The Otherworldly Circus - The America Thread

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Which half was Aboriginal? Top or Bottom? Or was it Left or Right. He is not half Aboriginal, he is Aboriginal. Happy to provide some anecdotes for you.
That person is a human being. He would also be half something else, who cares, we are all a mix of billions of ancestors, some good some bad. I couldn’t give flying… what some is or thinks they are, just who they are as a human being.
I could create a study to prove the opposite. I worked with a half-aboriginal guy for years. We're good friends and he's had a great life. He never complained about prejudice because there didn't appear to be any directed at him. He did benefit massively from the concessions granted to him by the public service. Any old day off for this or that cause. EL1 salaries and perks are immense in the PS.

Trouble is anecdotes appear to be worthless in this forum. It's all about studies etc.

Gotta say you come up with plenty.
My cataract surgery mates sent you off the deep end a day or two ago, with your “ spare me “ comment.

You seem to inject a lot of “mates” into the discussion ?

Just saying.
That person is a human being. He would also be half something else, who cares, we are all a mix of billions of ancestors, some good some bad. I couldn’t give flying… what some is or thinks they are, just who they are as a human being.

I care. You may want to ask your self why some Aboriginal people find ‘half’ Aboriginal offensive.

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I care. You may want to ask your self why some Aboriginal people find ‘half’ Aboriginal offensive.
I mean I don’t care whether someone has 99% or 1% of anything. We are all 100% human and should treat everyone equally as brothers and sisters.
And as a side I’ve worked up on the aboriginal communities in the NT and we were all told never to call them ‘half castes’ and when I got there they said “no worries bro, call us half castes, coz that’s what we are”. So city folk sometimes object, but it’s all about treating people how they want to be treated.
And as a side I’ve worked up on the aboriginal communities in the NT and we were all told never to call them ‘half castes’ and when I got there they said “no worries bro, call us half castes, coz that’s what we are”. So city folk sometimes object, but it’s all about treating people how they want to be treated.

To clarify, you got there and asked all the Aboriginal people if it was ok to call them half castes? Or all the Aboriginal people there without prompting volunteered that it was ok to call them half castes?
To clarify, you got there and asked all the Aboriginal people if it was ok to call them half castes? Or all the Aboriginal people there without prompting volunteered that it was ok to call them half castes?
I didn’t call anyone half castes. I was told by them that it was ok if I did, only to those individuals I was talking to. They didn’t mind that term, for them it was true so why did it matter.
Too often people on here extrapolate what is written into what they think they hear. Like Kathy Newman in that train wreck of an interview with Jordan Peterson “so what you’re saying is…” and he’d continually say “No, that’s not what I’m saying at all!”
I didn’t call anyone half castes. I was told by them that it was ok if I did, only to those individuals I was talking to. They didn’t mind that term, for them it was true so why did it matter.
Too often people on here extrapolate what is written into what they think they hear. Like Kathy Newman in that train wreck of an interview with Jordan Peterson “so what you’re saying is…” and he’d continually say “No, that’s not what I’m saying at all!”

I would suggest that most Aboriginal people especially those with links to Stolen Generation absolutely hate the word ‘half caste’. You may as well add the word ‘creamy’ in as well. Half caste is a really horrible phrase that was the launching pad of many destroyed families and lives.
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Gotta say you come up with plenty.
My cataract surgery mates sent you off the deep end a day or two ago, with your “ spare me “ comment.

You seem to inject a lot of “mates” into the discussion ?

Just saying.

Injects "mates" into discussion. Then accuses the other perosn of injecting mates into the discussion. And then gets a "like" for it by a sycophant. Weird times.
I didn’t call anyone half castes. I was told by them that it was ok if I did, only to those individuals I was talking to. They didn’t mind that term, for them it was true so why did it matter.
Too often people on here extrapolate what is written into what they think they hear.

I didn't say you did call them half castes. I just asked a couple of questions (hence the question marks) because I was curious as to how you found out from them that it was ok if you did, seems a strange thing to just come up in conversation.
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Tulsi Gabbard has officially endorsed Trump (no, was she never a libertarian/contrarian type as others on this thread believed).

She joins RFK jnr to be on the Trump Gang.

Shocked to be standing here.

Hmmmm - in wonder if any of our regular posters fell for the grift, or both grifts for that matter?
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The charges are being layed by LITERALY Democrat Party Members. They are weaponizing the justice system to stop Trump from runing in this years election.
An innocent man (especially one who considers himself to be a great showman) with nothing to hide and would relish the opportunity to have his day in court so as to expose the corruption within the the various state DA offices or the weaponised DoJ. He won't do this because every time evidence is presented to a jury of his peers he is found guilty.

The DoJ and and by extension Jack Smith (an independent) are sworn to support and defend the Constitution of the US against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Even a former president. Even in an election year.

