Review Round 22, 2023 vs GWS

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Well for 75% of it, yea...
That's okay when he kicks more goals as a wing in one quarter than your mate McEntee has kicked as a forward in two months.

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Finlayson went from third in the AFL for set shot accuracy to being our worst in that regard, what happened?
He was clearly pissed off with the way he was being umpired by that number 32 in that first half and I think it got to him a bit.
Looked like the game we wanted to play from the start. Pressured hard and moved the ball quick. Need to bring that every week. Everyone played pretty well.

Jonas was good today. Didn't see Hogan for most of the game outside of a gift of a mark and goal given by the umpire.

If he can like that for the rest of the season then at least we don't need to rush McKenzie back if he isn't ready.

Thought Hayes was beaten by Briggs, but Briggs is up there as one of the form rucks so it was respectable. I still think we look better with a more aggressive ruckman and that's why Vis is the man long term.

Wines was also really strong. Actually looked strong in the body. Broke through a heap of tackles and drove forward. Probably his best game for the season. Hopefully he keeps it up.

Finishing simple shots is still generally horrific. Turned an 80 point win into a 50 pointer. Finlayson is really, really off.
Champions deserve to be talked about respectfully.
Boak more than most.

Please don't ever forget the decisions he has made to support this club and his efforts to train both himself and others to be at their best.
I would love to see him have a role at the club for another 20 years once he ticks off the 350 games.

Congratulations on the 4 points Port, on the top 4 finish and on the worst kept secret of the coaching mentorship.
An absolute win/win in my book.
All I said was the midfield was better without Boak - I didn’t have a go at his career.

Unfortunately every players time comes and he doesn’t contribute enough to be starting 22.
Best game by Wines for a long time, seem to be given more mid time today. If we can get him up and running , what a midfield rotation. Superb 1st half from Bergman, solid combative effort from Hayes, with some real physical clashes in the middle, at least nullified some of their ruck dominance. Rioli getting better, and defence was solid, even old Jonas was ok. Overall was a bit surprised at the ease of it , rated GWS but they never really got into it.
Last 2 wins Hayes had played 😃
Hayes played a good measured game to night. Was monstered a bit by Briggs one on one but that was expected. Kept at it and was more than serviceable in the centre standing up when it counted.

All credit to Lobbe for changing his ruck duties to play to Hayes' strengths - limiting his need to cover a heap of territory across the ground it meant Hayes was never left exposed by being out of puff in ruck contests.

Good all round coaching tonight imho. And the players delivered in spades across the field. Everyone has to be happy with that performance.

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Pretty good effort , couldn’t fault too much . The midfield was superb again. Drew and Wines gave the big 3 a hand and the ruck didn’t hurt us too badly . Hayes was well beaten but he gave a strong effort. Finlayson was good without being great , same with Marshall . Rioli was classy as usual .
Down back we were a little shaky but with the midfield dominance we got away with it .
Duursma was a bit quiet but the game was kind of played away from him a lot of the time and I thought he looked fit so hopefully he’ll get back to his best soon . McEntee a bit better this week , still not great though .SPP was pretty good . Bergman started like a house on fire , Houston and Farrell were good . Overall a good effort and hopefully get back into top form for the finals
Great win
Played it out as well
There was periods within that game where we could have sat it out and allowed them to get back into it.
Jonas didn't set the world in fire but he was more than serviceable.
Need Brisbane to drop one next week and we're every chance of top 2.
Hayes is the best tap ruckman we've got, he just can't run out a game
Champions deserve to be talked about respectfully.
Boak more than most.

Please don't ever forget the decisions he has made to support this club and his efforts to train both himself and others to be at their best.
I would love to see him have a role at the club for another 20 years once he ticks off the 350 games.

Congratulations on the 4 points Port, on the top 4 finish and on the worst kept secret of the coaching mentorship.
An absolute win/win in my book.
Yeah fukc that. As bad as "Hinkley saved the club" crappola. Boak is as good a footballer as Hinkley is coach. Better than average, longevity, comes up short when it matters.
Not sure if he was injured but absolutely perplexed why Hayes was subbed out when Lord had 0 touches and 1 tackle across the last 3 quarters
He’s carrying a shoulder injury. Saw him in the sheds at half time taking tablets and couldn’t even pull his jacket over his left shoulder when subbed.

He really dug in deep tonight to play through it.
Welcome back Ollie Wines, we missed you. He makes an enormous difference to our side when he’s on song, now just needs to carry that form into the Finals.

I thought Hayes was serviceable given his shoulder & recent lack of match fitness. Good performance under the circumstances.

As good as Rozee & Butters are, JHF might end up being the best of the bunch. Only injury & lack of ambition can stop him from becoming the AFLs best player. Sorry Norf (not really), he is that good, and more.

Despite his lack of impact, we really need to persevere with Lord. You can just sense that with more experience & confidence under his belt, he could be a type of KPF that could take 3 contested grabs in a quarter of footy & turn a match.

I love watching Dylan Williams play, his composure, vision & disposal are second to none. One of the best stories of the year.
That was a good win against a good opponent. Got on top early, killed the game and kept playing our football.

Every player played pretty well. Even Jonas looked competent for the first time this year. Bergmans first quarter was electric. What a quarter!

Wines played probably his best game for the year. Houston was huge. Butters 2nd quarter was something else. Rozee just another effortless 30 & 6 clearances. Ridiculously good.

JHF was so so good. Such a great second half. DBJ played his best game in a long time. Even McEntee played his best game through the second half of the year.

Good to win again

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