Opinion Sack Hinkley 11 - Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest

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If Ken’s under that much pressure perhaps he leaves as he’s had enough, wouldn’t surprise me. He knows it’s coming.

I blame Davies, the board and Koch for letting this fester, they employ Ken.

There is no magic player/s who will help Ken out, (we’ve seen them come and go), the club simply needs a new voice,
Strategy and game plan.

As much as Ken wants a flag he won’t get there and the tears yesterday show the immense pressure he feels - how can you coach at the top of your game when you probably know your gone. He’s probably doing a disservice hanging around.

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Last week was exciting but I'm just so over it now already.

Its incredible that ater millions of dollars, jobs for his family and friends, zero accountability for failure, and blowing his 12th consecutive opportunity, he finally has the chance to do the right thing by the club, the members and the players and stand down, and instead takes the path that makes it all about him and puts the club in the worst possible position. The level of ingratitude is insane.

He is doing everything he can to leave the club in the worst possible position once he finally ****s off - building as big a rift as possible between players and members to encourage them to leave, selling off future top draft picks for mediocre blokes that would normally be a third rounder at best. Its just sad how we ever allowed these people in to our club in the first place.

And yes at least partially Primus haters are to blame. If he wasn't pushed out before he was given a proper chance we'd be in a position miles better than this. We threw out a legend who would bleed for this club for a charlatan that wants to destroy it.
I held up my Sack Hinkley banner the first time in the final round of 2018, so it's been a while since the first public dissent.

He avoids having to answer to us like the plague so he absolutely knows how hated he is.
He never ever ever talks about doing it for the members..

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My sentiments exactly, perfectly articulated. We have to fight now to get this over with. Backing off now is not an option. Fire up everyone.
We absolutely must not fall for the "they are going to do it at the end of the season anyway". We know they are just waiting for any sign of the members easing so they can see out the contract.

On SM-G975F using BigFooty.com mobile app

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From a clubs perspective, this Hinkley situation is only another bad loss away from getting out of control.
So what do they do, sack him now or take the chance on a total push back by supporters that in the long run will see more members not renew.
Notice the club didn't come out in Ken's defense this time, they were silent, it was only the usual media Ken lovers.

Rucci went to say last week that was a sign of strong club or something….

Currently he knows he’s gone and we are in non man’s land pretending we can contend…

We are a zillion miles from the top teams.

Something needs to give.
This is all a shit look for Koch and the club, especially now some people in the media are starting to turn.
It may well be the silence from the bald men is like throwing Ken to the wolves, like Ken does his team and supporters when he feels fit.

There would be a fair bit going on behind the scenes re Ken.

As I said yesterday it’s all about how it looks from here on in.
Ken goes from 1 week saying he can take it and then gets in front of the camera like a blubbering mess to tell the world "you dont know what its like, see how they treat me" in an orchestrated display that must have been quickly organised by the media team because i can tell you Ken would have not been seen if they had lost. Its pretty much a slap in the face to every supporter who thinks Ken's time is up after 12 years of propaganda and gaslighting by the admin and coach.....This is the guy running the club....what a joke. Its sure to be a meme up there with the 'right in front of me' guy.

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