Official Team Thread Roys FFC S37 Community Rooms - Congrats 3KZ is Football Broken Medallist S37!

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Tonight along with the Broken Medal countdown we'll also be touching upon the additional awards and also a couple of other notable elements of the Roys season. I plotted out the timeline and it looks like it should finish around about 9:30pm, but that's a bit of a guess so we'll just see where the night takes us.

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Anything on today? I can't remember. Got this feeling tho. Prolly should check my calendar.
On a Thursday? Nah. What could possibly be happening on a Thursday.

I got dressed up anyway because you never know.
Broken Medal Count S37


Hello and welcome to the Roys Fantasy Football Club Broken Medal Ceremony for Season 37 of the Sweet Football Association! I am so pleased to see so many attendees present today to witness what is bound to be an entertaining evening of excitement and camaraderie.

Tonight we will count down the club's Best & Fairest award for the Season just gone, and also touch base on a number of additional accolades as has always been in the spirit of the Broken Medal night for countless seasons in the past. We'll review our season, highlighting achievements along the way, and celebrate all that is Gorillalicious over the next two and half (probably three) hours.

The leadership group have been working feverishly (in my case it's literal 'cause I've been crook for 2 weeks) over recent times putting together what we hope will be a presentation that please and entertain each and every one of you!

So sit back and crack another Chudshake or Again Lager. Thanks to our generous sponsors Reynholm Industries, everything is on the house, so leave your Clarkemonies, your Adcents and your Meltcoin wallets at home! Tonight, it's our treat to give you a show!


Before we begin, let's get some clarity about the voting process for the Broken Medal!

Four of our Leadership Group each provided a 6-5-4-3-2-1 from each match of the Home & Away season. This equates to sharing 21 votes per voter per round, or a total of 84 votes for each round as a whole. The maximum takings for a round are: A player can potentially gain 24 votes (4 x 6), and the maximum number of players who can get a vote is potentially ALL 20 players - if none of the 4 voters think anything alike.

Mostly, you'll see approx. 9 players get some votes each round. That's the median - I know this because I tallied the data :)

Each Round, you'll see a short (yeah right) write-up about our fortunes, followed by a second post detailing the votegetters. There WILL be a top 10 leaderboard after each round. I don't believe in hiding it away, it's more fun to watch the leaderboard unfold as a live beast. If it's a close count in the last rounds, I might stagger the info a little to maximize the tension.

Throughout the count, will be inserted our other awards. We have awards for the most consistent player, the most improved, and a few more. There will also be a couple of references to other achievements throughout the season.

And that's basically it! Sit back and enjoy as the votes wash in. I wish a great time to be had by all! Next we'll get some basic chat about the season out of the way. I'll also do another emo cry piece like I'm best known for.

Welcome again, to the Season 37 Broken Medal Night! Coming to you at the BJO Community Rooms. Let's go!


Season 37 Summary​

The Roys came into Season 37 looking for, and necessarily requiring, change. The Rock of Tedbraltar had departed, in the distance was a town named Flounder, and our bus did seem to be heading in that direction. But in typical Roys style, we shrugged our shoulders and donned our Gorilla suits, and re-assembled the jigsaw. There was a season coming, and when the roll call went out, our hand was going up.

At my expense, of course. You bastards! But yes, I did grab the team and thrust it forcibly into a new season. I knew I had a faultless approach to team management and would be on top of everything, clear sailing henceforth. After picking up a first strike for submitting the squad wrong, I shoved yers all out onto the field for a praccy at Bainlea v the Wonders and our Season 37 was on its way.

After my expert attention to detail resulted in a second strike for incorrect team submission, we powered through Round 1 with an emphatic win and fortunes were bright. Then we immediately lost a bunch of matches and everybody remembered we were at the perennially frustrating Roys!

But this trip-up was followed by a streak of wins which elevated us into the eight, where we'd stay for the remainder of the season. The streak ended, we traded wins for losses for a couple of games, and then strung a couple together and found ourselves on top of the ladder with just two rounds and thirty-eight byes to play!

Unfortunately we did we lose both our last two matches, and most of the byes. After H&As, the Roys were sitting 4th, salvaging the double-chance but only just.

We went into the finals with confidence and it shows v the Royals, who were dispatched back to the Semis through a power display by the BJO crew. Unfortunately after the rest we hit a Swampies outfit we just don't seem to ever defeat anymore. That curse continued and our season ended in a Preliminary Final pasting to a worthy opponent.

And no more strikes - a penalty-free season after being on a last warning since the start :D I guess it takes a while to brush away the ****-ups!

Off-field, the Roys put in some massive steps in activity and presence, and this showed when opposition camps did commend us on the engagement we provided, often commenting that they were pleasantly surprised. The Roys have a long history of being a very enjoyable and prolific team to play against, and it seems we're on the way to regaining that vigour! Hopefully Season 38 will continue the trend!

