Werewolf The Grand Uncle Horace Memorial Simpsons Werewolf (Night 6)

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Just imagine four crowwys

Simpersons according to the Horrie oracle
(all quoted from GUH)

View attachment 2077920

More idiot folks on notice for placing their brain in cold storage, ie by citing the Simpersons.

Nick orf. The Simpersons is a bad practical joke committed by Boomers on successive generations.

I blame the Simpersons for not just US politics but the decline of the few good bits in Western culture.

Hey Turkey Boy. It is no Simpersons Wednesday. Here’s another one for the Meat Truck. Put him on the hook Elton Johns Wig

Eggsackerly… I blame the Simpersons.

Aye. Points at Simpersons.

Hmmn …. Simpersons led to Popcorn Simpersons + Popcorn + Trump + The Drags = collapse of capitalism Yayayayay. Communism wins!

...as I am a sweet old bloke. Tis a mystery. My SFA arch-nemeses self select and declare themselves. Talking about Bart, Kenny, and the other Simpersons is likely to get me heated. Let alone the facile gifs and memes. It's boring to talk about music posts, let alone listen to the pap in game...

The Simperson Show is up there with paleo diets, all religion, tobacco taxes,vigs killing villagers and opium as a scourge of humanity. Actually scratch that. Opium is cheaper to puff away on than durries.

I have passed the spreddie screenshot. CursingFijian you are *en warned. ClarkeM knows my antipathy to Simperson gifs. Please note I have a massive hammer and may use it with great pleasure.

Hmmn... Camels, Fascist Barbie. Dogs, Simperson gifs and 🧀. pass..(wind and other material)

Sorry there young scamp. I don’t speak Simpersons.

Only the most desperate, dateless, forlorn and clueless posters like NaturalDisaster sink to the stygian depths of Simperson giferama.

A fitting end to every Simpersons character grumble grumble …. grumble grumble

Hate is such a strong word. The Simpersons are a continued Boomer generation joke on those poor sods who followed them.

Simperson references have been banned.

I have watched a few South Park episodes to the end. This is more than I have managed with the Simpersons.

...is afflicted by were all conceived on Fridays. (all are the products of distinctly less than immaculate conceptions) 8. People who write advertising jingles and shopping and elevator music are all born on Fridays. 9. Christmas cracker jokes and scripts for The Simpersons are drafted on Fridays.

Personally I am not a fan of The Simpsons. I would like a softwares developer to come up with some thingame that blocks/ignores all posts infected with Simpersons. Would instantly improve the wit in the joint from a reader's pov.

Soz ... was confused by a combo of a Simpersons' ref and what I thought was a The Good Life ref

At my age that is the one thing to be counted on. So aside from the odd loose marble, what else is grinding your gears? How is your expansion project going? I see Broken is promoting the cess pit option of the Simpersons. Thoughts?

I mean how gullible are people and parents in particular. "Blissbombs are the sugar and cardboard equivalent of the Simpersons.

No surprise. He would be a better poster if he jettisoned the Simpersons oeuvre.

Lurve you too Baz, but really did you have to resort to a Simpersons reference? Eww. As I said earlier I will not vote for you (if I survive this dismal night).

Poor NaturalDisaster provides a classic example of the risks of long term exposure* to the Simpersons. * One episode is enough to turn someone into a jibber jabberer.

Song contest ruined by ND and IDC. Is there a thread anywhere spared the herpes of the Simpersons?

I find it remarkable how twitchy you lot become when the Simpersons are even mildly criticised.

Right brahj ye young scallwaggerer, plse move on from watching the Simpersons. Use of their giferama among adults signifies a sloping forehead, narrow set eyes and big ears that would make Noddy blush.

His use of words? WTF, there are none. The absolute nihilist expression of an empty noggin is use of giferama compounded by what I imagine to be a character from the Simpersons. I did not know brahj was a Trumpian member of the SFA Branch of the Young Libs. Thanks for the update Mr Vein.
Anyone know a good antidote for OD’ing on too many Simpsons?
  • Kang & Kodos - Both seer as if they are Springfieldians; get to kill a player of their choice each Night Phase; gets to seer a player of their choice each Night Phase, but are only told whether or not they are Kent Brockman; if they seer Kent Brockman, he joins the PM and it will be announced in the thread (but won’t be able to kill if Kang & Kodos are dead).
the simpsons laughing GIF

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Ah geez. I just realised that I'M going to need a bigger spreadsheet too.
You can borrow one of my spare ones
Don’t worry about the pre-filled cells.
They’re fine to stay that way.
Ah geez. I just realised that I'M going to need a bigger spreadsheet too.

Season 3 Wall GIF by The Simpsons


I hope you die Night 1 so you can take over gif duty in the write-ups. I can't compete with that.
I didn’t think Werewolf Willy was appropriate I may have been wrong.

I’ll supply gifs if you supply the who’s who in Springfield.

do they give out Nobel prizes for thinking about Medicine?
Maybe but I haven't been thinking about that.
More about stopping the pre game post padding that some do

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Werewolf The Grand Uncle Horace Memorial Simpsons Werewolf (Night 6)

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