Autopsy Round 20, 2021: St.Kilda v Carlton

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We need to play Cooper in these last three games. I hope Kent and Paul Hunter finish up with us after this year. I'd be extremely surprised if Dunstan and Lonie don't walk. Billings would be good trade bait. I think we need to make a play for Bing sooner rather than later. We desperately need a key defender too (which, by the way, Bing played as a defender until Gold Coast drafted him). Our midfield structure looks munted without Ryder.

You know how some players have that ability where everything else seems to go in slow motion, they just have so much time? Like Clark in his first year or two? Paul Hunter is the first player I've ever seen who has the complete opposite effect. Every time he gets it he looks like he's in slow motion and immediately gets tackled.

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Our forward line is a shambles, King kicked 3 goals early and once Carlton shut him down we had no other avenues to goal.

Most of our other goals came after the result was done and dusted, easy to kick junktime goals, no one stepped up to kick goals when we needed them.

I think it was a mistake to get rid of Josh Bruce at least until there was a suitable replacement.
Paton - Howard - Highmore
Sinclair - Wilkie - ???
??? - Steele - ???
Gresham - Membrey - ???
??? - King - ???
Marshal - Crouch - ???
Clark - Byrnes - ??? - ???

A lot of holes popping up in this team. Big questions on the development of more than a few. Bytel, Battle and Coffield come to mind.

Need to clear out to assistant coaches if the club believes in Ratts long term. Will be very interesting to see if he gets an extension in the off season or if the club put everyone on notice to perform in 2022.

No out of the question that this list gets blown up and rebuilt again under a new coach on the backs of Marshall and Steele as the senior players pushing for finals in 2028...

From our current list (minus everyone I want gone), this is my 2022 team

B: Paton, Howard, Wilkie
HB: Coffield, Battle, Sinclair
C: Hill, Steele, Clark
HF: Higgins, Marshall, Gresham
F: Butler, King, Membrey

Foll: Ryder, Crouch, Jones
Int: Byrnes, Bytel, Connolly, Webster

It's not a bad start, though we need another genuine key defender and some more class in the middle.
Nailing your high picks is how you get stars. Cripps used to be a star too and Dow has improved. Weitering is a gun.
Max King
Very disappointing. Tired, disjointed after the trip West? Should of course be better than that. Liked our younger guys. Sharman looks very promising, Connolly good again. Connolly made some blues, but he takes it on. Byrnes pretty solid again.

Steele and Marshall played as well as could be expected. You could say we should have made more of our ruck dominance. Jones 30 touches, Crouch 28....but both with lousy efficiency. They didn't have any room it seemed. Credit to Carlton. Lots of pressure. But ours was not at that level. Some strange decision making all night. And we missed some very gettable set shots.

Yea some will criticise Connolly today but I like how he took on the game and tried to be creative. He will make mistakes but he can do the magical reminds me a ittle bit of Zac BUtters from Port.
How much better do we look rnd 1 next year with Clark and Gresham in the midfield rotation for Dunstan and Ross...

We've been smashed on the outside at Marvel every f*n time
We’ll look better if Clark actually gets fit! Unless he wants to play 60% game time. He’s definitely good enough, but I don’t think he has the application yet. Get him to just shadow Steele all preseason
If Sharmo is a developing ruck can’t we just play him as Kings decoy for a year and then back as a year and then if he’s ready drop him in the ruck
He looks too good to be left to go to waste and floundering in the vfl for a couple of years.

Think you’re mixing him up with Max Heath. He’s the ruck.
Max King

Yea some will criticise Connolly today but I like how he took on the game and tried to be creative. He will make mistakes but he can do the magical reminds me a ittle bit of Zac BUtters from Port.
I love the look of Connolly and I hope he doesn’t stop taking the game on.

His decision making was really poor tonight, but he’s only played 5 games, so you have to expect that at times. He’s going to be a good player.

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Sharman looks a good prospect, he had the smarts to lead away from King into space and drag defenders away from him rather than compete with him.

I'm sure our forward line coaches will coach that out of him and tell him to lead to the same spot Max leads to and spoil his marks.
I love the look of Connolly and I hope he doesn’t stop taking the game on.

His decision making was really poor tonight, but he’s only played 5 games, so you have to expect that at times. He’s going to be a good player.

Yep, along with Sharman and Byrnes they looked equal to our GOPs already. You need a few old hacks to bring the young guys through but they should be pushed out for the young guys as soon as we get them built up.
Anyone got Clarko's number ? Good luck getting him to answer though.

Seriously, maybe I've become an old pessimist having seen the same horror movie re-run so many times before. But I saw that coming all week.

