The Otherworldly Circus - The America Thread

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I just woke up and realised the first thing I needed to do was apologise. No one should be ‘champed’ in this day and age. Sincerely, Brisdog (I had consumed a couple).
Apology accepted. I also apologise for the substandard quality of my post and attempt at humour (0.01/10 is generous on reflection). I had consumed a couple also and it was starting to show....and time to go to bed.
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Fresh - quite a lot of things you don’t remember. Check your algorithm and what it tells you to post and get back to us. Mr Independent! Of course NATO should include Ukraine. They were created to protect Europe from murderers like Stalin and Putin.
There is a mixed history with Ukraine and Russia throughout the centuries. They have always been linked and often as one. To think Ukraine is 100% independent of Russia like say France is is not true. Their independence from Russia is about 30 years at the moment, Russia disputes a lot of this. Russia is far from correct and probably outright wrong in this conflict. But it was incompetence or ideology or arrogance or ignorance or a mix of all for America and NATO to invite Ukraine. Wait another century for Ukraine to consolidate itself as an independent nation, things are long term in that part of the world. To not see the Biden admin failings here is another blind spot on his incompetence. No wonder the American public, who have large inflationary pressures at the moment, have no want to fund this war.

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Great recent article on America and NATO not learning from the past 2 years and probably the last 500 years. Can’t they admit they got it wrong and work another way through this?

Has Mafeking been relieved?

Obama's private advice that dopey Joe should step down seems to be very public.

Bookies are having a bad week after all the money went from Joe to Trump.

Wait till all the dirt on Kamala is aired. Grab the popcorn.

Slower , yes , but not brain dead 😜

Just help me out , ivermectin was found to have no positive effect for the treatment of covid ???
Are you suggesting it does ?

“The Goon Association “. Are you a child ?

Ah that’s right ,ivermectin ( what I used to deworm my horses with In a previous life )that was another one your criminal hero came up with !
Has Mafeking been relieved?

Obama's private advice that dopey Joe should step down seems to be very public.

Bookies are having a bad week after all the money went from Joe to Trump.

Wait till all the dirt on Kamala is aired. Grab the popcorn.
With the right running mate, she can take the fight to Trump in a far more effective way than Biden can. She will give Trump far more worries than Joe.

They can go hard on abortion, especially as Vance has very extreme views on this issue. They could beat Trump on this issue alone.
When your only source is the Washington Post or any mainstream media, you will never have an enquiring mind.

Parroting the "Horse dewormer" line was fed to you by multiple mainstream sources. Ivermectin has been used worldwide for many years on humans for scabies treatment. It was shouted down becaue it doesn't make billions of dollars for Pfizer. Pfizer have a very good PR machine and they play on people like you.

Used as a prophylactic, there's actually no harm in trying Ivermectin. It's tried and tested on millions of humans. Unlike MrNA vaccines that have been used on humans without proper evaluation.

I'm done with you.

A single dose of an anti-parasitic drug could essentially remove all genetic material of the COVID-19 virus within 48 hours, an Australian-led study has shown.

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F**king excellent news if true and the Republicans will be sh*tting the bed.

If the Dems run an open convention I think they are a good chance of beating Trump. I like the fact Biden has not automatically declared his support to Harris (if true). Shapiro, Whitmer - great candidates.
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When your only source is the Washington Post or any mainstream media, you will never have an enquiring mind.

Parroting the "Horse dewormer" line was fed to you by multiple mainstream sources. Ivermectin has been used worldwide for many years on humans for scabies treatment. It was shouted down becaue it doesn't make billions of dollars for Pfizer. Pfizer have a very good PR machine and they play on people like you.

Used as a prophylactic, there's actually no harm in trying Ivermectin. It's tried and tested on millions of humans. Unlike MrNA vaccines that have been used on humans without proper evaluation.

I'm done with you.

A single dose of an anti-parasitic drug could essentially remove all genetic material of the COVID-19 virus within 48 hours, an Australian-led study has shown.

Might be a bit old fashioned, but I wouldn’t get advice for health related matters from Trump, Marjorie Taylor Green,Fox News or some crazy right wing internet site.


So interesting.

From a Democratic strategic and tactical perspective, if Biden's withdrawal as Dem presidential nominee is being foreshadowed then it's the right call imo. The timing, post RNC, is also the right call.

But, tactically, I wouldn't stop there. He should also resign from the office of president with immediate effect on the basis of ill health and not see out his term.

That takes the wind out the he's too old to be in office sail and then there's only hand wringing left about whether it should have happened sooner. A convenient, there's new information or diagnosis statement would mitigate that a little.

In the meantime, Kamala Harris gets 3 months in the job, plus presumably the nomination, a lot of publicity and the opportunity to act presidentially for 3 months and the public get the opportunity to get used to someone being addressed as madam president.
I definitely don’t know all the details you’re talking about.
No you dont and thats your problem.

