Game Day Round 23 vs West Coast: The Eagle Has Soared

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If you ever want to know what figuratively waving the white flag looks like on a football field, this is it.
I'm posting a lot of comments for theroputic purposes. It's helping me calm down, I have a lot of negative, aggressive energy that I need to spend at the moment and I can't wake my son up so I'm sorry for the tonne of posts.
Biggest thing I've noticed is fear. We seem to fear the contest and I don't mean a contested ball I mean a contested match. Good teams live for the contest, thrive on it, play with a smile on their face with or lose, because it is the contest they love.

When we get a contest in a big game, fear then panic. Perhaps a sign of lack of maturity, but generally you see it in players at a young age, and other than a handful, we don't have it.

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Game Day Round 23 vs West Coast: The Eagle Has Soared

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