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Round 7 dude...
YAY. Nevermind. I'm an idiot.

call the midwife GIF by PBS
Congratulations myblueroan Well deserved.

Great effort as well to my fellow Royal Nothing coming equal 3rd. I think you'll have a fine career.

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The Season 37 EKA Medal winner is…


From the Old Boys skipper, Tigerturbulance:

myblueroan made a big impression when she cantered into Spotswood for the first time with her mane flowing in the breeze and her nostrils flaring. The first time I saw her at preseason training kicking the qooty off all four hoofs I knew we had something special. MBR has been a great addition to the Old Boys and been present all season in team PM, match threads and across SFA media. Coming in as OOBs 4th most active poster in a team full of quality posters, MBR has averaged 61 posts a match thread, a great effort in her rookie season.

On field MBR started in the Forward Pocket because of her ability to kick off all four hoofs scoring 27 qoals, making her OOB's second highest scorer for the season. As of round 17 MBR has accumulated 70 kicks, 11 Marks, 43 HB, 14 tackles, 27 qoals and 626 DT.

Admittedly with all this success our rookie started demanding some extras such as a luxurious stable to Spotswood and the addition of carrot cake to the Dining Rooms menu. As proof of how highly we rated MBR both these demands were meet.

myblueroan – 1st
Pamcake1 – 2nd​
BFew – equal 3rd​
Nothing – equal 3rd​

Let's hear from the first ever EKA Medallist, croweater 41

Great job myblueroan you’ve been a fantastic addition to both the SFA and the OOB. This place is surely better off with you in it, CARNA MBR! 🥂
Rd 12 New

Season 37 Round 12

Gold City Royals 22.10.142 def Fighting Furies 14.7.91

Royals v Furies. But for a silly 8-point penalty, this would be a game between two teams with a near-as-dammit identical record. Evenly matched? The Furies slammed on 23 goals against the Swampies last week - no mean feat - while the Royals kept the horrifically bad Warriors to 4 goals. Interesting.

The game started at a Furieous pace (see what I did there), with the away team notching three goals before the Royals troubled the scorekeeper thanks to Brenton Davy (more on him later). While not quite all one-way traffic, the Royals certainly always had the better of the game and once they got they noses in front courtesy of a text book ruck performance from GreyCrow (19 hitouts, 20 disposals, 1 goal), and Footypie32 running around grabbing 24 touches in the midfield. The forwards had a day out. Pedro, Kapow!!!, and @SarahSmiles each snagged three majors. The Furies had plenty of the ball too - it was just that sort of game. James Colorado and crazywildhorse had 25 and 24 disposals respectively but neither could hold a candle to their teammate Edmund hunt who had a lazy 31 touches, nonchalantly pulled down 11 marks, and <checks thesaurus> dispassionately dispatched 3 goals. Which was one less than ShaunDuggan (4.1 goals).

Oh did I mention? Brenton Davy kicked 9 - that’s 9. Count ‘em. That’s one more finger than Frothies Mcveigh has. On his left hand.

Round 12​
Royals v Furies​
Brenton Davy (GCR)​
Edmund hunt (FUR)​
@SarahSmiles (GCR)​

Baghdad Bombers 14.5.89 def by Ophidian Old Boys 17.8.110

In upside-down land, the second-last Bombers snagged a narrow win over West Coast last week, while the high-flying Old Boys had a less narrow loss against the emerging Hawks Phoenix Hawks. The Bombers are really lacking a goal thread, which means their ladder position is probably lower than it should be. Old Boys meanwhile are exactly where they want to be.

In a cracking game of football, there was only a single lead change but the sides were never separated by more than 3 or 4 kicks. Bombers took the lead early and kept the ball on a string for a quarter and a bit. tomjoad had 34 touches, while SaintsSeptember and Pugsley had 25 each (and kicked 1 and 3 goals respectively), while hard-hitting JustaBattler laid 9 tackles and helped himself to a goal. However it wasn’t to be the Bombers day. @Fumbler (25 disposals), Braklet (24 and a goal) and DemurePrincess (24 touches) worked their collective behinds off to feed Harvey Manfrenjensenden, who had had enough of the Bombers insolence and banged in 3 goals in 4 minutes in the middle of the 3rd to give the OOBs the lead. By the time he kicked his 7th, the game was very much done.

Round 12​
Bombers v Old Boys​
Pugsley (BOM)​
JustaBattler (BOM)@​

West Coast Wonders 17.7.109 def by Dragons FFC 20.7.127

The Dragons are looking up at the mass of teams above them but after the narrow win over the Gumbies and the Wonders narrow loss at home to the Bombers, they were looking at a sliver of light on the horizon, a slim hope of performing a miracle and picking up the points. The Wonders were probably praying for the same sliver/miracle/points grab.

This game was a cracker. It had everything. Pace and skill, big hits, flying marks, and lots of goals. Early on, the teams swapped goals. Star forwards DenieD (6.2 goals) and Bonz (7.1) looked like they were on the training pitch. dogs105 dominated the ruck for the Wonders with 22 taps and made his mark around the ground with 28 touches and 2.2 goals. BFew with 27 disposals and ClarkeM with 22 (plus a hat-trick of goals) helped the cause. But by mid-way through the second quarter, the Dragons took the lead thanks to big_icky (4 goals, 28 disposals) and a couple from Drizzy (3.1 goals, 27 disposals. PhenomenalV1 and Purple Jes took the game by the scruff of the neck and grabbed 26 and 31 disposals respectively. At this point Bonz hadn’t even woken up from his afternoon nap yet. By the time he did, he put the Wonders to the sword, getting 3 of his 7 goals in a 9 minute spell in Q3. HARPSichord laid an astonishing 10 tackles.