Its why I laid the condensed version of timeline out for you.

Even though I know its to no avail.
But I can remember Biden admin pre invasion still seeking to expand NATO and Ukraine being one of their aims.
NATO expansion only occurs when a nation expresses its interest and meets the threshold for joining. This includes not having an active contested border with a neighbouring belligerent. This is a major reason why Ukraines bid to join has thus far been and will remain unsuccessful and why Russia was in a low intensity war with Ukraine between 2014 and 2022. In reality NATO as an organisation has a defensive charter at its core and is militarily pretty hollow without UK and French nukes and the US hammer as a backstop.

NATO does not hoover up countries into its orbit. As you imply.

Coincidentally the greatest desire for joining has come from the former Eastern Bloc countries that have no desire to ever return to the Russian sphere of influence.

I don’t believe Biden has been a positive for the people of Ukraine. NATO have no business in that part of the world.

For a libertarian who constantly bangs on about individual freedoms this is a very odd thing to say.

Especially since NATO as a block has never invaded a country. Unlike Russia which has done so numerous times.

I would've thought that you'd be fully behind the right of any nation to self determination and autonomy.

I guess in this case. It is me who is wrong.

Thanks Norm, you have way more patience than me.
Great post and well articulated.

You will have noticed our geopolitical experts on here have transitioned from “ they are both the same “ to now all out supporters of a criminal sex offender.

One of these posters was a real fan of Tucker Carlson, I assume he still is .
should tell you everything !

Regards , K the lefty H

The timeline of events leading up to the invasion are well known or easily found for anybody with some critical thinking skills or access to the Google machine. Not so much for those who've swallowed the Russian narrative that Democrats bad.

You two have more patience than me. Biden is old and should be nowhere near another run at the presidency. And he has a deplorable record of supporting Israel at the cost of thousands of Palestinian lives. We all get that. He needs to go, and pronto.

Meh, I clearly have way too much time on my hands but I also like banging my head against the brick wall of ignorance for fun.

I couldn't give a single shit about Joe Biden other than as it stands he is the bulwark between the US today and its looming slide into a Christian Nationalist autocracy.

US foreign policy across the political spectrum for the most part has been a series of unmitigated disasters since the end of reconstruction in Europe and Japan post WWII. Their and by extension our appeasement of Israel and what they've historically done in Palestine is just the latest extension of this. Im hard pressed making a case for any of their foreign interventions in the intervening years. Outspending the Soviet Union and the bluff of Star Wars defence shield in the 80's which sent the Soviets spiralling into oblivion. Or perhaps at a pinch leading the various coalitions in places like the former Yugoslavia are as close as I can get.

Central and South American ****ery. Nope.

Major conflicts in...

Vietnam. Nope

The Middle East. Nope.

Afghanistan. Nope

And no dummies. I do not support Hamas.

But Trump is just an out-and-out f-wit. I could write an essay - and many already have - on all the failings he exhibits, coupled with not a single redeeming feature, not one. But the loonies would just keep coming back to "... but Biden" without acknowledging the idiocy that was Trump's presidency.
I mean "nobody knew health care could be so complicated". "Let's inject everyone with bleach..." There is no analytical skill there, no business acumen, no diplomacy. Just a massive grift on everyone he comes into contact with.

Buy more of his caps and merchandise MAGA-ites, you ill-informed, swindled losers deserve him.

Unfortunately it's everyone's planet he's going to **** up. Oh well, at least we've got another season or two of Bevo and Bont until Xi comes sauntering across the Pacific, after "reintegrating" Taiwan. What's that? Vance wants to focus on Asia and the Pacific?! Bahaha, he struggles to tie his own shoe laces.
Look anybody really paying attention or watching one of his benzedrine fuelled, unhinged, gibberish spewing, gaff laden rallies understands that he has no idea what he is talking about. Because he's a populist not an ideologue. He's somebody who actually believes in and stands for nothing beyond the accumulation of power and a life long thirst for acceptance from his betters and celebrities who've rejected him all his life.

He has no polices beyond deporting people he considers undesirable, the transferring of wealth from the working and middle class into the pockets of his Billionaire backers through his Multi-billion dollar deficit ballooning tax cuts and a bonkers tariff plan that dooms his base.

Something that they seem ok with as long as he owns the libs and acts like a tough guy. It's quite the trick he's managed to pull off. For which I always give him begrudging credit.

Remember, that despite his promises otherwise he has never funded his own campaigns and relies on rubes flushing money down his super pac or on the aforementioned donors who at last count numbers 50+ billionaires. I cannot imagine why.

Interesting that you mention Taiwan. Because Trump used his extortionate tactic of demanding that they pay for US protection yesterday. This is yet another example that defence treaties with the US will be at best unreliable and at worst worthless should he be re-elected. Russia and China will have a green light for their plans of conquest and expansion under his administration and the US will stand back, send out mean tweets and cede its world wide influence as it retreats behind its own borders.

