Official Club Stuff Official: Tom Boyd officially a Bulldog for Griffen & Pick 6

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Legally we can only pay it for the term of our contract with him I believe. So it'll be a salary dump next year and then he's off our cap. We literally needed to do that to be able to pay the cap

No way he was going to earn close to a mill with us next year. I understand what you're saying, but that is madness. Why pay the campaigner that much? Pay him his 600k or whatever, then pay more to a few kids to get us to the cap for next year.
Cats haven't done a crazy contract with Stanley.
And yes, that is suss too.

Sorry guys. This is the biggest risk in AFL history.
Some thought Franklin was...
Tom Scully says hi. Let's hope it works out better for us.

Any contract from Geelong to Stanley is crazy
No way he was going to earn close to a mill with us next year. I understand what you're saying, but that is madness. Why pay the campaigner that much? Pay him his 600k or whatever, then pay more to a few kids to get us to the cap for next year.
Yeah it's a lot. Obviously a big transfer fee. It won't hurt us cap wise though

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This kid could be the best player in the comp in 4-5 years time and we will have surrounded him with one of the highest quality midfields going around. While it is a risk he was head and shoulders above the rest of his draft class and probably the previous couple of years as well. We have now essentially got the two players with the greatest upside from the 2013 draft and despite losing pick 6 we still have two picks in the mid 20's to land some more key position defenders or maybe a good HBF who can kick well.

I am so excited for the future now and I have been hoping and literally praying for the Dogs to land a key fwd for years and we finally have. Despite what some people are saying about the contract I am not going to let anyone destroy this feeling. Well done to the Bulldogs list Mgmt and recruiting staff for being bold and having a crack. Fortune favours the brave in my view.

A massive welcome to Tom Boyd! I think you will enjoy many great years at the Kennel and the love and adulation of a very loyal and wonderful fan base.
Fairfax has never gone with "facts" that didn't turn out to be true before, have they?
If we wait until the potential is realised, it is too late. Risk-reward.
I do not think that Griffen has 5-6 years left and he was a long way off top 10 AFL this year, although he was thereabouts the previous year.
This time we have finally recruited a really young key forward who has not already been used up and spat out by another club.
e.g. Daniel Bandy, Jade Rawlings, Andrew McDougall, Kingsley Hunter, Allen Jakovich, Simon Minton-Connell, Richard Osborne, James Cook, Scott Welsh, etc.
Sydney got Buddy on a deal not that dissimilar when he was the best forward in the league. It's never too late. We are paying a 19 year old a comparable wage to Buddy Franklin...just let that sink in.

Griffen was a top 5 mid according to champion data this year...:( and easily will play until his mid 30s, he has been durable and apart from a few knee problems early and the back issue that has been resolved. He also has shown an ability to play the half back seagull role which will extend his career. Believe me he'll be around for a while.

Agree with the last sentiment, but geez we paid a high price. Wonder if Wright would've been the better option.

It would be silly to say there is no risk, but i really do think it is low risk that Boyd wont be at least a very good KPF.
That's what Hawthorn said about Dowler/Thorp and Melbourne said about Watts. And we said about JGrant and Walsh...:cry:

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Sydney got Buddy on a deal not that dissimilar when he was the best forward in the league. It's never too late. We are paying a 19 year old a comparable wage to Buddy Franklin...just let that sink in.

Griffen was a top 5 mid according to champion data this year...:( and easily will play until his mid 30s, he has been durable and apart from a few knee problems early and the back issue that has been resolved. He also has shown an ability to play the half back seagull role which will extend his career. Believe me he'll be around for a while.

Agree with the last sentiment, but geez we paid a high price. Wonder if Wright would've been the better option.

That's what Hawthorn said about Dowler/Thorp and Melbourne said about Watts. And we said about JGrant and Walsh...:cry:

And Franklin will be 36 whilst still in contract.
Sydney got Buddy on a deal not that dissimilar when he was the best forward in the league. It's never too late. We are paying a 19 year old a comparable wage to Buddy Franklin...just let that sink in.

Griffen was a top 5 mid according to champion data this year...:( and easily will play until his mid 30s, he has been durable and apart from a few knee problems early and the back issue that has been resolved. He also has shown an ability to play the half back seagull role which will extend his career. Believe me he'll be around for a while.

Agree with the last sentiment, but geez we paid a high price. Wonder if Wright would've been the better option.

