The Otherworldly Circus - The America Thread

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Not trying to provoke any argument.
But asked about the bank loan because I assume the bank should knock back a loan application if you can’t demonstrate the ability to service it, no matter the colour of your skin.
Seemed an odd way of making your point.

I think the issue is the word “ privilege “
And now a big talking point for the right wing podcasts , they love the phrase “ where’s the white privilege “
as if all bar white people have privileges !

The debate is not really about privilege, the question is are you discriminated against because you are different .
To argue there is no discrimination,I think is wrong, but it’s a very complex issue that I expect has been around since Noah started junior footy.

I only mentioned the bank kocking me back because I was replying to the comment that banks discriminate on skin color. More likely banks don't want bad loans.

Discrimination is the key word here. But in the current US political debate its being limited to racism. That's a problem because the biggest inequality is economic and poverty exists across all races.

Think about this: there are 33 million whites in poverty in the US. There are 8 million blacks in poverty. When that 33 milion hears and sees poltical parties with policies that focus only on and favour the poor blacks, what is the logical thing for them to think and do?

A socially-unifying poilitcal party would offer policies and solutions that tackle poverty irrespective of race. But that won't fire up their black and hispanic base the Democrats need to win the election. So Trump it is.
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Ok , they might be .
I assume you think that at least explains , maybe even justifies the racism ?

But you have lost the thread , go back to what I replied to.
If you can be bothered.

I replied separately to Royale.

The racism in the South won't be fixed until the socio-economic problems are.. But its much easier to shout "You're racist!"
I replied separately to Royale.

The racism in the South won't be fixed until the socio-economic problems are.. But its much easier to shout "You're racist!"

We can be pedantic with words , but racism has been around all my life and I’m sure will see me out.
Read his one line, paraphrasing :because it was/ good for me , I’m not happy people still think there is significant racism.

Perhaps I won’t use that word in these debates from now on , it seems it sends people off the deep end.

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👍 That would be a good thing.

Better send that to both parties they both bang on about the black vote as well as other ethnicities.

But Trump “ look at my black America over there”

back in 2019 another part of his circle had had enough of being constantly referred to as “ my African American “ by Trump,
and moved on.
Fair to say he is no longer a fan.
We can be pedantic with words , but racism has been around all my life and I’m sure will see me out.
Read his one line, paraphrasing :because it was/ good for me , I’m not happy people still think there is significant racism.

Perhaps I won’t use that word in these debates from now on , it seems it sends people off the deep end.
I guess people who try to live their lives without being racist as they see it don't like to be labelled as racists, which may be how they feel when their views on it are challenged. I would like to know if people who criticise others for it are 100% free of any racist values or actions in their lives???? Seems to me it's a world wide thing and not just a problem of whiteys.
Sometimes its not a 'problem' - eg. is it racist for people to want to marry others of the same race?

Not having a go at you ....
I guess people who try to live their lives without being racist as they see it don't like to be labelled as racists, which may be how they feel when their views on it are challenged. I would like to know if people who criticise others for it are 100% free of any racist values or actions in their lives???? Seems to me it's a world wide thing and not just a problem of whiteys.
Sometimes its not a 'problem' - eg. is it racist for people to want to marry others of the same race?

Not having a go at you ....

No absolutely correct.
I can understand how being labeled racist will trigger people.
It is a complex issue , where both ends of the argument become ridiculous.

You and me grew up in an era where we watched British sitcoms that wouldn’t see the light off day now because they would be deemed racist. Of course those same shows largely shined a light on a bigoted white guy and made fun of his racist views. The far left today would go off their nuts if they were re run now. But I think in lots of ways they may offer more good than harm ?

What do you think ?

By the way , if you want to have a go at me ——
I am available behind the shelter shed , Hyde st Primary school 11.00 am Tuesday.🤼‍♂️
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He said he still has not just minor but major differences with Trump, he will be allowed to express them publicly (how refreshing is this? No towing the party line)

I am staggered that anyone would believe this.
Thats another left wing media lie. Trump never said "inject bleach". Here's the video:

Betadine was one such disinfectant. Povidone-iodine is a widely available medication that has potent antiviral effects that can be safely administered to the oropharyngeal mucosa to potentially reduce SARS-CoV-2 transmission

You posted a video claiming it disproves that he said "inject bleach" and he literally says "inject bleach". Did you even watch that video before you posted it? Did you expect noone here would check? WOW!
You posted a video claiming it disproves that he said "inject bleach" and he literally says "inject bleach". Did you even watch that video before you posted it? Did you expect noone here would check? WOW!

This one video of an idiot like this would be enough for most people, but apparently not 🤪
You posted a video claiming it disproves that he said "inject bleach" and he literally says "inject bleach". Did you even watch that video before you posted it? Did you expect noone here would check? WOW!
He didn't say "ïnject bleach". I guess you didn't watch the video either. You literally promote the same lie. WOW! back at you.
Not all disinfectants are bleach....

Alternative Disinfectant Proposed for Intravitreal Injections​

To compare the two treatments, Avery and his colleagues recruited 62 patients and treated one eye in each patient with hypochlorous acid and the other eye with povidone iodine.

