Review Round 22, 2023 vs GWS

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I reckon Marshall hit his head on the ground again at half back with about 5min to go in the third.
Didn't get really picked up by the commentators.
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I reckon Marshall hit his head on the ground again at half back with about 5min to go into the third.
Didn't get really picked up by the commentators.
He got elbowed in the back of the head whilst lying on the ground early in the first too.

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The look on Schulzen's face when McEntee snapped that great goal.....priceless.
Yes, improved his average scoring shots per game since the bye from 0.16 to 0.28. Dizzying stuff.
That second tier of players really stood up tonight to.

Duursma, dbj, Bergman etc it's the bottom half of our 22 that will determine how far we will go on September.

You know what rozee butters Houston etc will bting
You're lack of understanding his role in the team is the Dizzying stuff.
If his role is to do **** all, he is doing it amazingly.

Please tell me what his role is so we can have a look into his statistical output and go from there.

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You're lack of understanding his role in the team is the Dizzying stuff.
I've already posted the numbers showing that even his 'pressure acts' are no more than average for a small forward and there are about thirty others in the league better at than him. He's adequate at best defensively and the worst forward in the league offensively.
Wines back to some form which was good to see. Felt like he played a bit more inside as he should.

Bergman amazing 1st qtr.
JHF career best outing, really in peak form last 2 weeks.
Drew a good night for him, he's a real barometer for us.
Rioli 2 nice weeks in a row.
Hayes absolutely embarrassed in the first, but fought back well to at least be competitive and take a few marks around the ground.
Houston, Rozee, Butters doing what we expect of them these days.
Be nice to get more from Marshall and for Finlayson to actually convert set shots.

Overall solid effort. Comfortable win and no injuries. Locked away top 4. Big game next week.
It was a nice goal in the last quarter but the game had been over for a while and Evans did all of the hard stuff to give him that opportunity.

I think Evans did more for that goal than McEntee. Very good snap though.

If Schulzen was at the game he would've booed McEntees goal 😁
Best game by Wines for a long time, seem to be given more mid time today. If we can get him up and running , what a midfield rotation. Superb 1st half from Bergman, solid combative effort from Hayes, with some real physical clashes in the middle, at least nullified some of their ruck dominance. Rioli getting better, and defence was solid, even old Jonas was ok. Overall was a bit surprised at the ease of it , rated GWS but they never really got into it.
Is easy to forget given Wines started what feels like a generation ago, but he’s a deserved Brownlow Medalist who is only 28yo.
He won that Brownlow when realising that his job was not to burst from stoppages and be a link man or outside runner.
Having a mix with him and peak Rozee and peak Butters (and Hayes ;)) was always going to reignite his form once early season injuries settled.
Our pressure in the first half was immense. They couldn't match it and we were able to pretty much do as we pleased. Game over at half time.

With the speedy midfield and elite kickers we have at half back, and with hardly any KPD, perhaps its time to play more of a slingshot style and give our forwards a chance.
Our pressure in the first half was immense. They couldn't match it and we were able to pretty much do as we pleased. Game over at half time.

With the speedy midfield and elite kickers we have at half back, and with hardly any KPD, perhaps its time to play more of a slingshot style and give our forwards a chance.
A “Teal Tsunami”?

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