teams were pretty even last season and Lalor were pretty unlucky. Most people on here actually thought Greensborough would be the team with Macleod a close second, and the Slime knocked off Heidelberg, so anything is possible.
You've publicly declared Epping in December as D2 Premiers - that's all that matters for the moment.

Well I wasn't thinking Whittlesea but they would have to be in the race.
It's good your keeping in touch with the D2 Forum :D

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St Mary`s are reporting that they have an influx of about 10 players from Epping. Won`t help the depth very much at the Pingers if true!

matthew sole being the stand out, was said to not be wanted at epping after a fight with the coach
Were not looking at D2 winners they have a habbit of going up and then comming straight back down. We are looking at Northcote Park and Heidelbergs plan, worked very well for them.
$1.8 mil on the club rooms $30 Thou on a new electric scoreboard just to bring High st ground back up to scratch ready for D1.
After all it's only money and you cant take it with you and if you dont spend it some sleeze bag will just steal it from the club. So spend it and hope like hell you spend more than everyone else.:D
Good Luck in 2011 and have a Merry Christmas :thumbsu:

You gotta be kidding, pal. The place is a basket case. Everyone backslapped about the senior recruits they got, but never cared or did anything about the scores of good, honest, hard working fringe players that left the club (Note the dismal 2nds 2010). The new coach apparently "cleans out the place," getting rid of the bad culture...Yet, everyone who has ever been near the place knows the select few who are like a cancer still remain. The juniors are all but shot, with no 17's in 2011, and a soft group of 16's. The best of the 2010 17's have departed - no future players on hand. Most of the junior parents want out - the clubs spends NOTHING on the players yet is one of the most expensive in the area. And as for the senior finances....which set of books are we talking about? The ones they declare or the secret ones they keep???
You gotta be kidding, pal. The place is a basket case. Everyone backslapped about the senior recruits they got, but never cared or did anything about the scores of good, honest, hard working fringe players that left the club (Note the dismal 2nds 2010). The new coach apparently "cleans out the place," getting rid of the bad culture...Yet, everyone who has ever been near the place knows the select few who are like a cancer still remain. The juniors are all but shot, with no 17's in 2011, and a soft group of 16's. The best of the 2010 17's have departed - no future players on hand. Most of the junior parents want out - the clubs spends NOTHING on the players yet is one of the most expensive in the area. And as for the senior finances....which set of books are we talking about? The ones they declare or the secret ones they keep???

might as well give up then hey?

"No fringe players in 2011" - does that mean no reserves as well?"

"Dismal Seconds in 2010" - " bit hard to be competitive when senior squad has 10 -15 + injuries"

"cleans out the place," - getting rid of the bad culture"
He's a first year senior coach what evidence is there of "cleans out the place". and I would thought that getting "rid of bad culture" would have been good pratice. The main thing was Dont train dont Play. Whats wrong with that.

Who are the selct few players who are a cancer at the club?

"JUNIORS" from what you say doesn't seem that the great junior club that we have will be in existence for much longer.

1 No 17's
2 Soft Group of 16's !!!! that's alarming
3 No future players coming through - We'll see
4 MOST of the junior parents want out - How many 10,20,30--- 100?????
5 The club spends nothing on players - who juniors or seniors and what is most expensive? Fees what do other clubs charge?
6 Senior Finances - Have you asked/confirmed this with the Treas. I'm sure all of the club members would like to know if it is true. Office bearers have certain rules to adhere to. Penalties can apply

Anyhow I think that the CLUB will survive as it is always about the CLUB and not the individual.

Also who do you support? You must have a sleeper/spy in the club to be so well informed.
You gotta be kidding, pal. The place is a basket case. Everyone backslapped about the senior recruits they got, but never cared or did anything about the scores of good, honest, hard working fringe players that left the club (Note the dismal 2nds 2010). The new coach apparently "cleans out the place," getting rid of the bad culture...Yet, everyone who has ever been near the place knows the select few who are like a cancer still remain. The juniors are all but shot, with no 17's in 2011, and a soft group of 16's. The best of the 2010 17's have departed - no future players on hand. Most of the junior parents want out - the clubs spends NOTHING on the players yet is one of the most expensive in the area. And as for the senior finances....which set of books are we talking about? The ones they declare or the secret ones they keep???

Nah Pal I dont kidd around !

knock knock, who's there ? in D1 2012. LOL :D

Happy New Year
Nah Pal I dont kidd around !

knock knock, who's there ? Epping in D1 2012. LOL :D

Happy New Year

I can't believe the predictions coming from you. Let's just hope that the rest of the club arent getting as far ahead of themselves as you - which im sure they arent. Given you got flogged in a final by the team that ended up finishing 3rd, I would have thought you have a fair bit of ground to make up. A better option would be too work hard and let your actions do the talking. But we're used to such arrogance from you - I think we heard you trumpeting similar stuff about another club only a couple of seasons ago. How long until you jump ship again?!
I can't believe the predictions coming from you. Let's just hope that the rest of the club arent getting as far ahead of themselves as you - which im sure they arent. Given you got flogged in a final by the team that ended up finishing 3rd, I would have thought you have a fair bit of ground to make up. A better option would be too work hard and let your actions do the talking. But we're used to such arrogance from you - I think we heard you trumpeting similar stuff about another club only a couple of seasons ago. How long until you jump ship again?!

I can't believe you dont believe me :eek:
Epping Premiers 2011 :thumbsu::):D:p;):footy:
i wouldnt be worrying about epping to much from what i have heard diamo have picked up a few handy players. they have picked up a division 1 player from north heidelberg and a few others from craigieburn.
i wouldnt be worrying about epping to much from what i have heard diamo have picked up a few handy players. they have picked up a division 1 player from north heidelberg and a few others from craigieburn.

Lalor has a team full of divison 1 players, so they must be certainties for the flag.
Unless Lalor has lost a whole lot of players from last season then they would certainly have to be the team to beat in Div 2 this year ?
A lot of experiance is in that side which no other Div 2 side even comes close to !
After a Div 2 flag in 2007 and three years in Div 1 there will be some players there who will definately appreciate the drop down a grade?
I don't think Peter Shepperd kicking 100 goals this season would be out the question ?
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