If the Justice system was weaponised as those of you on the right would have us believe. Hunter Biden would've been pardoned. Smith would've sought to have Aileen Cannon removed for her obvious bias, slow walking of and mishandling of the documents case. And in NY he would've had his parole yanked after repeatedly violating his terms of release. LITERALLY no other person in the U.S. judicial system has been treated with the Kid gloves and deference that Donald Trump has anybody else would be spending their time awaiting trial at Rikers Island. Or would be spending his day(s) between ranting on social media and incoherent rallies in various courts.

They will fail.
He needs to win for that to happen.

And right now, the aggregate of polls and his increasingly unhinged behaviour make this a 50/50 bet at best.

He had his shot. And got outmanoeuvred by the democrat party when they changed horses midstream.

Something that he and his advisers should've anticipated after Bidens disastrous first debate performance. It's also something that has them flailing about looking for a narrative to attack Harris on. With Trump seemingly falling back on the weak sauce of Comrade Kamila and the usual dystopian nonsense. The guy has lost his insult comic fastball if thats the best he can do.

They alo know Trumps venegeance will be swift, should he win.

How, by actually weaponising not only the DoJ but the entire Federal Government by gutting and stacking it with loyalists to Trump. Or his tweet calling for the arrest of Obama, Clinton and Biden wondering why they hadn’t been imprisoned for launching a “coup” against his administration? Before the 2020 election.

Sure, this madness may appeal to about 35-40% of the voting public who make up his base. However, this is a guy whose approval rating never exceed 49% and was typically ≈ 41%.and as low as 34 when he left office. Im not so sure that after 8+ years that he appeals to the rest of the country who seem pretty tired of a show that is nothing more than repeats of his greatest hits. He's become as boring as he is stupid.

The real question is. What happens should he lose?

Despite the Supreme Court and Ailene Cannons actions none of the cases are going anywhere. His sentencing and the appeal verdict of election and business fraud cases in NY loom. As does Georgia though thats been punted well into next year. As do the two Federal cases one of which the documents case is back before the 11th Circuit Court on appeal. Given they have rebuffed Cannon twice before that doesn't bode well for her. As we saw yesterday with Jack Smith after empaneling an entirely new grand jury and then issuing of superseding indictments for the other in his Federal criminal case regarding Trumps attempts to overturn the 2020 election.

He has one play. Delay and hope to win the election.

Because the wheels of justice may turn slowly, but they grind exceedingly fine.
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Injects "mates" into discussion. Then accuses the other perosn of injecting mates into the discussion. And then gets a "like" for it by a sycophant. Weird times.

You and your mates that seem to “like” everything you post are really not that bright.
You only need to follow the context of my post to realise how dumb your post is.

The Trump team on here seem to pop up everywhere with a mate story or how they worked with him or her or some ethnic group that miraculously backs up your narrative.

Go read Fresh’s story on his “ half caste “ story 😂
I care. You may want to ask your self why some Aboriginal people find ‘half’ Aboriginal offensive.
Can you tell us? Not having a go at you ….
I can see terms like ‘half caste’ would be derogatory but is any mention of other components of their heritage offensive?
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Meanwhile Facebook CEO has admitted Facebook suppressed the Hunter Biden laptop story after the FBI falsely warned social media companies it was Russian disinformation knowing fully well it was not Russian disinformation.

Twitter has said the same.

This could have changed the election outcome.

I'd imagine there is more than few people at the FBI shitting bricks that Trump may return as their Commander in Chief.
Sooooo, by not repeating unsubstantiated (at the time) reports the FBI/Facebook/the iluminati impacted the 2020 election? And what was eventually proven on the laptop? pr0n. That definitely would have swayed an american elctorate which is happy to vote for a sexual molester. What was the outcome of the Biden "Impeachment" investigation circus? Thats right, nothning at all on Joe and Hunter might have dodged taxes. Like Trump?

How do you feel about Comey very publicly making accusations and reopening an investigation into Hillary just days before the 2016 election? An investigation which was baseless, found nothing and was closed? That definitely swung an election. But youre only sad about Donald because the laptop... OK. There there. It'll all get better once Donald disappears.

BTW arent you the guy that said the Dems were authoritarian?
The charges are being layed by LITERALY Democrat Party Members. They are weaponizing the justice system to stop Trump from runing in this years election.

They will fail. They alo know Trumps venegeance will be swift, should he win.
The charges have all been ticked off by grand jurys. Non-partisan.

The only way Trump escapes justice is if a) he gets elected and burns the justice department down or b) his supreme court intervenes (again)
Can you tell us? Not having a go at you ….
I can see terms like ‘half caste’ would be derogatory but is any mention of other components of their heritage offensive?

No worries at all. The first reason 'half caste' and 'creamy' are offensive is that it was used to distinguish which members of Aboriginal communities were torn away from their families. The term is associated with removal from families and for many a life of destruction. 'Half Castes' were the targets. Secondly, it is seen as a loss of identity, an attempt to water down or remove the Aboriginal from you. Words such as 'we will beat the black out of you, you half caste dog'. Thirdly, it was used by those in power such as police and religious to belittle. 'Your nothing but a filthy half caste rat'. 'No one wants you, you creamy'.
It does not mean Aboriginal people are not proud of other aspects of their heritage, it simply means names like half caste can bring back some horrific nightmares.
Again. For those who know politics better than I do.