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He didn't say "ïnject bleach". I guess you didn't watch the video either. You literally promote the same lie. WOW! back at you.

Your problem is Trump himself walked the whole idea back.
He later tried the line “ I was being sarcastic” just for the assembled press.
I could find the clip if you really want .

But give it a rest mate , the blokes a world class moron.
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I dont understand the preoccupation with race. I really dont.

I grew up an Asian kid in the early 80's in Australia and experienced stuff. But its 2024. Its not a factor. And never has been in my life.

My god, imagine thinking that the world is inherently racist and that you can attribute your lot in life because of your skin colour. Utterly galling.
You think racism is not a factor for Indigenous Australians in 2024?
I didn't earn enough to make the repayments, yes.

As an aside, 20 years ago I was part of diabetic eye disease detection program in Melbeourne's West because the area had a disproportionate number of people going blind in the West due to diabetes. These people were all whites. Where was their white privilege in the health system?
Do you not understand the concept or are you just being deliberately disingenuous?
In retaliation to him endorsing Trump, the Dems have cancelled RFK's SS protection, even though he's still actively campaigning (or would be, if the party 'saving democracy' would stop suing to get him off the ballot) in over 30 states. Considering the man's significant history of trauma, this is petty and despicable, regardless of your political leanings.
Your problem is Trump himself walked the whole idea back.
He later tried the line “ I was being sarcastic” just for the assembled press.
I could find the clip if you really want .

But give it a rest mate , the blokes a world class moron.

If you actually watch the video, the disinfectant wasn't the point that he was emphasizing. It was light.

Of course he's not going to know in detail the science or medicine. He's a politician, not your doctor or a research scientist. Then some leftist knobhead journalist used the word "bleach" and every MSM outlet including the NYT, and WP- formerly respected news organizations, repeated the "bleach" lie without fact checking it. So Trump then had to go into damage control, because idiots were misquoting him.
You posted a video claiming it disproves that he said "inject bleach" and he literally says "inject bleach". Did you even watch that video before you posted it? Did you expect noone here would check? WOW!

Even when shown the source video, its still not enough to overcome some people's cognitive dissonance. I think they named a syndrome after Trump to describe that malady. FYI Trump never used the word BLEACH.
Even when shown the source video, its still not enough to overcome some people's cognitive dissonance. I think they named a syndrome after Trump to describe that malady. FYI Trump never used the word BLEACH.
Pretty obvious that the cognitive dissonance is off the scale in this forum. Bleach is very much a generic term. Sodium hypochlorite is the one people associate with domestic bleach. Many elements and compounds share the properties of bleaching. Sunlight has that property, witness coral "bleaching" from UV transmission of sunlight.

Ozone has shown to be a potent cure for viral infections.

Not too many chemists or scientists in this forum and even fewer people who want to learn.
He didn't say "ïnject bleach". I guess you didn't watch the video either. You literally promote the same lie. WOW! back at you.
The transcript. Bleach and Disinfectant are equally stupid. But if you wanna play word salad Trumps your boy. He can mangle a sentence with the best of em.

DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Supposing we hit the body with a tremendous -- whether it`s ultraviolet or just very powerful light, and I think you said that hasn`t been checked, but you`re going to check it. And then I said supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way, and I think you said you`re going to test that too. Sounds interesting.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We`ll get to the right folks who could.

TRUMP: Right. And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that. So, that, you`re going to have to use medical doctors with. But it sounds interesting to me.

Youre right. He wants to inject disinfectant, not bleach. Disinfectant like....

And the next day claimed he was being sarcastic. After copping this...
Pretty obvious that the cognitive dissonance is off the scale in this forum. Bleach is very much a generic term. Sodium hypochlorite is the one people associate with domestic bleach. Many elements and compounds share the properties of bleaching. Sunlight has that property, witness coral "bleaching" from UV transmission of sunlight.

Ozone has shown to be a potent cure for viral infections.

Not too many chemists or scientists in this forum and even fewer people who want to learn.

You got a mirror at home Wayno ?
We have Cognitive dissonance , you have cult worship —- one all draw 🤪

No need to explain to me , it’s way over my head , you guys are now medical experts as well 👍
Never mind Trump said he was only being sarcastic in front of the fake news .

Is there anything you don’t like about the leader of your cult ?
If you actually watch the video, the disinfectant wasn't the point that he was emphasizing. It was light.

Of course he's not going to know in detail the science or medicine. He's a politician, not your doctor or a research scientist. Then some leftist knobhead journalist used the word "bleach" and every MSM outlet including the NYT, and WP- formerly respected news organizations, repeated the "bleach" lie without fact checking it. So Trump then had to go into damage control, because idiots were misquoting him.
Wrong again. Watch your video again sunshine, or Read the transcript. He was equally hot for "getting light into the body" :)0) and "injecting disinfectant".
Most pollies dont know, youre right, but only this unicorn suggested he knew better than his own scientific advisers.
God help us.

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The Otherworldly Circus - The America Thread

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