Roast The media....*Shakes Head* Part 4

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I may call up using my handle and ask why I'm a loser. Obviously it must be via association :)

As a mod, does that make you a royal loser, are you elevated to a new level of loser status ? :eek:

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Hey Rowey, you are a,pathetic excuse of a journalist and a disgrace to your profession. You are not only biased but also in the pocket of an organisation you should be holding to account.

I'm not going to comment on you as a person as I don't know you, but as a professional you are beyond pathetic.
Ummm... Rowey's not even an excuse of a journalist. He is an irritating noise that is broadcasted for irrelevant depressive individuals. To be totally clear, other than the news about him and his non-sense that I've read on BF, I had never even heard the fool speak or would not recognise an image of him until the finals series where on TV he was ranting on the news about Cotchin's poor call of kicking into the wind. It's a moment of my life I only remember for undesirable reasons and not one that I would consciously choose to submit myself to again at any time other than for self destructive, sadistic reasons.
Can't believe that campaigner is denying what he said about Hinkley - I remember it vividly.

Literally the worst media personality in this state and that is a VERY hard title to own and one of the least knowledgable football commentators I have ever heard

Flog of the highest order who will get what he deserves eventually
So Stupid (yes, that's you Stephen Rowe) says that everyone, Cows supporters included, that posts on BigFooty is a loser. There is more intelligent football discussion posted on this board in the average day than has come out of Stupid's mouth in his lifetime.

It is typical of Stupid though to believe that anyone who has a view contrary to his must be a loser. It would appear that the poor man has an IQ smaller than his shoe size.
got an idea, bombard the station tonight with calls, if you get on say that I'm a big footy poster then have your say to make him look stupid.
Can't believe that campaigner is denying what he said about Hinkley - I remember it vividly.

Literally the worst media personality in this state and that is a VERY hard title to own and one of the least knowledgable football commentators I have ever heard

Flog of the highest order who will get what he deserves eventually
I heard a very quick snippet of him talking to "Penbo" when I got in the car this morning. Was telling crows fans to "hang tough", that "if some of the irons in fires (he's) I've been told about come to fruition you'll (crows fans) be very happy". A lot of "ifs" in what he said. No certainty at all. The hope in his voice seems to be dissipating by the day.
I hope they end up with Ratten.

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I heard a very quick snippet of him talking to "Penbo" when I got in the car this morning. Was telling crows fans to "hang tough", that "if some of the irons in fires (he's) I've been told about come to fruition you'll (crows fans) be very happy". A lot of "ifs" in what he said. No certainty at all. The hope in his voice seems to be dissipating by the day.
I hope they end up with Ratten.
Rucci likes to point out in his recent articles that "Penbo" is an official ambassador for the Corporation.

... Club ambassador and FIVEaa breakfast radio host David Penberthy took to Twitter to savage the board saying: “What a total dog act by the adelaide football club. So incompetently handled too. An embarrassment.” ....

..... Strangely, FIVEaa breakfast announcer and Crows ambassador David Penberthy did not try this question [did the players sack the coach?] yesterday morning in his radio segment with Dangerfield. ......
I've replaced 5AA/MMM with BigFooty podcasts for my in-car listening and am now getting more intelligent comment in 1 hour from "losers" than I'd get in a month of listening to paid "professionals" on the radio.

Well thank you. Macca and I are considering eliminating all guest to ensure loser status remains prevalent.
Well thank you. Macca and I are considering eliminating all guest to ensure loser status remains prevalent.

I listened to one of yours (last week's episode) and it was very good stuff, so :thumbsu:. Actually preferred it to the Eagles one that sounded too much like a circle-jerk of in-jokes between the participants.
AAMI Stadium 25 September 2014

ROB CHAPMAN: Thanks for coming. I really feel we are making progress, being clinical and winning the battle for hearts and minds of customers. I've asked Stephen Rowe to join us this morning. He's been a fine ambassador for the franchise, never missing an opportunity to denigrate the other team in town. Welcome Stephen.
STEPHEN ROWE: It's an absolute pleasure, Mr Chairman. Gee, you're a good bloke, great to have you on the show.
MARK RICCIUTO: This is our show, Stupid.
STEPHEN ROWE: Exactly. The only show in town. Love this place. You know, maybe we should play our home games here again. wouldn't it be great to see Tex and Danger running around here again. It's not right to turn our backs on twenty-plus years of tradition. I miss it. Once we get our new coach, and I know we have the hottest irons in the fire, we'll build that membership up and fill this magnificent stadium. We get Stevie nicks from Port and imagine the concerts . . .
ROB CHAPMAN: Now, Angus, how are you settling in? Can you give us some idea of the appointment process?
ANDREW FAGAN: It's Andrew, and no I can't. Mark Prosciutto is in charge of everything, er, the appointment process.
STEPHEN ROWE: (mumbling) Are these pasties free? Really? Can I take some with me?
MARK RICCIUTO: Look, I explained this already. We have a professional process to determine a process and eventually we'll make an announcement.
STEPHEN ROWE: Why haven't we appointed our assistant coaches? We could miss out on Dean Cox and Ryan O'Keefe. Can we risk that? Let's be clinical about this. Do we want to end up with someone like Hinkley? I mean, Hinkley, geez, last man standing.
MARK RICCIUTO: Rowey, I think you should stick to your dumb radio show. I see the Big Footy crowd is hopping into you because you are as, they say, just "a stupid campaigner".
STEPHEN ROWE: i'm proud to be known as a campaigner. I'll always campaign for the 19th man. It's who we are, that section of our community not quite good enough for the starting lineup. If the club were serious, we would play each week with just three on the bench, because we need to get more out of the 19th man.
ROB CHAPMAN: OK, OK. all good ideas. Alex, can you tell us what you're doing?
ANDREW FAGAN: Er, Andrew. Frankly? Well, I'm cleaning up the mess left behind.
ROB CHAPMAN: Yeah, Triggy left us in a real bind.
ANDREW FAGAN: More to the point, Triggy left, sacked, before he could repair the damage YOU left when you were Acting CEO. good work on the Sanderson reappointment.
MARK RICCIUTO: Er, gentlemen. Scores will be settled very soon.
STEPHEN ROWE: Can I just say that Sando was a gentleman and this is a ruthless game, football, and we hate to see what happened happen and Brodie Smith should have won the Brownlow and if only we had three Tex Walkers and Jared Polack had signed, but next year we'll be great and win every game. Just tell me we can get Scott Watters.
ROB CHAPMAN: Well, that is our assessment of our asset list too. And we have non-negotiables in our KPIs. 205 we look for a better ROI. OK, who's for a chardonnay?
STEPHEN ROWE: Boy, oh boy. What a great club. Can I take a bottle home?
Hehe. You can picture Roo giving Dunstall type disbelief looks all through that. :D
Ratten with Mark Neeld as senior assistant.

Camporeale is apparently now a smokey for the gig. Ricciuto was on the turps at the Alma and overheard bragging that Adelaide have produced a lot of great ACs in the last few years and that it might be time for an experienced AC to take the next step.
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