Season 37 Captains Statement​

I hit the captaincy unexpectedly not long after the end of Season 36, and I honestly groaned with worry. I have been in charge many seasons ago, but it's a much bigger deal these days. I questioned my ability to keep up with the expectations. Thankfully, we seem to have snuck through the season unscathed, and I reckon I can feel comfortable I played a part. But there's reasons why:

This team is so damn lovable. A ratcheted concoction of … let's face it … various weirdarses from different parts of the human (if that) spectrum who all bring something different and often unpronounceable to the club. The assortment of various personas and demeanours and investments are what makes it so easy to lead the Roys. It's like a microcosm - as though every culture in the universe sent a representative and someone said "let's turn them into a qootball club!" Pure adoration for every member of the Roys - much love to all of you and thank you for making captaincy something I went from fearing to something I really, really, really wanted to do!

And the support from the leadership group has been nothing short of outstanding. Yes, I tend to run off and do stuff without even asking anybody (something I need to work on), but whenever I've brought up an issue to the LG, suggestions and offers flowed in immediately. Not everyone will even notice that Mooch is not just a leadership member but also the Vice-Captain of the Roys, and the support coming from this bloke is humbling. In the background lurks fitzroybowiedog who upped his input across all games this season and was a steadying hand I occasionally approached as well. But all the LG are up and about when necessary, and I want to make a big deal about those newly added to the LG this season: Ed_Gein , tigs2010 and Elmer_Judd . I invited them this season and everyone stepped up!

This comes on the back of departures from the club of established LG members Wosh , Dingster Zevon and of course TedDougChris , all massive workers not just when with the Roys but behind the scenes leaguewide - there were definitely gaps to fill. And I am abashed that I get to spend time in PM's with those who filled these chasms. Massive shout-out to all!

The Roys are an unassailable component of the Sweet FA. The league is bettered by our presence, and that's because of all of you folks! And thank you for the trust in me to take the wheel of this manic ship!

Next I wish to make a short farewell post, before we get stuck into the noise of the count!


I won't bang on too much, but I always had in my head that departing players should get their own spot of mention if we're already aware by Awards Night.

We weren't his first club, debuting at the Hawks three seasons earlier, but RU_ first came to the Roys in Season 19 when our club was at probably one of our lowest ebbs. He always had a bit-part role but notched up nearly 50 games over 3 seasons.

He then departed to explore the nether regions of the Sweet FA, spending time at 4 clubs over 6 seasons, before returning to the BJO in Season 27. Since then he's been on the quiet side, popping in and out of the team, playing another 104 games over 11 seasons. At the end of the current season RU_ gave notice of a return to what is probably his spiritual home, and will not be with us in Season 38.

I want to publicly thank RU_ for his steady dedication while here at the BJO. Not frequently sighted and therefore harshly treated by the selection process, he's still put his hand up each season to remain on the list and never been too distant when required.

It's a tough ask when juggling this world with the other, and especially if you're surrounded by a bunch of incomprehensible oddballs, and I think he's making a good choice to go where his heart is leading him. I actually remember RU_ from way back when his name was longer, not from the Sweet FA, but from Bigfooty's Minecraft servers! I know his old blocky house still sits somewhere down south of Sweet, so maybe here's a reason to incorporate it somehow into the lore.

Thanks for your time with us RU_ . Go well! And if you do find your voice again over at the Hawks, be sure to use it to troll shit out of us when we next meet in the fixture!

Chuds up for RU_ . We'll keep the carboard replica if that's okay.

Next up ... well ... I think you all know what's coming!


Stay Tuned for Round 1 of the Broken Medal Count S37!​


Guess who’s back? Back again? If you guessed Mariah Carey, you’d be wrong. She never really went away. She just hibernates in the off-season. The Roys on the other hand sleep so much that hibernation isn’t necessary. Neither is pre-season training, apparently.

The Warriors just made finals last year while the Roys just missed out. So expectations were low for this one. And so it came to be. It took until the ninth minute for the first goal (to The Filth Wizard) and even longer for the Roys first scoring action - three consecutive behinds to TheGoatBaron, Dicky Fitzwell, and tigs2010. Mooch and Aristotle Pickett kicked a goal apiece and the three behinds turned out to be the difference at quarter time.

After the break, the Roys kicked into gear with another from Aristotle Pickett, one each from _Mike_ and royboy2, and a couple of fitzroybowiedog. Not even a couple of red time goals from Tonga Bob could really stop the momentum at this point.

Pure Grunt and Phar Ace teased the Warriors in the middle but didn’t let them near the ball, sharing 46 possessions, while tigs2010 chipped in with 20 touches and 4 tackles. The ruck battle between DERRINALPHIL (11 hitouts, 15 disposals and a goal) with Tonga Bob (10 hitouts, 12 disposals, 3.0 goals) was nothing short of fascinating but the Roys just had the cutting edge in the form of Aristotle Pickett with 5 goals, Mooch with 3 and fitzroybowiedog with 2. Honourable mentions to 3KZ is Football and MrsEddieBetts who put in a cracking team performance.

Goals: Aristotle Pickett 5, Mooch 3, fitzroybowiedog 2, SpecialBruce, _Mike_, royboy2, DERRINALPHIL.

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Official Team Thread Roys FFC S37 Community Rooms - Congrats 3KZ is Football Broken Medallist S37!

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