Game Day Round 19, 2023: St.Kilda v North Melbourne

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We had gutted the playing list and it wasn't a surprise to anyone that we'd be near the bottom. This list were a game from finals last year but if you want to make it easier on yourself by rolling out excuses I guess that's up to you. We are total dross.
What are you talking about excuses ahahhahahahah but 2013/2014 was much worse than this mate.
As bad as I've seen.

Bassat needs to go. New president. Churn the board in 2024. Get a new CEO.

Yeah, if we fall away next season he has to live and die by his decisions.
Richo fault
Ratts fault
Now Lyons fault.
When will you jokers start looking at the players taking responsibility?
Always the coach with you lot

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Hold on, weren't we told that Lyon had completely changed the standards at the club?

If the standards have improved so dramatically wouldn't we also see improvement from the players?

I reckon we are in for a full rebuild. North will pass us and Hawks probably already have. Keep the kids. * off 75% of the list. Lyon probably not going to see out his 4 years either.

We've got core, problem being we have not much else ready to go.

So for me not a full rebuild, but everyone there 4-6 years is on notice, let's have a chat sort of level and you're picking and choosing. Coaches will be fine, but we severely need mid and forward depth if we're either contesting or kicking ourselves out of a rut, as both are torching defense this season. Like say me with Coff, happy to keep him if his body holds up, but betwen him and Hunter, one goes as too long, we get middled nonsense, anyone want to buy? That sort of decision to be made.
The skills are deplorable. A team devoid of confidence who has forgotten how to move the ball. A whole heap of players in this team who aren't there if we ever contend again. Need to cull hard in a few months.

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He's so obviously barracking for North it just makes it even more painful.

Might have to mute and turn off the screen for the second half.
Especially the grudge match bullsh*t.
Based on this year as a whole how many good solid footballers have we got?

Sinclair, Wilkie, NAS, Crouch, Wood, Owens, Marshall, Butler, Webster, maybe Higgins.

Excuse Caminiti, Windhager, Phillipou as they are young.

Now maybe some are playing injured like Steele(?) who knows.

The rest just haven’t developed as we would have hoped and really aren’t that good. They are pretty much all C graders. Unfortunately I think we need to move on from Hunter Clark - just hasnt got the physical attributes to be an elite mid.

There will be significant list changes at the end of the year - has to be!

Plus - lack on field leadership!
Question for the selection panel - why do you absolutely hate the idea of 2nd mature tall body who could play in the fwd half and or could actually play in the ruck when Marshall is not on?

Marshall has had 10 possessions and gained 132 metres in half of footy playing in the ruck and we can't change it up because we don't ever ever ever play a 2nd tall.

Which is even weirder given our apparent desire to just kick it long to a Higgins/Butler V Ben McKay contest.
Very coachable group = can't think for themselves
Lack of leadership and lack of ability to adapt to what the opposition is throwing at them.
Playing like a bunch of headless chooks!
It's seriously time for the club to embrace a rebuild.

Billings, Jones, Gresham, Ross, Bytel, Howard, Paton and Highmore have all considerably shown they are not up to it.

Big question marks on Coffield (injuries), Clarke, Battle, Hayes (injuries), McKenzie (injuries) and Byrnes.

I only feel confident in Owens, King, Windhager, NWM, Phillipou, Stocker, Higgins, Caminiti and Sharman as players for the future.

I'd keep the following senior players unless we got a good deal; Steele, Sinclair, Marshall, Wilkie, Hill, Webster, Butler, Wood and Crouch.

There's a little bit there as long as we are able to hit the draft well over the next few years.
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