Strategy Trade and List Management thread 3 (...The pining for the departed. Edition)

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That's how I feel about posts like

But I guess he's exempt because he's been a member for longer, right?
I am not a WBD poster, but relax.

Plenty of educated people write in a sketchy way on an anonymous forum, likewise what does it matter if the person makes genuine mistakes. The WBD are a traditionally working class club, surely grammar snobbery runs counter ethical to Footscrays inclusive past.

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Surely from a chances point of view it makes a lot more sense for Nankervis to go to Richmond where he'd be second choice at worst. Although it'd be a good sign for his ambition and attitude if despite that he backed his ability to fight for a place and try and force his way in at a club higher up.
Seemed to me he was assessing a player and using one game as an example.

Yes, and no... :D :D

Just to finish, Hambling spent no time at all on Cameron in the last quarter. As much as our zone allows he was 'on' Lobbe for the first 15 mins (no 1-1 contests tho)...
...and I can only assume he was off the ground for most of the last 10 mins. No sightings at all in their forward line, and he runs on the ground with about 1:30 to play.

Anyway, yes. 1 game. Alternatively, nearly 10% of his career. :cool: [Will document his involvements in the next game I watch...which could well be too late for this thread.]

And, fwiw, why the hell is anyone equating poor spelling/grammar with lack of intelligence? My spelling is awful...just happens that I'm pedantic enough to google (often simple!) words I'm unsure of. Clearly other neither have the time nor the inclination.
It's a football forum. Not nuclear physics (in which I'm sure young John has a degree.).
Not yet. Stevens though likely?
Possibly. If it's a swap of third rounders Sydney currently have 52, while St Kilda have 50. Of our other possible trading partners Carlton have 45 and Freo have 43.
You're entitled to that opinion. I still maintain that Hamling is ahead of Adams right now.

Also I disagree about needing another defender. I think Morris could play into his late 30s.
Much for muchness really. I probably prefer Adams slightly because he's more physical but can see why someone would prefer Hamling.
As for Morris, I bloody hope so but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried about a few of his soft tissue injuries late in the year.

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Yes, and no... :D :D

Just to finish, Hambling spent no time at all on Cameron in the last quarter. As much as our zone allows he was 'on' Lobbe for the first 15 mins (no 1-1 contests tho)...
...and I can only assume he was off the ground for most of the last 10 mins. No sightings at all in their forward line, and he runs on the ground with about 1:30 to play.

Anyway, yes. 1 game. Alternatively, nearly 10% of his career. :cool: [Will document his involvements in the next game I watch...which could well be too late for this thread.]

And, fwiw, why the hell is anyone equating poor spelling/grammar with lack of intelligence? My spelling is awful...just happens that I'm pedantic enough to google (often simple!) words I'm unsure of. Clearly other neither have the time nor the inclination.
It's a football forum. Not nuclear physics (in which I'm sure young John has a degree.).

Come on MrC... Hambling! Hambling! Lift your game man! :)

(Do you think this is a bad time to discuss Mike's bolded post in regards to the use of capitalisation and apostrophes??!! Sorry Mike__ , just kidding! :) )
Dogs leading race for Toby Nankervis
Back from holidays on monday i think
Likely third rounder swaps
Anybody want to take a stab at outlining what we see in Nankervis (other than he is tall?) I'd suspect that Bevo is pretty picky about what ruckmen we have on our list, given that he's been quite happy to play large parts of the past two years with only one...or none...on the field. What does Nankervis bring to the table?
Anybody want to take a stab at outlining what we see in Nankervis (other than he is tall?) I'd suspect that Bevo is pretty picky about what ruckmen we have on our list, given that he's been quite happy to play large parts of the past two years with only one...or none...on the field. What does Nankervis bring to the table?

Roughy to defence?
Some of Adams' best footy has been forgotten.

His round 1-3 for example was better than anything Hamling has played. Hamling was an effective and soild cog in the defensive system among others, but nothing more, yet Adams in those games earlier in the year was genuinely among the best players in the competition.

Remember that Round 3 game against Hawks that has been overshadowed by Murph's knee and the fact we avenged them this finals? Adams was huge in the first half of that game - like literally the only player keeping us from being blown away to more than the 5-0 goal head start Hawks had when our midfield wasn't getting on top.
Anybody want to take a stab at outlining what we see in Nankervis (other than he is tall?) I'd suspect that Bevo is pretty picky about what ruckmen we have on our list, given that he's been quite happy to play large parts of the past two years with only one...or none...on the field. What does Nankervis bring to the table?
He's tall...yeah I got nothing.
Anybody want to take a stab at outlining what we see in Nankervis (other than he is tall?) I'd suspect that Bevo is pretty picky about what ruckmen we have on our list, given that he's been quite happy to play large parts of the past two years with only one...or none...on the field. What does Nankervis bring to the table?

There was a Vic Nankervis in the 1940s - swapped clubs 5 times (had 2 stints at Geelong, as well as us, Saints and South).
No that it answers your question in any way whatsoever, but I wonder if Vic, Toby and the Geelong brothers Ian and Bruce are related?

(Sorry Mutt, I've quoted your post and gone off on a complete tangent...)
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