Autopsy Round 22 - Derby Autopsy. If you find a positive, pick it up and all the day you’ll have good luck

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I was on a high after watching the Matildas get through so I think that helped me get through watching that complete ****ing disaster.
Hewett had an alright game despite trying to kick at full pace and shanking a few.
20 Disposals (10 contested) 3 Tackles 4 Clearances (3 center clearances and the team highest). Not bad from a first year.

Longy had a almost game. Should have had 2 snags had he kicked straight.

Outside of that the rest of the game can get in the bin.

Also it needs to be called out, the decision to even name a sick Hough in the team was a goddamn joke. Should never have been put in that position to begin with. IF THEY ARE NOT FIT TO PLAY DON'T BLOODY SELECT THEM. Kid is lucky the doc caught his puffer use and questioned him otherwise we could have looked at a doping situation.

Special call out to the Umps for barely even acknowledging tackles for the entire night. 64 tackles for 12 frees (and probably only 2-3 of them were for tackles). Putrid.
I saw the game but was very drunk. What happened with Hough at the start?
Doc found out he had too many puffer puffs and was in risk of breaching doping rules so they pulled him from the team literally 30 seconds before the bounce.
Kid was sick all week.
No Petch, no West Coast.

Seriously though, we're just at that point where missing a few and a few players having an off night means we get smacked.

Slight chance we over reacted in our chase for Harley Reid with our centre bounce attendances after almost winning last week. Wouldn't mind if someone could post the figures.
Watched it live. The best thing I can say was I missed the first quarter and a half because Up the Tilda's!!!! And woweee that game was absolutely without anything positive to talk about. Weak at the contest with poor method is basically the summary. Bring on 2025 because next year looks just as bleak.
What a mood killer after sitting in the stadium and the atmosphere when the Matilda’s won.
Negative……..wanted to get up and leave at 3/4 time but had mouthy Dockers people next to me laughing at everyone who left…….so I sat it out….
More negatives - there should be big thick black lines through the list of names over the next coming weeks…..starting from the top.

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With the late outs they'd have played him anyway but Jones looked gassed early and should have been back through WAFL. Match Committee need to learn that bringing a player back through the WAFL after a long injury break is not a sign you don't rate them but another step towards full fitness (as opposed to full health).
Not much to say. Couldn’t watch live. Saw the score and doubt I’ll watch the replay

Big step backwards after some rays of light recently

Only two more weeks of 2023

That’s just not good enough coming from a well respected media man .How are the podcast community going to handle an un researched villains segment.
Positive for me is maybe posters will now stop talking about how we will win a game and miss out on pick one.Our revolving doors of ins and outs and lack of talent will stop that happening.
i thought Greg Clark was alright as the sub and maybe deserves to be tried in the centre for the last two games.
Positive for me is maybe posters will now stop talking about how we will win a game and miss out on pick one.Our revolving doors of ins and outs and lack of talent will stop that happening.
i thought Greg Clark was alright as the sub and maybe deserves to be tried in the centre for the last two games.
Yeah i thought Clark was pretty good in the last quarter, was actually on the ball too which was good to see
Hunt and Witherden showed something resembling composure in the backline throughout the night. Hunt's work forward of centre was suspect but at least he got into decent positions. Witherden deserves another contract.

McGovern took some nice contested marks but fsrk me his kicking was shite.

Hewett went alright. Gaff wasn't terrible. Probably the best of our senior guys in all honesty.

O'Niell, Foley, SPS please get in the bin and don't come back.
I watched the whole game last night, I always do, although I thought strongly about turning it off after half time.
I am still in pain.

I am not sure whether that was a tanking performance or that we are really that bad.
I admit that I did not want the team to win last night because after a horror season (two seasons), I want to get some compensation in the form of Harley Reid who seems to me head and shoulders the best draft pick.
On the other hand, I did not want to endure another horror show like last night. Even a 50 point loss might have been okay.
I do not think the game last night reflects the true difference between the teams.

We started well, sort of dominated the first ten minutes and got out to a two goal lead which could have been more.
From that point on the game was turned on its head and they dominated.
Maybe the players thought when they were in front ‘this isn’t the script, we’re not supposed to win’ and stopped.
Obviously I can’t prove that, it was just how it looked.

The draft pick issue is a real dilemma. The club would be crazy if they didn’t want Reid for the next ten years but not trying to win is no good. Maybe they were trying to win but then if so it was a truly awful performance.

If they were not trying to win, they have to try and cover it up so there won’t be all the hue and cry from the east.
So instead of taking major players out like Allen, or McGovern, or even Bailey Williams, lesser players who have been contributing over the past few weeks such as Maric, Petruccelle, even JWilliams are taken out which unbalanced the side and made it significantly weaker.
I am looking at this kind of conspiratorially, so I even question whether the Hough thing was a setup. Hough has been playing well too so his absence was important. I know this is really going over the top with the conspiracy viewpoint.

Then in the game day coaching, how could they allow Lachie Schulz and Sturt to run around and create havoc.
If they were trying to win, then this was a truly horrible effort at all levels.

I don’t know what the truth is. Only the club knows and we are not going to find out.
If we are as bad as last night then that is very sad and painful for the club and its supporters.
On top of everything else, the umpiring was as bad as the team.
Everyone must be in shock today, I think even Will Schofield was last night in his understated way.

I don’t see how Simpson could last beyond mid season next year if this series of disasters continues, and I would think they would already have contingency plans in place, it is amazing that he has lasted this long.
Probably never in AFL history has a team been so bad and the coach kept his head.
I watched the whole game last night, I always do, although I thought strongly about turning it off after half time.
I am still in pain.

I am not sure whether that was a tanking performance or that we are really that bad.
I admit that I did not want the team to win last night because after a horror season (two seasons), I want to get some compensation in the form of Harley Reid who seems to me head and shoulders the best draft pick.
On the other hand, I did not want to endure another horror show like last night. Even a 50 point loss might have been okay.
I do not think the game last night reflects the true difference between the teams.

We started well, sort of dominated the first ten minutes and got out to a two goal lead which could have been more.
From that point on the game was turned on its head and they dominated.
Maybe the players thought when they were in front ‘this isn’t the script, we’re not supposed to win’ and stopped.
Obviously I can’t prove that, it was just how it looked.

The draft pick issue is a real dilemma. The club would be crazy if they didn’t want Reid for the next ten years but not trying to win is no good. Maybe they were trying to win but then if so it was a truly awful performance.

If they were not trying to win, they have to try and cover it up so there won’t be all the hue and cry from the east.
So instead of taking major players out like Allen, or McGovern, or even Bailey Williams, lesser players who have been contributing over the past few weeks such as Maric, Petruccelle, even JWilliams are taken out which unbalanced the side and made it significantly weaker.
I am looking at this kind of conspiratorially, so I even question whether the Hough thing was a setup. Hough has been playing well too so his absence was important. I know this is really going over the top with the conspiracy viewpoint.

Then in the game day coaching, how could they allow Lachie Schulz and Sturt to run around and create havoc.
If they were trying to win, then this was a truly horrible effort at all levels.

I don’t know what the truth is. Only the club knows and we are not going to find out.
If we are as bad as last night then that is very sad and painful for the club and its supporters.
On top of everything else, the umpiring was as bad as the team.
Everyone must be in shock today, I think even Will Schofield was last night in his understated way.

I don’t see how Simpson could last beyond mid season next year if this series of disasters continues, and I would think they would already have contingency plans in place, it is amazing that he has lasted this long.
Probably never in AFL history has a team been so bad and the coach kept his head.

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