Kamala wins. What happens? What changes?

Trump wins. What happens? What changes?
Harris wins, it's business as usual. Could be a good, bad or indifferent President, but unlikely to have a Democrat Senate or Congress. That means nothing too radical is likely to happen. She seems to be trying to hold the centre-left position, which is reasonably conservative in Australian terms.

Trump wins, he will fill the judiciary, military, public service and any other positions of power with his MAGA supporters. He was learning on the job last time and was interrupted by COVID. This time he will get what he wants (revenge on enemies and private wealth) and his ideologically driven followers will turn the country upside down to implement their radical/retro agenda. He won't care what they do (he has no actual ideology) as long as he can play golf and fill his boots.

On Pixel 7a using mobile app
Again. For those who know politics better than I do.

Kamala wins. What happens? What changes?

Trump wins. What happens? What changes?
Kamala Wins - NATO is well funded and Russia is defeated.

AUKUS is fully funded and Australia has our historical allies restored.
An innocent man (especially one who considers himself to be a great showman) with nothing to hide and would relish the opportunity to have his day in court so as to expose the corruption within the the various state DA offices or the weaponised DoJ. He won't do this because every time evidence is presented to a jury of his peers he is found guilty.

An innocent has nothing to prove and doesn't have to do a thing.

The DoJ and and by extension Jack Smith (an independent) are sworn to support and defend the Constitution of the US against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Even a former president. Even in an election year.

If the Justice system was weaponised as those of you on the right would have us believe. Hunter Biden would've been pardoned. Smith would've sought to have Aileen Cannon removed for her obvious bias, slow walking of and mishandling of the documents case. And in NY he would've had his parole yanked after repeatedly violating his terms of release. LITERALLY no other person in the U.S. judicial system has been treated with the Kid gloves and deference that Donald Trump has anybody else would be spending their time awaiting trial at Rikers Island. Or would be spending his day(s) between ranting on social media and incoherent rallies in various courts.

Its the interference by the FBI in the truthful reporting of his laptop which AT THE TIME may have swayed enough voters towards Trump-Trump only needed to find a few of them-40,000 or so in key States to win the election. The Democrats and the Democrat-run government departments would not have dared to have Hunter Biden pardoned.

He needs to win for that to happen.

And right now, the aggregate of polls and his increasingly unhinged behaviour make this a 50/50 bet at best.

He had his shot. And got outmanoeuvred by the democrat party when they changed horses midstream.

Something that he and his advisers should've anticipated after Bidens disastrous first debate performance. It's also something that has them flailing about looking for a narrative to attack Harris on. With Trump seemingly falling back on the weak sauce of Comrade Kamila and the usual dystopian nonsense. The guy has lost his insult comic fastball if thats the best he can do.

The only surprising thing about Harris taking over Biden is that it didn't happen after the mid-terms. Anyone with half a brain could see she was the quintessential focus group diversity hire from the time she was appointed VP after the 2020 election, with a view to displacing Biden because she fits the image the Democrats want to project.

What, you thought she go there on merit with just 4% of the Democrat votes in 2020?

How, by actually weaponising not only the DoJ but the entire Federal Government by gutting and stacking it with loyalists to Trump. Or his tweet calling for the arrest of Obama, Clinton and Biden wondering why they hadn’t been imprisoned for launching a “coup” against his administration? Before the 2020 election.

Like he said: by being a dictator for one day.

Sure, this madness may appeal to about 35-40% of the voting public who make up his base. However, this is a guy whose approval rating never exceed 49% and was typically ≈ 41%.and as low as 34 when he left office. Im not so sure that after 8+ years that he appeals to the rest of the country who seem pretty tired of a show that is nothing more than repeats of his greatest hits. He's become as boring as he is stupid.

It will be for the overall good of the nation to put control of it back to the people and away from the politicized public service.

The real question is. What happens should he lose?

Despite the Supreme Court and Ailene Cannons actions none of the cases are going anywhere. His sentencing and the appeal verdict of election and business fraud cases in NY loom. As does Georgia though thats been punted well into next year. As do the two Federal cases one of which the documents case is back before the 11th Circuit Court on appeal. Given they have rebuffed Cannon twice before that doesn't bode well for her. As we saw yesterday with Jack Smith after empaneling an entirely new grand jury and then issuing of superseding indictments for the other in his Federal criminal case regarding Trumps attempts to overturn the 2020 election.

He has one play. Delay and hope to win the election.

Because the wheels of justice may turn slowly, but they grind exceedingly fine.

Even if all that happens someone else will take his place. The madness of the Democrats can't last.
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The Otherworldly Circus - The America Thread

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