Im not aware of Vances views on the Pacific. But Im aware that the US has been pivoting its forces in that direction since Obamas time in office. Just ask anybody at Robertson Barracks or at RAAF Base Darwin.

The things about Vance that I am aware of is that a lot of his carefully curated back story is bullshit. That he is a former venture capitalist and that he is 100% owned by tech-bro weirdo Peter Tiel. A man who spent more to get Vance elected to the senate than any candidate in US history.

TL;DR And thats ok.
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Wait another century for Ukraine to consolidate itself as an independent nation, things are long term in that part of the world. To not see the Biden admin failings here is another blind spot on his incompetence. No wonder the American public, who have large inflationary pressures at the moment, have no want to fund this war.
Quite obviously, Ukraine cannot wait another century to ‘consolidate’ itself as a country. Don’t forgot Putin’s original invasion was from the north straight at Kiev in armoured convoys. In typical Russian style they f**ked it up (ran out of fuel, misjudged road and weather, etc etc). Putin wanted to take Ukraine as a whole then and there.

Ukraine varies from West to East. I have spent time there. The west is very European and hates Russia with a passion. From Kharkiv eastward the language is often Russian and they are much and opinions of Russia and Putin vary. Donetsk was full of Russians when I was there and was dodgy as and unsafe

As a whole, I found Ukraine a wonderful, beautiful country and fiercely independent.
There is a mixed history with Ukraine and Russia throughout the centuries. They have always been linked and often as one. To think Ukraine is 100% independent of Russia like say France is is not true.
You could literally make this same dumb argument across anywhere in continental Europe. I doesn't change the fact that modern nations are defined by treaties and definable borders. Or the fact that Ukraine is an independent country that has a right to autonomy away from the influence of its former overlords in Moscow.

It's also true in the same way as saying that Germany never really existed before it began unifying into the modern nation state that it is today in 1866. Or that every country that we know today that once existed under its precursor the Holy Roman Empire is in fact German. That kind of thinking became somewhat outdated in 1945.

Their independence from Russia is about 30 years at the moment, Russia disputes a lot of this. Russia is far from correct and probably outright wrong in this conflict.

Of course Russia disputes a lot of this. They only swallowed up Ukraine by force in the 19th century.

But it was incompetence or ideology or arrogance or ignorance or a mix of all for America and NATO to invite Ukraine. Wait another century for Ukraine to consolidate itself as an independent nation, things are long term in that part of the world. To not see the Biden admin failings here is another blind spot on his incompetence. No wonder the American public, who have large inflationary pressures at the moment, have no want to fund this war.

Beyond an intractable ideology. You clearly have no idea what you're taking about.

But you do amuse me.
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Quite obviously, Ukraine cannot wait another century to ‘consolidate’ itself as a country. Don’t forgot Putin’s original invasion was from the north straight at Kiev in armoured convoys. In typical Russian style they f**ked it up (ran out of fuel, misjudged road and weather, etc etc). Putin wanted to take Ukraine as a whole then and there.

Ukraine varies from West to East. I have spent time there. The west is very European and hates Russia with a passion. From Kharkiv eastward the language is often Russian and they are much and opinions of Russia and Putin vary. Donetsk was full of Russians when I was there and was dodgy as and unsafe

As a whole, I found Ukraine a wonderful, beautiful country and fiercely independent.
I don’t dispute Ukraine’s want to separate if they wish. The whole Russian/Soviet empire is and has been a disaster after disaster. If Ukraine wants to be independent so be it. Ukraine attaching them themselves to NATO after being part of the Russian empire for so long was always going to be fraught with problems, and a massive ‘up yours’ to Russia. I don’t think it was the right thing for the NATO countries to do and only fanned the flames of war, dumb move, and look what happened?
“ if Ukraine wants to be independent, so be it “

It’s not bloody if , they do .ffs
That might be why they are dying trying to save their nation from a dictator.

The throw away lines that make no sense by some make my head hurt
I know Trump's base will lap up his speech at the RNC and everything about the event but are there enough critical thinking people left over there, not blinded by the emotive and hyperbolic language, the polarisation, the messaging, the half truths and falsehoods, the cult of personality and the stage showed nature of these things...all wrapped up in the American flag.

Are there enough people left, capable and able to see it for what it is and make a rational judgement on election day.
I know Trump's base will lap up his speech at the RNC and everything about the event but are there enough critical thinking people left over there, not blinded by the emotive and hyperbolic language, the polarisation, the messaging, the half truths and falsehoods, the cult of personality and the stage showed nature of these things...all wrapped up in the American flag.

Are there enough people left, capable and able to see it for what it is and make a rational judgement on election day.
I'm watching (more for shits and giggles then anything else)

I'm shocked that Biden and Trump are the two best the Seppos have to offer... insane.

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The Otherworldly Circus - The America Thread

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