Opinion Sack Hinkley 11 - Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest

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After I finished my psych degree, I spent a couple of years doing family/relationship counselling.

One thing I got really good at was spotting crocodile tears and narcissists.

Make no mistake, Ken’s “crying” display was as fake as you’ll ever see. One give away was that he was in the “verge” of crying but never actually did it (in my experience, that is all part of the acting, it’s tough to really cry…. If you like The Sopranos, think of Tony’s Mum. He also had a weird stilted vocal style “great boys, great boys” that he thought gave his “emotions” more credibility. He’s such a weirdo).

I always found narcissists like Kenny the toughest to deal with. Why? Well, Ken doesn’t LOOK like who people think are narcissists. He’s not some influencer that you can easily see is a narcissist. And he talks like your classic bogan “everyman”.
This is a powerful tool for Ken because it makes him appear more genuine when he’s far from it. A lot of people fall for it.

The most important advice I’d have with family members dealing with narcissists was that, when they turned themselves into the “victim” (they ALWAYS do), that you need to continue being hard on them and make sure they face the consequences of their actions. Once they realise you can see through them, they will try every trick in the book (for Ken that is calling in his media mates to paint him as the victim, and now “crying” on national TV).

The key thing, now you are at the end of this horrible process dealing with Ken, is that you keep the pressure up. Boo incessantly, throw tissues/onions at him, anything really. As long as you get this cancer out of the club.

And for gods sake, DO NOT LET UP! Manipulative, cunning narcissist like Ken are like cats with nine lives. If you feel sorry for them and/or believe they’re “poor me” rubbish for a second, you’ll let them back in the door.

Good luck on the weekend, some things are bigger than a football match and getting a malignant narcissist like Ken out of your club finally will be a great victory.

It was so performative. Like.. really.. what is there to cry about? Why is that a relief? You beat a 14th place side by 2 points in a very ordinary game that could have gone either way.

It wasn't as if they'd played the performance of a lifetime and beaten a rampaging carlton. You could almost buy that as genuine emotion.

It made no sense whatsoever. Like.. you're acting proud of that performance? The game as dogshit and anyone could see clear as day the team is utterly bereft of confidence and direction.

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If we are looking at increasing the heat Sack Hinkley signs and even better people being removed from the ground because they have a Sack Hinkley sign would be next level. If anyone is interested in taking one for the team.
if we get 11 dudes together we can each paint a letter on our bellies

Nor is Adelaide Oval going to be packed to the rafters home games like some seem to think will happen if we sack him.

Normally it goes the other way and crowds dwindle, as a coach sacking is in most instances an admission that the club has given up on that season and the fans normally follow suit.
Yeah but the beer sales on that one night in the precinct will more than make up for it.

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I would have thrown him under an 18 wheeler. He's scraping the bottom of the barrel now, no Boak or Thickson backing him in no more. I think the club is worried about what may occur if the Dogs have a win.
Been a charm offensive out of Alberton from the moment the siren went last Sunday. PR overload. They are petrified what could eventuate Saturday.
I agree. The concept we can make a run at the flag by sacking the coach is ludicrous. The problem isn't the individual, it's the entire game plan and culture. That'll take a while for a new coach to come in, address and fix up. Yes maybe we score a couple new coach bounce wins, but we aren't making a flag run with an interim coach, and it is ridiculous to think we would.

That doesn't mean you don't sack now though. We should be clearing the decks, getting ready for next year asap. This year is done. We are nothing other than making up the numbers at this stage. We need to start planning for the future and get into the coaches market before anyone else does.
Excellent post.
**** me now Thatcher praising Hinkley for believing in him and urged fans to get behind Ken.
Yeah, duh, Ken is his coach. As long as he did it without calling us all a bunch of fake fan dumb campaigners like dickhead Dixon did, I have no problem with this.
I agree. The concept we can make a run at the flag by sacking the coach is ludicrous. The problem isn't the individual, it's the entire game plan and culture. That'll take a while for a new coach to come in, address and fix up. Yes maybe we score a couple new coach bounce wins, but we aren't making a flag run with an interim coach, and it is ridiculous to think we would.

That doesn't mean you don't sack now though. We should be clearing the decks, getting ready for next year asap. This year is done. We are nothing other than making up the numbers at this stage. We need to start planning for the future and get into the coaches market before anyone else does.
One of the biggest changes we need to make is getting rid of the "it's all too hard" attitude.

I don't care how unlikely it is. They need to clear the decks and try and win it all THIS year with all the comments from the naysayers posted on their lockers.

Who cares if you fall short trying.

That's what the real Port Adelaide would do.
I agree. The concept we can make a run at the flag by sacking the coach is ludicrous. The problem isn't the individual, it's the entire game plan and culture. That'll take a while for a new coach to come in, address and fix up. Yes maybe we score a couple new coach bounce wins, but we aren't making a flag run with an interim coach, and it is ridiculous to think we would.

That doesn't mean you don't sack now though. We should be clearing the decks, getting ready for next year asap. This year is done. We are nothing other than making up the numbers at this stage. We need to start planning for the future and get into the coaches market before anyone else does.
Yep - the phrase, "He who hesitates is lost" is fitting here. We've hesitated so many times, and the club has suffered for it. Hopefully we get on the front foot for once, and hire a proper coach.
I've wanted him sacked since about halfway through 2016 but the Ben Brown massacre is when i thought he was gone.

2022 was probably the most ridiculous season he survived though.

But none of them feel as real as now.
The Ben brown game should of been instant dismissal.

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One of the biggest changes we need to make is getting rid of the "it's all too hard" attitude.

I don't care how unlikely it is. They need to clear the decks and try and win it all THIS year with all the comments from the naysayers posted on their lockers.

Who cares if you fall short trying.

That's what the real Port Adelaide would do.
Absolutely. It is always hard. Every season its hard because there are 17 other clubs that have the same goal.
Absolutely. It is always hard. Every season its hard because there are 17 other clubs that have the same goal.
That doesn't mean you need to come out with stuff like "finals are scary" and "it's a tough competition - someone has to lose". Our players have a negative mindset because of it, and play accordingly.
That doesn't mean you need to come out with stuff like "finals are scary" and "it's a tough competition - someone has to lose". Our players have a negative mindset because of it, and play accordingly.

It's the dumbest thing about the Hinkley reign (and that's a high bar). Over-focusing on how 'good' opponents are. Over-focusing on how tough certain things are. So dumb to do it. It can only lead to one outcome.
Kenny busts his bussy for this club and the fans don't even spit on it to make this burden more bearable. For shame.
The Ben brown game should of been instant dismissal.


Or, bear with me, we could let it ride like Keith Thomas did, and laugh all the way to the bank as we correctly bet on the halftime score of the 2025 Elimination Final:

Essendon 12.8 (80)
Port 3. 4 (22)

While counting my winnings I’ll particularly enjoy a knowing chuckle when someone claims that Dougal Howard did nothing to stop a rampant Tomb Eater Peter.

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