The Otherworldly Circus - The America Thread

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Mark Kelly
Josh Shapiro
Wes Moore

Are names to look out for in the coming years. All would be great candidates, although Moore needs to build a national profile.

I expect Harris to get the nomination.

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I don't share your confidence but I hope you are right. You seem to be suggesting that there's no structural or procedural obstacle to the USA becoming a quasi-authoritarian state, just historical inertia. That doesn't fill me with hope.

Trump* is not the newbie he was in 2016. He now knows how the system works and where the blockages are. He has had four years to reflect and seems inclined to do things differently this time if he gets in. He loves being a disrupter.

I'm wondering if he'll even seek a way to circumvent the limitation of only two terms for presidents. If he doesn't slide into dementia or some other degenerative condition associated with old age he may well try for a third term. Works OK for his mates Xi Jinping, Putin and Kim Jong-Un. Modi seems headed that way too.

* References to Trump should be read to include his minders/backers.
Hopefully the constitution prevents any of that. You don’t have to buy into all the fearmongering, he didn’t do those things first time. He’s a random unit, loose cannon sure, but I don’t believe America turns to authoritarianism. Gee we’ve had more of it here in Victoria.
The Dems have gone from no chance to some chance. The Republicans are going to go shotgun and besmirch every possible candidate until it becomes clear who the nominee is. The intensity and rabidity with which they approach that may work against them if the swing vote has had enough of that sort of thing. Interesting times.

There's one strategic move I'd still make if I were the Dems and Biden right now. In his address later today, he should also resign from the presidency on the basis of ill health with immediate effect, handing Harris the presidency for 3 months. Whether or not she ultimately ends up being the nominee, at least the focus on the president in the short term won't be on how they negotiate stairs and whether or not they know where they are and/or what day it is.

The other thing it does is subvert the argument that if he's not fit to run in November, how can he be fit to be president now? The validity of the argument is debatable but the argument will be made by the Republicans and probably the pundits too.

The Dems also have the opportunity to go through a transparent and civil nominee selection process ... I don't know if that's possible but would be desirable for their election chances. The major Dem players (potential Presidential and VP nominees) should get together behind closed doors, nut out the most winnable position, and then unite behind it publically, unanimously endorse it and then rubber stamp it at the convention. Little to no dissension at least gives the impression of unity, maturity and stability. If the impression was also reality all well and good and a viable voting alternative to Trump is provided to the electorate. The bigger picture is to provide a viable alternative to Trump to keep him out of office .... from a Democrat perspective. They all need to buy into it.

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Re : Authoritarianism “don’t buy into fear mongering “ “ didn’t happen last time “

Trying to overthrow an election by both out and out fraud or then violence tells me something different.

Normal suspects telling us we didn’t see what we saw !
He said he is going to pardon at least some of the crazies that invaded the White House too
Anyway, credit to Biden where it's due. In a lucid moment he's realised that being the Democratic nominee would destroy their electoral chances and he's done the honourable thing. A concept that his presidential predecessor struggles with.
Re : Authoritarianism “don’t buy into fear mongering “ “ didn’t happen last time “

Trying to overthrow an election by both out and out fraud or then violence tells me something different.

Normal suspects telling us we didn’t see what we saw !
I don’t think he tried to overturn the result, he threw a tantrum sure. But was it any bigger than Hillary’s tantrum and conspiracy theories she talked about for years after she lost?
I don’t think he tried to overturn the result, he threw a tantrum sure. But was it any bigger than Hillary’s tantrum and conspiracy theories she talked about for years after she lost?
Yes. There’s no comparison .

He incited the mob to civil violence. It was a combination of luck and quick decision making that saved the lives of some elected politicians.
I note that Biden in his statement said that he would serve out his term as President. However, 48 hours ago he said he would be the nominee and now he isn't. If he has another moment of lucidity over the next few days, he might also see that strategically it's probably best if he doesn't see out his term.

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I don’t think he tried to overturn the result, he threw a tantrum sure. But was it any bigger than Hillary’s tantrum and conspiracy theories she talked about for years after she lost?
It was just a bit of libertarian fun…..just like creating his own little Supreme Court full of far right nuts, ready to follow his commands and drop his charges, if they get a chance.
It was just a bit of libertarian fun…..just like creating his own little Supreme Court full of far right nuts, ready to follow his commands and drop his charges, if they get a chance.

Trump is the classic example of the narcissistic sociopath, it's always about him.

Now it’s , “he just threw a tantrum”
Just stop embarrassing yourself, no one on the planet thinks that.( well almost no one )

I might add as a last resort he tried to install a Tump sycophant from the DOJ as HIS attorney general.
To do what ? Help overturn the election.
Only didn’t happen because the whole DOJ hierarchy threatened to walk out.

