Opinion Sack Hinkley 11 - Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest

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Just thinking now, what has our sport become?

Think about how absurd this is: a coach getting paid a lot of money for 12 ****ING YEARS, without any success, gets a few boos directed at him by long suffering fans who pay his wage.

This lead to him breaking down in tears the next week and the media protecting the coach by rounding on the fans.

I’ve lived in Europe for a while now and love my soccer. I have been home and away around Sweden and regularly fly over to England.

I’ve seriously lost count of the amount of times fans chant at and taunt opposition coaches (see example below).

But have you ever seen a coach on the end of the chanting break down in tears over it, or even the media have a go at fans? **** no. They know they are answerable to fans first and foremost. And they aren’t massive cowards like Ken Hinkley has proven to be.

Ken Hinkley should be embarrassed by his display yesterday, not protected by the media. A grown man crying over a few boos? Give me a break.

The charlatan deserves a lot more than a sprinkling of boos and I hope he gets it.

Looking at this shit being directed at Port fans over this absolutely ridiculous coach, I believe we as footy fans have lost our sport.

It’s a ****ing sad state of affairs what it has become.

Jordan Lewis said he wishes he was coached by Hinkley. Go sign up for Bell Park next season, you might get lucky.
What a crock of sh*t. You played in four premierships you disingenuous d*head. No wonder you say you like Hinkley. Still p*ssed at being put up for trade by Clarkson.
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Just thinking now, what has our sport become?

Think about how absurd this is: a coach getting paid a lot of money for 12 ****ING YEARS, without any success, gets a few boos directed at him by long suffering fans who pay his wage.

This lead to him breaking down in tears the next week and the media protecting the coach by rounding on the fans.

I’ve lived in Europe for a while now and love my soccer. I have been home and away around Sweden and regularly fly over to England.

I’ve seriously lost count of the amount of times fans chant at and taunt opposition coaches (see example below).

But have you ever seen a coach on the end of the chanting break down in tears over it, or even the media have a go at fans? **** no. They know they are answerable to fans first and foremost. And they aren’t massive cowards like Ken Hinkley has proven to be.

Ken Hinkley should be embarrassed by his display yesterday, not protected by the media. A grown man crying over a few boos? Give me a break.

The charlatan deserves a lot more than a sprinkling of boos and I hope he gets it.

Looking at this shit being directed at Port fans over this absolutely ridiculous coach, I believe we as footy fans have lost our sport.

It’s a ****ing sad state of affairs what it has become.

The fandom can be divided among those who follow US sports or European football, who find this sort of situation completely absurd, and those who basically only follow footy/cricket, who treat their club coaches and admin like they are volunteering their time to cook the sausage sizzle every weekend, rather than highly salaried employees in a high performance environment. Deeply unserious league.
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Jordan Lewis said he wishes he was coached by Hinkley. Go sign up for Bell Park next season, you might get lucky.

Can we at least get a retrospective trade?

Hinkley to the Hawks and Clarko back to Alberton for season 2014.

“I been in foodialontoim, Jordy”
Apart from the saviour Ken line I didn’t find much to disagree with from Caro there.

BY THE WAY why are we not making more of how the crying interview opened!?
“How are you feeling?”
“Pretty hard”

In fairness what bloke wouldn’t went faced with the statuesque beauty that is Sarah Jones.
Actually thought Caro saw thru whats playing out as opposed to Corns who naievly try to suggest tredders had flipped his views.
Have to keep pressing.

Hierarchy haven't said they won't not keep him on. All the "poor victim crying ken" themes getting around I think the club would like to keep him on next year if they can get away with it. They are behind the media victim charade ATM.

Are we getting a posse together at the dogs game for synchronised boooing?

Is there a strategy?
I liked the waving of the tissues at the 12 (seasons on the take) minute mark I think ET mentioned earlier
Maybe instead of booing, boohoo Fake cry
Whateley heaping disdain on us as usual dear god is Hinkley a relative?

Made even worse by his squinting, purse-lipped, ‘don’t mind me, I’m just a neutral observer’, presence throughout prior ruthless bloodletting at North, Carlton, St Kilda and Essendon, and the drawn out consternation and departures of long-term coaches at Collingwood, Richmond, Hawthorn and GWS.

The unique entitlement of this guy sticking his beak in when it comes to Hinkley and Port Adelaide though.

It beggars belief.

Would be like Bruce McAvaney randomly cracking skulls and p¡ssing in letterboxes over the drama at Richmond 20 years ago.
Actually thought Caro saw thru whats playing out as opposed to Corns who naievly try to suggest tredders had flipped his views.
I think Cornes sees through it, too.

It was just a pathetically inept attempt to smear Tredrea in the eyes of supporters.

He must have been pissed that his disingenuous argument was cut off at its knees.

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LoJust boo. Don’t be embarrassed or wait for someone else to start it. Boo like nobody’s watching and things will happen.

Like nobody's watching
Like no one can hear

Like there's no tomorrow

Live, Laugh, Sack Hinkley
Apart from the saviour Ken line I didn’t find much to disagree with from Caro there.

BY THE WAY why are we not making more of how the crying interview opened!?
“How are you feeling?”
“Pretty hard”

In fairness what bloke wouldn’t went faced with the statuesque beauty that is Sarah Jones.

There's no way donuts has managed more than half-mast in the past decade, except maybe when he chucks another hound in the annihilator
Made even worse by his squinting, purse-lipped, ‘don’t mind me, I’m just a neutral observer’, presence throughout prior ruthless bloodletting at North, Carlton, St Kilda and Essendon, and the drawn out consternation and departures of long-term coaches at Collingwood, Richmond, Hawthorn and GWS.

The unique entitlement of this guy sticking his beak in when it comes to Hinkley and Port Adelaide though.

It beggars belief.

Would be like Bruce McAvaney randomly cracking skulls and p¡ssing in letterboxes over the drama at Richmond 20 years ago.
This is what having a micro-dick does to a person.


See also: the Messi incident.

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