Round 12​
Wonders v Dragons​
Bonz (DRA)​
DenieD (WON)​
dogs105 (WON)​

Coney Island Warriors 20.12.132 def East Side Hawks 12.7.79

Rock bottom Warriors hosted their Eastern neighbours praying for lightning or something. After a humiliation at home to the Royals last week, they could only hope that the Hawks had left it all on the field in their impressive win over the Old Boys.

I’m not sure what they put in the water at Coney Island but whatever it is, it had the desired affect today. At least on enough of the squad to have an impact anyway. The Filth Wizard and spudmaster started early with a goal apiece in the first five minutes. But the Hawks hit back through Itsmyshow (2.0 goals) and Tarkyn_24 (5.2 goals). The Hawks had most of the ball in a high disposal, low end-result game. Rankine2Rachele had 27 touches, as did Zoops, por_please_ya had 24, Piggy Smalls 23, and Loonerty 22. But it counted for very little. A solid yet ineffective team performance was countered mostly by just three standouts from the Warriors. There is no I in team but there is in Piggy Smalls, Reginald Perrin, and pantskyle. Though the I and pantskyle is silent. Pants had 27 touches, 8 tackles and grabbed 3 goals, Reginald Perrin had 21 and 3 goals and Piggy Smalls had 25 and 2. Bizarre old game this one.

Round 12​
Warriors v Hawks​
pantskyle (CIW)​
Rankine2Rachele (ESH)​

Las Vegas Bears 16.5.101 def by Mount Buller Demons 21.15.141

Bears and Demons ran out in Vegas fighting for a spot in the 8. Bears held it despite the bye last week and the Demons were playing the rubber band game after a narrow loss to the Roys last week.

The Bears started this game like a rusty team that had last week off and the Demons took full advantage. The Demons had already kicked 6.7 - with 4.1 of that from sausageroll's boot on his way to a 6-goal haul - before the Bears knew what hit them and responded with a couple of goals late in the first quarter. The scene was already set by then. While Tommycash (26 disposals) and Millky95 (29 disposals, 2 goals) ran around and made a lot of noise, kane249 was the only Warrior troubling the score keepers with 4 goals. On the other side, cooney took an incredible 13 marks to go with his 22 touches and a surprising 0.3 in front of goal. manangatang gave his side a whole lot of first ball with 21 hitouts and taking 26 touches himself. Scythe94 ran his little legs off and took 32 touches and got a couple of goals himself, while cartwright and sante kicked 4 each. Millky95 and Tandy worked hard all day and ended up with 7 tackles each.

Round 12​
Bears v Demons​
Scythe94 (MBD)​
Millky95 (LVB)​
cartwright (MBD)​

Roys FFC 13.13.91 def by Gumbies FFC 18.10.118

In a battle of the nearly teams - two teams nearly good enough for the double-chance - at the BJO, two teams coming off narrow but important wins last week faced off.

The headlines for this game will centre around a couple of staggering performances by Roys players. SpecialBruce had 34 touches, stuck 9 tackles and kicked 4 goals in a PB performance. Pure Grunt saw what was going on and said ‘hold my chud’ before snagging 25 touches himself. Both fed capably by DERRINALPHIL (19 hitouts, 15 touches and a goal). Reardo turned back the clock with a 19 disposal, 2 goal game but as it turned out, it was all for nought. cats_09 refused to hold anybody’s drink and got hand and boot to ball a massive 36 times - and snagged a couple of goals to boot. Barrybran chipped in with 4.2 goals and Mop got a couple to add to 16 effective disposals. Falconista and StFly were no less impressive with 24 and 22 touches respectively in a big statement win by the Gumbies.

Round 12​
Roys v Gumbies​
SpecialBruce (ROY)​
ossie_21 (GUM)​
@Pure Grant (ROY)​


The Swamprats would have no doubt been glued to the wireless listening for the results of this week. With the right (wrong?) set of results, they could find themselves dropping from 2nd down to 5th


The Season 37 EKA Medal winner is…


From the Old Boys skipper, Tigerturbulance:

myblueroan made a big impression when she cantered into Spotswood for the first time with her mane flowing in the breeze and her nostrils flaring. The first time I saw her at preseason training kicking the qooty off all four hoofs I knew we had something special. MBR has been a great addition to the Old Boys and been present all season in team PM, match threads and across SFA media. Coming in as OOBs 4th most active poster in a team full of quality posters, MBR has averaged 61 posts a match thread, a great effort in her rookie season.

On field MBR started in the Forward Pocket because of her ability to kick off all four hoofs scoring 27 qoals, making her OOB's second highest scorer for the season. As of round 17 MBR has accumulated 70 kicks, 11 Marks, 43 HB, 14 tackles, 27 qoals and 626 DT.

Admittedly with all this success our rookie started demanding some extras such as a luxurious stable to Spotswood and the addition of carrot cake to the Dining Rooms menu. As proof of how highly we rated MBR both these demands were meet.

myblueroan – 1st
Pamcake1 – 2nd​
BFew – equal 3rd​
Nothing – equal 3rd​

Let's hear from the first ever EKA Medallist, croweater 41

brb melting in team pm

Well done to the Wonders rooks, three rookies receiving votes. Unreal seasons from Pamcake1 BFew and BigChippa52.

Congratulations myblueroan :)

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