The Otherworldly Circus - The America Thread

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Democrats: Now that our guys cognitive decline is no longer on full display.

Let us focus on the other guys...

Again, strategically, it seems to me that the Dems should shore up the VP running mate behind the scenes over the next few days and that nominee needs to be unanimously endorsed by every credible contender.

Meanwhile, Joe's convalescence hits a snag and he might have long covid. In another act of selflessness, he decides, for the good of the country, that it's unwise for him to continue as President and hands over to Kamala who then selects her endorsed running mate as VP. Both get publicity, Joe is a selfless American heroo again and any complications that might arise from Kamala ratifying her own victory at the electoral college confirmation are by-passed. The wind is also instantly taken out of the he's not fit to run so not fit to be president now by a new and unforeseen medical condition.

Joe recovers just in time to attend the rubber stamping nomination of Harris and running mate at the Dems convention. He is hailed as a selfless American hero, there's 24/7 media coverage and he manages to stay standing during the 15 minute standing ovation he receives. In a show of great deference and respect he refers to and addresses Kamala as Madam President at every opportunity.

Meanwhile, over in Trump land, the oldest presidential nominee in US political history unanimously endorsed by the Republican's to represent them, is having his afternoon nap.
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Again, strategically, it seems to me that the Dems should shore up the VP running mate behind the scenes over the next few days and that nominee needs to be unanimously endorsed by every credible contender.

Meanwhile, Joe's convalescence hits a snag and he might have long covid. In another act of selflessness, he decides, for the good of the country, that it's unwise for him to continue as President and hands over to Kamala who then selects her endorsed running mate as VP. Both get publicity, Joe is a selfless American heroo again and any complications that might arise from Kamala ratifying her own victory at the electoral college confirmation are by-passed. The wind is also instantly taken out of the he's not fit to run so not fit to be president now by a new and unforeseen medical condition.

Joe recovers just in time to attend the rubber stamping nomination of Harris and running mate at the Dems convention. He is hailed as a selfless American hero, there's 24/7 media coverage and he manages to stay standing during the 15 minute standing ovation he receives. In a show of great deference and respect he refers to and addresses Kamala as Madam President at every opportunity.

Meanwhile, over in Trump land, the oldest presidential nominee in US political history unanimously endorsed by the Republican's to represent them, is having his afternoon nap.

"Strategically.." my backside.

Joe Biden was so far gone in his mental decline it was a no-brainer that he had to "step down". The Democrats were engaging in elder abuse putting the poor man out in public like they were. It was starting to look like Weekend at Bernies.
"Strategically.." my backside.

Joe Biden was so far gone in his mental decline it was a no-brainer that he had to "step down". The Democrats were engaging in elder abuse putting the poor man out in public like they were. It was starting to look like Weekend at Bernies.
It doesn't really matter though. The game now is the current situation and the near future situation.

Biden is not running. Harris is and probably the democratic nominee. Trump is very definitely the republican nominee and the oldest presidential nominee in US history.

That is the landscape now and moving forward. It's game on where it wasn't before. I'm in it to be an armchair strategist and for the entertainment and it just got really entertaining with the promise of more to come.

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So if I'm reading this particular room correctly.

Before Trump America was a bastion of goodness and all things that all other nations aspired to become.

During Trump it turned to a literal hell on earth.

Then Biden came along and washed away all the evil and made it a place where fairies and unicorns would visit.

And now we're worried that Satan (Trump) will turn it back into Hades.

But no. Kamala will stop Lucifer in his tracks and all will be perfect again in the land of the free?
Bad reading
The Simpsons Fox GIF by AniDom
"Strategically.." my backside.

Joe Biden was so far gone in his mental decline it was a no-brainer that he had to "step down". The Democrats were engaging in elder abuse putting the poor man out in public like they were. It was starting to look like Weekend at Bernies.
............... keep up the good work on your algorythed websites tonight with some more beauties for us in the morning.
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Russia is committing genocide in Ukraine. Mass graves of civilians, removal of children to Russia and targeting civilians.

Russia is also sending minorities to the front lines, to reduce minorities populations in their own country.
My bad. They're both genocide. One being opposed by the Biden administration and one being supported by the Biden administration.
............. keep up the good work on your algorythed websites tonight with some more beauties for us in the morning.
The fact that you keep mentioning algorithms as an insult to anyone that might not see the world as you do and also say that you're inspired by Sam Harris is humorous.
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So Trump and his sycophants want to litigate to get Biden back 🤣

Trump over 4000 litigations and growing by the minute.
this is the bloke people are arguing for on here, fmd
Careful King - they report you when things get a bit hot in the kitchen. Very ‘Beta’ or ‘Soy’ to use some ridiculous MAGA terminology.
The fact that you keep mentioning algorithms as an insult to anyone that might not see the world as you do and also say that you're inspired by Sam Harris is humorous.
I personally believe that some of the ridiculous arguments, points, statistics are created through anti-intellectualism and the related algorithms spewed throughout the web.

No sane, normal person can organically come up with the sci-fi posts we have seen in the last few pages.
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If only they loved the Palestinians as much as they love the Ukrainians.
Itd be great if you could either be consistent, ie Ukranians and Palestinians hate Biden... Or concede that Ukranians have every reason to want the dems back over the other option.

Palestine is an entirely more difficult situation for any American politician, the pro-Israel lobby is VERY strongin that country, Joes tried to slow Beebees genocide as much as he could.
Hilary bellyached for years and even blamed Russia😂, so I don’t think she did concede.

There you go then, from November 10, 2016. Hillarys full concession speech.

Show me Trumps......Oh thats right, he still hasnt "Stolen election" lies "stolen election" more lies "stolen election", same lies, riot, deaths.....

Yeah, yeah, totally comparable.

Btw if I was Hillary Id be blaming Comey. Totally unethical and baseless last minute announcement that threw a spanner in her election campaign. And, wasnt he a Republican?? Talk about potential conspiracies.....

Anyway, you be you. Keep denying the facts, just believe whatever you choose, and then spout nonsense online.
Itd be great if you could either be consistent, ie Ukranians and Palestinians hate Biden... Or concede that Ukranians have every reason to want the dems back over the other option.

Palestine is an entirely more difficult situation for any American politician, the pro-Israel lobby is VERY strongin that country, Joes tried to slow Beebees genocide as much as he could.
I'm consistent in my belief that war isn't about Biden or anyone else being a "good man".
War is about money and power.

There you go then, from November 10, 2016. Hillarys full concession speech.

Show me Trumps......Oh thats right, he still hasnt "Stolen election" lies "stolen election" more lies "stolen election", same lies, riot, deaths.....

Yeah, yeah, totally comparable.

Btw if I was Hillary Id be blaming Comey. Totally unethical and baseless last minute announcement that threw a spanner in her election campaign. And, wasnt he a Republican?? Talk about potential conspiracies.....

Anyway, you be you. Keep denying the facts, just believe whatever you choose, and then spout nonsense online.

You won’t get a coherent response.
Best you will get some vague history lesson that argues they are all the same.

Good faith debate is good, healthy ect

I don’t mind people having a different view to me , even on Trump , but don’t try telling me I need to suspend all reality to participate in that debate.

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The Otherworldly Circus - The America Thread

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