Opinion Sack Hinkley 11 - Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest

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There will be street parties, strangers embracing in the streets, there will be dancing and champagne. And then we will wake up. Because that pratt is never getting sacked. He will move on only when Alberton is a pile of smouldering ashes that he cannot do any further damage to.
I have some chocolate in the freezer just waiting for the day to take it out and celebrate.

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So all in all, supporters paid up or not, have been berated by controlled propoganda by PAFC players and media puppets and made to feel second rate and exiled from the club.
Let's just check, what other professional sporting club constantly hangs shit on their loyal fans?
Here's a list:

Pretty sure that's all of them.

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Saw this over Alberton precinct this afternoon (pls take the bait 7news Adelaide)
They should be up all around the area. From Alberton to Semaphore to largs. Everywhere hinkley turns, there's a Sack Hinkley sign. Would be really funny if people put them up in shop windows, like they do team colours in grand final week. There's a certain Soto's owner i'm looking at in particular. Make it so Hinkley can't even go get a piece of Flake with Minimum Chips without having it thrust in his face.

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