Opinion Sack Hinkley 11 - Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest

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Is the Alberton Crowd still a thing?

To be honest, enough people on the Hill would do enough, could probably rope the opposition fans in too.
I usually sit East stand but am happy to go to the hill for this one if thats our approach. Ive got no idea how many supporters will be on board with booing but having a group of like minded supporters together to make plenty of noise would help.
I usually sit East stand but am happy to go to the hill for this one if thats our approach. Ive got no idea how many supporters will be on board with booing but having a group of like minded supporters together to make plenty of noise would help.
A Sack Hinkley in beer cups on the hill would be amazing.

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It’s a false choice. They go together.

Even the most present supporters eventually begin to protest with their feet, if their voices aren’t heard.

El Zorro knows it. The Argentines protest going to the “canchas”, but their patience isn’t limitless. Eventually, if the crisis lingers on, the stadia start to get empty.
In global football, supporters basically sack coaches on the spot with their pressure at games. Probably no ideal either.
In global football, supporters basically sack coaches on the spot with their pressure at games. Probably no ideal either.

That’s why the directors must be brave and strong. Unfortunately, most of them aren’t.
Kane is really starting to piss me the **** off. What a terrible person to have associated with our club so publicly.

How the **** have we found ourselves in a position where the world knows us for Koch, Hinkley, Kornes.

So non-Port Adelaide.

Even playing so many games here, I don't think Kornes ever really got what makes Port Adelaide tick, what our DNA is.

If he did, he wouldn't be so constantly demeaning of the fans. Campainger.
I shared the same sentiment about him in this video I posted on Tiktok after the Brisbane game, I can somewhat understand Caro and Whateley not understanding why we’re so upset, but Kane not understanding it is just proof he really isn’t Port Adelaide at all. Especially when he and his Dad, possibly the biggest Port hater in the media, both shared the same sentiment about our fans apparently being fickle. Here’s the video, it’s like 8 minutes long and super scattered but you get the idea.
I'm assuming that if we lose his excuse will be the long injury list.

What long injury list?

Who else of note is missing

Dixon is utterly cooked.

We're only 2 players off basically our best 22
There’s also a thinly-veiled undercurrent of treating Port more like the Suns or Freo, a la, ‘you’re just a fake construct ‘little brother’ that’s five minutes old, it’s not like you’re a Carlton, Hawthorn or Collingwood where things actually matter, calm down!’.

What’s worse is, this sort of vibe emanates from within the club itself.
Which is why the people inside the club need to be real Port people - not fake blow ins, who don't care one iota about the club.
its sound as if there isnt a person in Australia that wouldnt be willing to coach and AFL team for the better part of a million dollars a year...... Why would you, just be grateful Ken has decided to stick around for the clubs sake.
Ken wouldn't do ANYTHING for the sake of the club - everything he does is designed to benefit Ken Hinkley.

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We're getting flogged. The scoreboard is ugly, ugly reading. 250+ games without a grand final. It's all time record flogging of the fans.

Not many teams would boo their coach before the opening bounce but hey, we're in completely unprecedented territory with no other mechanism to make the board act aside from trying to kill the club financially.

Booing isn't just justified, at this point we're dutybound as Port Adelaide supporters to do it.
I don't feel like I'm duty bound to boo. In fact it is starting to turn into groupthink, which makes me not want to be a part of it. I'm my own person and make my own decisions and will not follow a pack.

In pure frustration after getting spanked at home by Brisbane i get the booing. It's not what i would normally condone but i can see why it happened, it was spontaneous similar to when the umpires get booed off after they've reamed us.

But i don't like where this is heading now, with it no longer being spontaneous and supporters on here talking as if it's already a done deal that they are going to boo no matter what. Honestly, if we play a great game and have a good win and there is still booing taking place, that is just going to come across a bit pathetic. Essentially, feeding the media narrative that we are just a bunch of blood thirsty imbeciles.

I also don't think it is as helpful as what you think it is. Just like your Sack Hinkley sign, it achieved nothing, he is still here 6 years later.

I also think barring some miracle where we completely turn this season around that he is gone at the end of the year so i don't see feel the same sense of urgency that he needs to be marched out of Alberton right at this minute.
I don't feel like I'm duty bound to boo. In fact it is starting to turn into groupthink, which makes me not want to be a part of it. I'm my own person and make my own decisions and will not follow a pack.

In pure frustration after getting spanked at home by Brisbane i get the booing. It's not what i would normally condone but i can see why it happened, it was spontaneous similar to when the umpires get booed off after they've reamed us.

But i don't like where this is heading now, with it no longer being spontaneous and supporters on here talking as if it's already a done deal that they are going to boo no matter what. Honestly, if we play a great game and have a good win and there is still booing taking place, that is just going to come across a bit pathetic. Essentially, feeding the media narrative that we are just a bunch of blood thirsty imbeciles.

