Saints in trouble again

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The Fireman said:
lol nice try, why did you acuse me of not understanding victim mentality when a victim hasn't been substantiated? Is a person a victim if nothing has happened to them?
1. somebody hurt or killed: somebody who is hurt or killed by somebody or something, especially in a crime, accident, or disaster

who is the victim Skip?

3rd time.

Think about this language.

Victim = Person making allegation of a crime.(woman)
Defendant = Person accused.(player/s)

If one of the players was suing for defamation.

Victim = Person making allegation of defamation. (player/s)
Defendant = Person accused. (woman)

Do you understand this english?
skipper kelly said:
Very disappointing Fireman. Expected better from you.
Don't patronise me,
you have just stated
I picked you up on a point, explained what I think and thats that. If you cant accept discussion without the "stop following me around" crap then the problems is yours.

accept discusion? You claimed I was sprouting crap, I now expect this from you.
skipper kelly said:
3rd time.

Think about this language.

Victim = Person making allegation of a crime.(woman)
Defendant = Person accused.(player/s)

If one of the players was suing for defamation.

Victim = Person making allegation of defamation. (player/s)
Defendant = Person accused. (woman)

Do you understand this english?
you can paint it any way you like but I know where you stand on this, just to use one of your quotes.

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skipper kelly said:
I also dont assume to know that a woman who is alleging rape is taken civil action for the purposes of making money. This is what you assumed, stated and said you believed. Unless you have evidence to show this to be true then you are the one that is clearly making judgements.

The only judgement that can be made here is that her legal representation wanted an out of court settlement. That does not sound like a person wanting her day in court.

The two men have refused to pay out of court, fully knowing what thet will mean.

So please dont pretend to know, as you stated earlier that the woman wanted her day in court. She wanted an out of court settlement first. This sound suspiciously like wanting money does it not?
The Fireman said:
I am not defending or condemning anyone here but without the evidence not much can be proven suffice to say that it takes 2 to tango.

A new contender for the most stupid, blatantly ignorant comment ever on BF.

I think you'll find the whole point of rape allegations is that it was about one, and not two people tango'ing.
Joffaboy said:
The only judgement that can be made here is that her legal representation wanted an out of court settlement. That does not sound like a person wanting her day in court.

This is how the legal system works. A guilty plea or in this case an out of court settlement is the same as having your day in court for whatever your reasons are.
Joffaboy said:
The two men have refused to pay out of court, fully knowing what thet will mean.

Exactly. They are defending themselves as is their rights.

Joffaboy said:
So please dont pretend to know,as you stated earlier that the woman wanted her day in court. She wanted an out of court settlement first. This sound suspiciously like wanting money does it not?

These are my comments in regards to your statement.

me said:
Although her intent may not be just money. It may be retribution, justice or simply clearing her name

me said:
Have you sat back and thought, yes maybe she is telling the truth and wants her day in court. This is a possibility but in your eyes she is after some money. Why do you assume that it is about money?

me said:
If you truly believe that she is only after the money then I dont believe you have taken into account many other factors that make women report rape.

me said:
The woman says she was r*ped. If she is not lying then she wants her day in court. Isnt it obvious.

me said:
Your lack of understanding is that you believe, without any evidence to support your belief, that she is after the money.

me said:
I also dont assume to know that a woman who is alleging rape is taken civil action for the purposes of making money. This is what you assumed, stated and said you believed. Unless you have evidence to show this to be true then you are the one that is clearly making judgements

Having your day in court can be for any reason. From seeking retribution, justice, revenge, clearing a name, money etc etc etc. Having your day in court can be settled out of court. In fact in civil cases this is the 1st process to be taken.

Joffaboy said:
as you stated earlier that the woman wanted her day in court. She wanted an out of court settlement first. This sound suspiciously like wanting money does it not?

The first thing any judge will want to know is, has this matter been attempted to be settled out of court. I am sure there would also be some type of conciliation process that could be entered or explored prior to having the matter heard in a courtroom.

You know all this and you know exactly what I am saying throughout this thread. Why you choose to ignore what I am saying sounds suspiciously like you are supporting The Firemans stance for the sake of it.
Crow-mosone said:
A new contender for the most stupid, blatantly ignorant comment ever on BF.

I think you'll find the whole point of rape allegations is that it was about one, and not two people tango'ing.
Well fool, there were 4 people involved, the "it Takes 2 to Tango" was reffering to the fact that the ladies were there for consensual sex, what happened during that time only they know, all went for the tango in one shape or form and looks like the tango ended in a court case.
You are a dill Cromagnon, and not getting any better. :eek:
skipper kelly said:
You know all this and you know exactly what I am saying throughout this thread. Why you choose to ignore what I am saying sounds suspiciously like you are supporting The Firemans stance for the sake of it.
The high horse again, did it ever enter your mind Skip that people may have a differing opinion to your holier than thou self without supporting another party?
The Fireman said:
The high horse again, did it ever enter your mind Skip that people may have a differing opinion to your holier than thou self without supporting another party?

Is there any point in my contuining this discussion with you. One senses you will only resort back to your usual 'stalking' or 'following around' barbs when you are confronted with mo other answer. Strange indeed.

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skipper kelly said:
Is there any point in my contuining this discussion with you.
Not really, all bases have been covered and I know where you stand.
skipper kelly said:
One senses you will only resort back to your usual 'stalking' or 'following around' barbs when you are confronted with mo other answer. Strange indeed.
If you could keep that to a minimum I would apreciate it.
The Fireman said:
so you are saying she is telling the truth, great stuff mate, let us all in on the evidence you have uncovered.
Only what's she claimed happened,just like u accept Milne and Montagna's claims they didnt rape her.
PerthCrow said:
I could be wrong but I believe there are different burdens of proof required between a criminal and civil matter

Criminal cases need to be proven beyond any reasonable doubt.

Civil cases need to be proven on the balance of probabilites.

So it is much easier to prove a civil case as it only needs to be proven that the event was likely to have happened, whearas criminal cases need to have zero doubt.

Although it was in America (where it's courts are slightly different to Australia) the OJ Simpson case is an example, he was found not guilt in a criminal trial but was found guilty in a civil case.
bozza1980 said:
Criminal cases need to be proven beyond any reasonable doubt.

Civil cases need to be proven on the balance of probabilites.

So it is much easier to prove a civil case as it only needs to be proven that the event was likely to have happened, whearas criminal cases need to have zero doubt.

Although it was in America (where it's courts are slightly different to Australia) the OJ Simpson case is an example, he was found not guilt in a criminal trial but was found guilty in a civil case.

O.J. was found" liable for the wrongful deaths" of his wife and her friend. He was not found guilty in the civil case. You can't be found guilty in a civil case.

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Saints in trouble again

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