That's what Hawthorn said about Dowler/Thorp and Melbourne said about Watts. And we said about JGrant and Walsh...:cry:
A risk is a risk is a risk. It comes off or it doesn't. Short term it's fantastic from a marketing viewpoint. We also have the most in form recruiters in the game so let's back them a bit. Also the money is relative to our current climate cap wise, especially with 1.3 million off the list by tomorrow (coon, griff and Higgins).

I agree and you're right, we've paid big but they're experts and it's had an immediate positive effect
Sydney got Buddy on a deal not that dissimilar when he was the best forward in the league. It's never too late. We are paying a 19 year old a comparable wage to Buddy Franklin...just let that sink in.

Griffen was a top 5 mid according to champion data this year...:( and easily will play until his mid 30s, he has been durable and apart from a few knee problems early and the back issue that has been resolved. He also has shown an ability to play the half back seagull role which will extend his career. Believe me he'll be around for a while.

Agree with the last sentiment, but geez we paid a high price. Wonder if Wright would've been the better option.

That's what Hawthorn said about Dowler/Thorp and Melbourne said about Watts. And we said about JGrant and Walsh...:cry:

Well let's continue to founder around in the mix with all of the other small clubs, thinking small and never taking a risk because we are too afraid of failing...which of course guarantees that we will fail.

Think small and get a small return. You've got to risk failing big to improve your chances of winning big in this game.
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Griffen was a top 5 mid according to champion data this year...:( and easily will play until his mid 30s, he has been durable and apart from a few knee problems early and the back issue that has been resolved. He also has shown an ability to play the half back seagull role which will extend his career. Believe me he'll be around for a while.
Think it might come down to desire moreso than capability.

If we couldn't facilitate a trade, Griff probably would've happily retired, and he never struck me as a bloke that would play on well into his thirties.

But I definitely agree with what you're saying otherwise. He's hit 200 games at 28 and a couple of impact/freak injuries aside, has cruised through. As well as playing as that rebounding seagull, I think he could also play forward - he's got the height, smarts and physique.

I'm very much in favour of the trade that was done, though. Paying through the nose for any 19 year old is risky, but Boyd's a very assured prospect, and I don't see Wright being the dominant KPF that Boyd has long promised to be. Not to mention the enormous marketing value the bloke carries. And don't think it'll phase him, either - he'll lap it up without letting it affect his performance.

But, time will tell. Hopefully, as everyone's favourite social commentator Heritier Lumumba would say, we end up on 'the right side of history.'
Well let's continue to flounder around in the mix with all of the other small clubs, thinking small and never taking a risk because we are too afraid of failing...which of course guarantees that we will fail.

Think small and get a small return. You've got to risk failing big to improve your chances of winning big in this game.
Who's thinking small? Don't put words in my mouth Mutt you're better than that. I'm actually thinking more about the big picture.
Wouldn't a more prudent strategy be to build from within, amass a warchest of talent (filling all holes on our list) and then strike while the iron is hot and offer such a contract to a player in his prime and coming into free agency? We are at least two years off such a move, to do it now seems just as much about PR as actually getting the player. Looking at the big picture is hard when you get emotional, and we got emotional. I guess the solace in that is at least when we got emotional we ended up with a seriously amazing young tall forward prospect with bucket loads of potential. I just wish we didn't show our cards before we were ready to win the hand. So all in all I'm not too upset (actually I'm pretty content), and probably would've signed off on it if I was Gordon (simply to save face). I do wonder though if the calming influence of McCartney would have agreed with this move. In fact I remember you being quite against such a move earlier this year. What made you come around? In all sincerity maybe it'll help me.

Big picture now is hope Boyd ends up all he can be and we don't have an angry Stringer/Bontempelli/Macrae asking for the same contract in two years. Also hope we can unearth some quality in the second round this year that can start to fill the other holes we have. Maybe we have a plan and I'm jumping at shadows but I've supported this club my whole life and we really don't have the best luck with high risk deals. Just ask Lachlan Veale.
Think it might come down to desire moreso than capability.

If we couldn't facilitate a trade, Griff probably would've happily retired, and he never struck me as a bloke that would play on well into his thirties.

But I definitely agree with what you're saying otherwise. He's hit 200 games at 28 and a couple of impact/freak injuries aside, has cruised through. As well as playing as that rebounding seagull, I think he could also play forward - he's got the height, smarts and physique.

I'm very much in favour of the trade that was done, though. Paying through the nose for any 19 year old is risky, but Boyd's a very assured prospect, and I don't see Wright being the dominant KPF that Boyd has long promised to be. Not to mention the enormous marketing value the bloke carries. And don't think it'll phase him, either - he'll lap it up without letting it affect his performance.