I wouldn’t call straight out criminality as throwing a tantrum, but there you go, your mate Tucker Carlson probably agrees with you !

His name : Jeffery Clark , another one charged as a part of the fake electors scheme.

Blacks white , up is down ,
Thank God , you were not on my team during debate sessions at High School.
Anyway, credit to Biden where it's due. In a lucid moment he's realised that being the Democratic nominee would destroy their electoral chances and he's done the honourable thing. A concept that his presidential predecessor struggles with.

The honourable thing would have been for Biden to declare half-way through his term that he would not be seeking re-election. Better late than never, but after losing so much support I think his decision was pragmatic rather than noble.

His obstinance has called into question his judgment and integrity but political historians will probably view his legacy positively - unless the Dems have a House of Reps/Senate wipeout in November.
The honourable thing would have been for Biden to declare half-way through his term that he would not be seeking re-election. Better late than never, but after losing so much support I think his decision was pragmatic rather than noble.

His obstinance has called into question his judgment and integrity but political historians will probably view his legacy positively - unless the Dems have a House of Reps/Senate wipeout in November.
I don't disagree that he should have fallen on his sword before now. However, he has now, undoubtedly for pragmatic reasons which are greater than himself. He realises that, so there is some honour in the acceptance that it's bigger than him and then acting accordingly.

It seems like a narrative that they (the Dems) should run with. One of honour. It's something that Trump is completely devoid of and the Americans do love a good flag wave, self sacrifice and honour.....or the notion of self sacrifice and honour anyway.
It was just a bit of libertarian fun…..just like creating his own little Supreme Court full of far right nuts, ready to follow his commands and drop his charges, if they get a chance.
You may not agree with the justices on the Supreme Court but whether they think they’re conservative, progressive whatever, hopefully they just interpret the constitution as it is, not how they want it to be or stretch it it or a ‘living’ constitution etc. They do explain their decisions, it doesn’t always go the way we wish, but as I said, hopefully they just interpret the constitution as it is? No going to the Federalist Papers or this is how Adam’s or Jefferson would do it, etc As it states.
If you’re in the Ukraine and you love Biden you’d have to be brain dead. Russia invaded Ukraine in the middle of the Biden presidency and although this was obviously not Biden’s direct doing, the Democrats were the one’s trying to annex Ukraine into NATO. Something that was promised to Russia that would never happen. Doubt this Russian invasion happens under Trump in 2022? You can never tell but amateur international politics by Biden admin.
Flipping the script? Its a common trait of MAGA, "weaponised justice dept" etc. Pot meet kettle...

You might need to read some history, UKRAINE wanted to join NATO and Europe. PUTIN invaded, not Biden. Republicans held up the military aid Ukraine needs and Russia advanced, Dems and Biden got the aid through finally and Russias been in retreat ever since. Trump wants to stop aid to ukraine (he was impeached for that back in the day) to help his mate Vlad.

And you reckon Ukrainians dont like Biden? They love him. They know Trump and the publicans will stop the aid they rely on.
I don’t think he tried to overturn the result, he threw a tantrum sure. But was it any bigger than Hillary’s tantrum and conspiracy theories she talked about for years after she lost?
He totally tried to overturn the result, by any means he could think of. No one should excuse his awful behaviour.
Trump’s base stays about the same(for some reason). The dems and anti Trump voters needed a reason to get out and vote. Harris will give them that. Abortion rights, age, not being a whack job are all in her favour.

She will win.

They are already running ads - ‘she prosecuted sex predators, he is one’.
As the Supreme Court has clearly indicated it will bow to Trump's bidding and certainly won't stand in his way, how much is this limitation of presidential power really worth? I mean who is meant to enforce the limitation on power? And would they actually do so if Trump insisted he was going ahead anyway?

I'm not saying it will necessarily happen, but if the Republicans won both houses and Trump was in the White House what is to stop the USA becoming an authoritarian state?
Republicans won both houses and Trump won the presidency in 2016. So it has already happened before.
I don’t think he tried to overturn the result, he threw a tantrum sure. But was it any bigger than Hillary’s tantrum and conspiracy theories she talked about for years after she lost?
Where were you on Jan 6?

Hillary conceded defeat, Trump still hasnt.... He launched dozens of court challenges and lost them all. Wow.

The single most fundamental element to democracy, accepting the will of the people, and hes above it. He, and his sycophantic followers, need to consider that just because everybody they know voted for Trump doesnt mean they know everybody who voted.

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The Otherworldly Circus - The America Thread

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