Opinion Sack Hinkley 11 - Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest

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It was champagne television. Caro's blatant self-contradiction, being called out by McLure. All the squirming from The Apologist / The Campaigner. Fun stuff.
Never forget that Kane told fans to "stop sooking" after Ken got the extension (and that the club has "got a really good shot of winning the premiership"🤣 ).

We've gone from Kane telling the fans not to sook to complaining that they have made Ken cry.

This is also after supporters were called "white noise", "sooks" and "two cents".

What a truly bizarre club.
Find out who SME are and you will find out if your speculation is on the ball or they have used someone's copyrighted music or vision.

This is all I’ve found. Now I’ll dig more deeper tomorrow but Eddie McGuire has done things for Sony like the events like the one down below. Now whether Sony Music has any links to Footy Classified I.e does the theme song or any music I’m not sure. More research needs to be done is their anywhere we would know via any ASIC forms been lodged?


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This is all I’ve found. Now I’ll dig more deeper tomorrow but Eddie McGuire has done things for Sony like the events like the one down below. Now whether Sony Music has any links to Footy Classified I.e does the theme song or any music I’m not sure. More research needs to be done is their anywhere we would know via any ASIC forms been lodged?

Last Thursday's show. Caro segment starts at 1.04.30

Kane is really starting to piss me the **** off. What a terrible person to have associated with our club so publicly.

How the **** have we found ourselves in a position where the world knows us for Koch, Hinkley, Kornes.

So non-Port Adelaide.

Even playing so many games here, I don't think Kornes ever really got what makes Port Adelaide tick, what our DNA is.

If he did, he wouldn't be so constantly demeaning of the fans. Campainger.
This is what happens when selfish, ego-centric people infiltrate an organisation. We went from being club-first and for-the-members to being about individuals and their severely flawed personalities and egos. I don’t think it will change back again ever.
I actually can't decide who's a bigger weasel between Kane and Gerrard. The way this pinhead gets all huffy
Kane is just a shit and a stirrer. I don’t know if he hates Tredrea out of envy or if they once clashed, but his unashamed bashing of him in public when Warren has never really returned serve at him is appalling. What I did like about Caro is she called out Tredrea’s truth. He is tough. He is driven which may have made him a selfish leader to get the best out of himself and us. He doesn’t think Hinkley is right for the job. And if he’s divided our board about it, then he is doing his job. Club divided. Absolutely. And the Happy Clapping Hinkley Sycophants are the imposters to the real PAFC.
This is what happens when selfish, ego-centric people infiltrate an organisation. We went from being club-first and for-the-members to being about individuals and their severely flawed personalities and egos. I don’t think it will change back again ever.
Simple, exact and to the point.

As I've said many times, David Koch is the worst thing to ever happen to the Port Adelaide Football Club.
Kane is just a shit and a stirrer. I don’t know if he hates Tredrea out of envy or if they once clashed, but his unashamed bashing of him in public when Warren has never really returned serve at him is appalling. What I did like about Caro is she called out Tredrea’s truth. He is tough. He is driven which may have made him a selfish leader to get the best out of himself and us. He doesn’t think Hinkley is right for the job. And if he’s divided our board about it, then he is doing his job. Club divided. Absolutely. And the Happy Clapping Hinkley Sycophants are the imposters to the real PAFC.

Caro and Kane are boosting advertising dollars for Hutchy are they not?
Well Tredrea got voted in and the media are doing the rest. They will just look for story’s now.

As far as them having a crack at the rabble, meh, just feels like the old love em or hate em…

Keep it up Kane.
Except that out our coach and admin are now in the them.

On SM-G975F using BigFooty.com mobile app
I actually can't decide who's a bigger weasel between Kane and Gerrard. The way this pinhead gets all huffy

Like him or not Kane is and will always be a Port premiership player. That's a special club no matter what.

Gerard is an anti-Port clown who gets off on attacking members.
Also at what point does someone actually call out the media ****wits twisting his words and bullying Tredrea? There's been two weeks of hit pieces on the man for saying "good call" in response to a good call. They talk about worrying about mental health but their attacks show the exact opposite. Sickening.

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We’re actually at a point where it’s becoming the club vs the supporters and it’s a pretty dangerous position for the club to be in. If the media keep painting the supporters as the bad guys it will drive us away in droves. The solution that is best for everyone is to remove Hinkley and the sooner the club sees that, the better.
We’re actually at a point where it’s becoming the club vs the supporters and it’s a pretty dangerous position for the club to be in. If the media keep painting the supporters as the bad guys it will drive us away in droves. The solution that is best for everyone is to remove Hinkley and the sooner the club sees that, the better.
Combined with a poor stadium deal and a couple of other factors, we nearly sent the club to the wall when we turned away and voted with our feet in the 2008-2012 period.

I'm surprised the club would tempt fate again by treating the supporters with scant regard.
This is what happens when selfish, ego-centric people infiltrate an organisation. We went from being club-first and for-the-members to being about individuals and their severely flawed personalities and egos. I don’t think it will change back again ever.
The club can be changed back to its core values and eventually regain the respect built up over 150 plus years that Koch, Davies, Richardson and Hinkley have p*ssed around the `S' bend to Bolivar if all 4 are replaced wholus bolus with the right people, starting with the coach, and followed soon after by that absolute turkey of a so called chairman, his underlings, and the last remaining connection to the Corne's family!

It won't be a 5 minute exercise, but it can and I believe will be done, and when it is the Vic based media will move onto something else, and our once proud club can get back to the number one reason why any football club in any comp in the world should have as their main reason for existing!
i can't believe what Jordan Lewis said!

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