But, time will tell. Hopefully, as everyone's favourite social commentator Heritier Lumumba would say, we end up on 'the right side of history.'
All fair enough, but I don't know, maybe I'm just being silly and resistant to change.
But I would've felt more comfortable with Griffen for Wright and then having a massive crack at Boyd, Cameron and Carlisle at the end of next year. Or whoever comes into Free agency in 2016.
Happy to be completely wrong and Wright and McCartin end up so-so and Boyd ends up a Jonathan Brown type superstar and in that case who gives a flying **** what we paid for him.
Who's thinking small? Don't put words in my mouth Mutt you're better than that. I'm actually thinking more about the big picture.
Wouldn't a more prudent strategy be to build from within, amass a warchest of talent (filling all holes on our list) and then strike while the iron is hot and offer such a contract to a player in his prime and coming into free agency? We are at least two years off such a move, to do it now seems just as much about PR as actually getting the player. Looking at the big picture is hard when you get emotional, and we got emotional. I guess the solace in that is at least when we got emotional we ended up with a seriously amazing young tall forward prospect with bucket loads of potential. I just wish we didn't show our cards before we were ready to win the hand. So all in all I'm not too upset (actually I'm pretty content), and probably would've signed off on it if I was Gordon (simply to save face). I do wonder though if the calming influence of McCartney would have agreed with this move. In fact I remember you being quite against such a move earlier this year. What made you come around? In all sincerity maybe it'll help me.

Big picture now is hope Boyd ends up all he can be and we don't have an angry Stringer/Bontempelli/Macrae asking for the same contract in two years. Also hope we can unearth some quality in the second round this year that can start to fill the other holes we have. Maybe we have a plan and I'm jumping at shadows but I've supported this club my whole life and we really don't have the best luck with high risk deals. Just ask Lachlan Veale.

I think it is a great time to strike with an emotional PR move, footy isn't all about the players and the numbers. It comes back to the people and this gets everything moving into overdrive. The people are why the club is still alive today. There has to be a big spike in membership and in sponsorship. And as you say we can probably keep building internally and plug holes and then strike again with a big free agent in the next couple of years.

In terms of unhappy players, by the sounds of it these guys want to be together so I'm hoping there is a strong culture built and players don't demand full worth because they want to stay together.
The only players over 100 games:
Picken 129
Minson 179
Morris 193
Boyd 239
Murphy 271
(assuming Cooney is gone)
Next best is Crameri at 79 games...

Question is who on earth is captain?

Also we could still very well lure a big fish next year as well, we would have a decent amount of cap space still (I think/hope).

If you look at Port and wonder where they came from and compare it to our list, they currently have 11 players over 100 games and 10 of those are between 100 and 200.

Give it a year or two and our guys really start coming into this games played bracket as a pack with Boyd priming. Watch out I reckon!
All fair enough, but I don't know, maybe I'm just being silly and resistant to change.
But I would've felt more comfortable with Griffen for Wright and then having a massive crack at Boyd, Cameron and Carlisle at the end of next year. Or whoever comes into Free agency in 2016.
Happy to be completely wrong and Wright and McCartin end up so-so and Boyd ends up a Jonathan Brown type superstar and in that case who gives a flying **** what we paid for him.

Mate the time to strike was now next year we would have been 1 of 10 teams going for them. Don't fancy our chances
I think it is a great time to strike with an emotional PR move, footy isn't all about the players and the numbers. It comes back to the people and this gets everything moving into overdrive. The people are why the club is still alive today. There has to be a big spike in membership and in sponsorship. And as you say we can probably keep building internally and plug holes and then strike again with a big free agent in the next couple of years.

In terms of unhappy players, by the sounds of it these guys want to be together so I'm hoping there is a strong culture built and players don't demand full worth because they want to stay together.
Mate absolutely hope you are right. And I agree that the PR move was a good strategy for the supporters, I'm not sure of it's effect long-term though.

Mate the time to strike was now next year we would have been 1 of 10 teams going for them. Don't fancy our chances
Not many would've been able to pay as much as us. Actually about two by my count. And both are in a worse position on-field than us. We would've got one of those players.
Honestly though, I've said my piece and will endeavour to forget my misgivings and support the club with gusto.
Mate absolutely hope you are right. And I agree that the PR move was a good strategy for the supporters, I'm not sure of it's effect long-term though.

Not many would've been able to pay as much as us. Actually about two by my count. And both are in a worse position on-field than us. We would've got one of those players.
Honestly though, I've said my piece and will endeavour to forget my misgivings and support the club with gusto.

Big risk

Lets hope, He who dares wins

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