I also don't think it is as helpful as what you think it is. Just like your Sack Hinkley sign, it achieved nothing, he is still here 6 years later.

I also think barring some miracle where we completely turn this season around that he is gone at the end of the year so i don't see feel the same sense of urgency that he needs to be marched out of Alberton right at this minute.
Yeah you're right.

It's not like we have been in this situation before and then they have inexplicably kept him..

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I don't feel like I'm duty bound to boo. In fact it is starting to turn into groupthink, which makes me not want to be a part of it. I'm my own person and make my own decisions and will not follow a pack.

In pure frustration after getting spanked at home by Brisbane i get the booing. It's not what i would normally condone but i can see why it happened, it was spontaneous similar to when the umpires get booed off after they've reamed us.

But i don't like where this is heading now, with it no longer being spontaneous and supporters on here talking as if it's already a done deal that they are going to boo no matter what. Honestly, if we play a great game and have a good win and there is still booing taking place, that is just going to come across a bit pathetic. Essentially, feeding the media narrative that we are just a bunch of blood thirsty imbeciles.

I also don't think it is as helpful as what you think it is. Just like your Sack Hinkley sign, it achieved nothing, he is still here 6 years later.

I also think barring some miracle where we completely turn this season around that he is gone at the end of the year so i don't see feel the same sense of urgency that he needs to be marched out of Alberton right at this minute.

So just waste another season, another entire year of players careers because maybe he's gone at the end of the year? Piss weak.

The sooner the cancer is removed the sooner we can start to rebuild the club.
Which is why the people inside the club need to be real Port people - not fake blow ins, who don't care one iota about the club.

Keith Thomas agreeing with a marketing consultant that “We Exist To Win Premierships” is “unrealistic” and thus tacked on “and make our community proud”, was one of the more blatant, ‘when they tell you who they are, believe them’ moments.
I don't feel like I'm duty bound to boo. In fact it is starting to turn into groupthink, which makes me not want to be a part of it. I'm my own person and make my own decisions and will not follow a pack.

In pure frustration after getting spanked at home by Brisbane i get the booing. It's not what i would normally condone but i can see why it happened, it was spontaneous similar to when the umpires get booed off after they've reamed us.

But i don't like where this is heading now, with it no longer being spontaneous and supporters on here talking as if it's already a done deal that they are going to boo no matter what. Honestly, if we play a great game and have a good win and there is still booing taking place, that is just going to come across a bit pathetic. Essentially, feeding the media narrative that we are just a bunch of blood thirsty imbeciles.

I also don't think it is as helpful as what you think it is. Just like your Sack Hinkley sign, it achieved nothing, he is still here 6 years later.

I also think barring some miracle where we completely turn this season around that he is gone at the end of the year so i don't see feel the same sense of urgency that he needs to be marched out of Alberton right at this minute.
There's at least 2 reasons why it needs to happen now:
  • The sanity of the fans - we play the most boring brand of football of any of the 18 teams. I want to enjoy watching Port NOW: not starting next year (or worse, 2026)
  • The players' careers, which are clearly being adversely affected by having this turnip coaching them
I kinda hope after our flogging on the weekend, Tredrea is noticeably absent from the after game calls on 5aa due to demanding an immediate board meeting at AO to sack Ken before he leaves!
Absolutely. Hinkley was under zero pressure from the media until the booing happened.

The media were taking little bites out of him about his future at Port all through his presser before the Saints game and he struggled with that attention.

Even the circling of the wagons by his media mates has only served to highlight the situation.

Crowds can go down but they can tap dance around that, the crows only had 32,000 at their game and it's been all positive from the media because they won.

A spontaneous, directed crowd reaction such as during and after the Brisbane game made everyone sit up and take notice.

Once the media stop reporting that’ll be that . So im saying if the membership dropped to 30-40k and getting 20k to games after the prelim loss to the bulldogs Hinkley will not be coach today. Making finals with a healthy membership & pretty good crowd numbers, management won’t give a dam about boos. Only way Hinkley is going to go, is if he walks.

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I also think barring some miracle where we completely turn this season around that he is gone at the end of the year
How many years now have you 'thought' this?
I also don't think it is as helpful as what you think it is. Just like your Sack Hinkley sign, it achieved nothing, he is still here 6 years later.
This part of your message is especially peculiar to me, because despite giving a reason to not boo, you’re also acknowledging that he’s still here almost 6 years after the first public “sack Hinkley” statement.
Furthermore, you’re forgetting that after one/two people put up a sign, the following 6 years have turned a lot of people against Ken. What do you think would happen if nobody showed their displeasure? Do you reckon the club will just sense that people aren’t happy? **** no! Our president literally said he wants Ken to be a 20 year coach. This booing needs to happen so the idiots in charge of the club get the message. Everyone sitting on their hands isn’t gonna get that message across.

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