Saints in trouble again!

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I usually am very wary of the media and how they portray the Saints: I still think the Kim Duthie affair and how it was portrayed by the media was one of the worst examples of journalism in Australia's history.

But I think in this case, we only have ourselves to blame. The strange thing is, I am watching Boardwalk Empire at the moment. For those who don't know it is a fantastic series based in 1920s USA - Atlantic City to be precise. They are very accurate with how they portray the era and, funnily enough, one thing that is often shown is how dwarves were used for entertainment at parties back in those days.

I find it pretty amazing that anyone thinks in this day and age it is a good idea and I believe the trouble started with whoever the individual was that thought it was a good idea to hire them as you would have to be pretty classless to think it is somehow fun to have dwarves at a party.
Jones has been well behaved in his time at the club, he seems like a good clubman. It would pretty harsh if his career was to end because he lit a part of a mans clothes on fire. Lets get real here, he didn't hold the bloke down, dowse him in petrol and throw a light on him. It was a bit of fun that went too far, he's apologised and is paying a fairly big fine. It's been dealt with, let it go.

People love to whinge.
Just bit of fun? So if I go upto all players at B&F this Friday and set their clothes alight with lighter they'll just laugh it off? :rolleyes:

Mate I suggest you re read what I said. Hiring short people was the fun. Not lighting people. By all means have a difference of opinion but at least quote me correctly.

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I think Jones should be summarily judged and burnt at the stake. Its the only way we can show players that as supporters we own every single aspect of their lives. EVERYTHING AS IT AFFECTS THE SATISFACTION I MAY DERIVE OUT OF A BETTER PERFORMANCE FROM THEM NEXT YEAR WHILST DRINKING BEER AND GETTING A BIT OUT OF SHAPE. oh, sorry, I shouted. But it's my membership money DAMMIT!
Apologies for the intrusion folks.

Just wanted to say congrats to most of you on your reactions to this - for not blindly defending your club.

This type of behavior is abhorrent. Hope some of you are writing the club to let them know your thoughts.
I'm not jumping to his defence but Demetriou was not the only one laughing at the joke! the entire panel was! Why single Demetriou out!
'these people' were there as entertainers and yet were upset about being "made fun of"? Were 'these people' there against their will? No! they were getting paid! and handsomely no doubt! Don't like it find another job! It's on par with a stripper going to a bucks party and complaining of being viewed as a sexual object! A clown upset about being laughed at by children!

Has the whole world gone completely f**king mad??????
Caro has apparently linked the School girl and the story

given the school gril was a young lady who didn't handle a break up well and made up stories and was able to led the media by a noose for over 10 months--

but this story has CCTV and witness evidence and a 24 hour resolution....
Apologies for the intrusion folks.

Just wanted to say congrats to most of you on your reactions to this - for not blindly defending your club.

This type of behavior is abhorrent. Hope some of you are writing the club to let them know your thoughts.

Did you write to YOUR club complaining about the "performance enhancing drug allegations against Trengrove and Jamer" . ???????? Probably not. Lets just worry about our own problems shall we.
Why couldn´t this be a scandal involving The GWS Giants instead of us ?
Can´t wait to see The Footy show Championship wrestling match Dwarf v Clint Jones.
Could be good GF half time entertainment.

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As long as everyone grows from this.

Mainly the club.

Be over things some more, can't hurt.

Prevention rather than reaction, have the day to let your hair down, just have a bit of monitoring and someone answering the phones at the office the day of.
I think CJ needs to stand up at the B&F and apologise to the members and the club as a whole for his actions.

We really need a no dickhead policy at the club
No mention on AFL360 tonight....well not at the outset anyway.

Seems to me there is more important things going on in the football world than this....Roos maybe as Melbourne coach, Thompson maybe not coaching, All Australian ins and outs, etc

I really am of the belief that mountains are being made out of molehills, (and that is not to say that nothing happened because obviously something did).....

EDIT: I spoke too soon!!
Apparently the Dwarf storming out in a huff brought an end to the rest of the days activities wich included
Throwing eggs at Nuns.
Drawing penises on train seats and laughing as people sat on them.
and sticking fire crackers up cats bum holes.:p
You dont win 1 flag in 140yrs by bad luck alone :mad:
It´s a silly act by Jones no doubt and if he´s apologized to the guy and been sanctioned by the club I think thats enough. I suspect it was exaggerated a bit by the PWC organization for a bit of publicity and I think there will be more to come of that from various football media who jump on this for their own gains. Give the boy a Saints membership, give the PWC their 15 seconds fame, give Jones a kick up the bum and give the Saints a break. We´re not as bad a club as some might think.
Love it - absolute gold! I was there last year too and missed seeing it - damn!!!

Haha it was in the shop when you get off the "Cylon/Human" roller coaster. Proof that you were too weak to go on it. ( My 14 yo daughter made me go on them - my first ever upside down roller coaster ).
$3,000 fine, could have been worse for him, he is lucky he wasn't forced to sit through one of the PWC events. At least it wasn't All Australian squad member Jack Steven.... ;)
Can't you just see PCW's next main event at the Polish House,
Saint Clint Jones in a cage match against Mr. Big with the loser set on
On the field he was a great fighter.
On Mad Monday he took in a lighter.
In an alcohol induced haze...
He set a dwarf ablaze.
And now he is 3000 bucks lighter.
Brought a tear to my eye.

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Saints in trouble again!

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