Not our piss poor effort but Carlton's response to the media caning they've taken this week. I can't recall another team that has been hammered in the media all week long like that. And I mean all week. It wasn't just from the usual suspects either like Cornes. Even Rooey bought into the debate claiming that the Carlton team were playing for their careers tonight. Throw in Leigh Matthews saying Cripps is playing like an old man and if the Blues hadn't responded in the manner that they did I would've been amazed.

All the BS about McKay not playing during the week was well, just that. It was as predictable as Ryder was going to miss.

Of course none of that matters a toss if we'd turned up to play. But again how predictable it was that we didn't. The fact Carlton would come out breathing fire this week was a certainty in my view. Sadly, the fact that we wouldn't turn up and meet them head on was almost just as predictable if you've watched the Saints long enough.

No other club struggles to handle expectation in crucial games like we do. Let us play with the freedom and anonymity of an underdog like against Richmond , Brisbane and the Eagles last week and we'll surprise everyone. Everyone that is except all the true Saints diehards who've seen it all before ad nauseum.

If we run true to form we'll probably knock Sydney off next week.

But good luck trying to stop Buddy and Hawkins a week later without Doogs down back.
Alright I went overboard in the game chat but I think I've cooled off a bit.

That was THE shittest performance we've dished up all year. Melbourne, Essendon, Bulldogs, Richmond, Port, Adelaide.

Some of those losses were being outclassed from start to finish, some was a lack of effort from start to finish, some were fade outs or crap starts. This was a 4 quarter lack of effort and somehow outclassed by a side that is most definitely not even debatably a good side this year. I can take solace from Port, Richmond, Essendon beating us on their day and The Dogs and Melbourne are the flag favourites but Carlton has had an even more disappointing (up until this point) season than us and a coach that was on the verge of being sacked and we still capitulated.

What comes next will heavily shape our off season you'd have to think. Blessing in disguise I guess.

Long been debated is what will happen if Dougal Howard goes down. He, King and Ryder aren't just some of our best players but our most important structurally. We rely on them even in their worst games for our game plan to even function. Our replacements for Dougs are almost 5-10 cm shorter and not used to playing Key defence. We'll see exactly how the backline copes without dougal howard being tested by Geelong and Buddy Franklin in coming weeks.

I enjoyed (pushing it) seeing Cooper Sharman get to properly debut tonight. In under an hour he managed to get 2.1 in terms of scoring and 4 marks. He might play better or worse but to be able to show that he can lead and manuever around in the forward line to find space as well as mark is promising and a point of difference right now. Could fill the role of Josh Battle or Mason Wood in the team.

Max King good early then held well by Carlton's defence. I'd wager we looked better again later once Sharman came on, having more than one target mixed it up again when previously they just sat everyone on King and intercepted everything.

What was poor was the tackle effort. They were the smaller and more inexperienced team, especially in the midfield. They managed to make us look like the scared ones. We were panicked and fumbly whenever we got the ball, whether or not there was actually an opposition player in pursuit. They broke our tackles, shrugged them and moved unimpeded from defence to offence.

Harry Mckay made our defence look second rate both before and after Dougal Howard went off. I was giving him shit in the game thread but what he did looked like the same issue King threatens to pose to other teams with the whole "using incredible height and athleticism to take the ball and the highest point or follow up with surprising agility at ground level". As teams manage to shut down King, we'll want to analyse that to figure out how to combat similar freak fowards. King is a freak for being 2m tall and athletic but in the last couple years there's actually quite a few giant forwards now. About half the teams have one.

Steele good but not without blame here. He lead by example by getting possessions, driving the ball forward and tackling but I'm not sure I saw much leadership. He looked angry and you could see he cared by reading his lips "****ing hell" "this is shit". We needed him to rally the boys and instil in them the belief that we could still come back. The games where Steele cracks and looks angry or lost is where we tend to get blown out, he almost goes into his shell and tries to do everything himself, which is admirable but futile. Still BOG for us though, just needs to learn how to lead in crisis.
Sharman looks a good prospect, he had the smarts to lead away from King into space and drag defenders away from him rather than compete with him.

I'm sure our forward line coaches will coach that out of him and tell him to lead to the same spot Max leads to and spoil his marks.
Yeah I liked that he didn't stop moving. Everyone was standing still in the fwd 50 and he kept moving and making leads
I'd keep Dunstan. The other 2 package them up with a 1st rounder -next year's- for Bing
I thought Ross was ok today. I would be keeping him over Billings and Dunstan. I think he comes the cheapest as well.

Crouch was the most disappointing mid by a fair shot in my opinion.

Liked the look of Sharman. I hope we see him for the rest of the year now we are out of the hunt.

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