Werewolf Traditional Werewolf - Night 5

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Hi all

No fancy OP. Just throwing a thread up so people can sign up. Will start the game tomorrow night if we have enough players. Mon/Tue if we don't.

Basic rules and roles + vampires because I like vampire games.

Phases will likely run 8-8 AEDST (TBC)

OP will be updated through the weekend.


Wosh, do your thing!

UPDATE 24/10/22 8:20PM

Basic rules:

Roles will be randomly assigned to all players, which will be communicated via PM (except villagers). The villagers must identify and kill all players not aligned with the village before these players can kill enough villagers to satisfy their win condition. Only one faction can win the game.

Each day will consist of two phases:

Night phase (8pm – 7am AEDST)

Players with night actions will nominate targets via PM during this phase. Nominations will not be accepted after 7am whether or not deadline has been announced.

Day phase (7am – 8pm AEDST)

After the results of night actions have been announced all players will publicly vote to lynch one player during this phase. Votes will not be accepted after 8pm whether or not deadline has been announced.


The reason for lynching rule will be used for this game. Reasons must be related to the game.

Please bold the name of the player you wish to lynch and tag the moderator as follows:

Player Name

Barrybran Wosh

Votes will not be counted if they are not bolded. All players must vote for a player to be lynched. Votes to abstain will not be counted as a vote. If a player fails to vote or submit a night action in two consecutive nights or miss voting/night actions in three nights across the game they will be modkilled. Modkilled players will not be invited into the Dead PM.

There is no multilynch. If the vote is tied at deadline all players leading the vote will be put into a list randomiser and the player at the top of the randomised list will be lynched.

Werewolf etiquette:


While the game is running players are not permitted to discuss the game anywhere but in this thread, the Dead PM or PM’s related to this game, if you have one. Posting screenshots and quoting PM’s are prohibited. Players caught breaching these rules will be modkilled without warning and denied entry to the Dead PM.


Players who are killed are permitted to post a farewell post provided that it does not impact the game (eg. “thanks for the game” or “good luck”). Dead players must leave the game immediately and are not permitted to post or like posts in the game thread or any PM they are a part of (except the Dead PM) until the end of the game.


Players are not permitted to edit or delete posts during the game. Doing so will result in the player being modkilled and not being permitted to joint the Dead PM.



Godfather – night-immune; chooses one player each night to discover their role; seers as a villager
Roleblocker – blocks one player’s action each night; may not choose the same player on consecutive nights
Goon – assists with kills

Win condition: eliminate all non-Mafia Evil players and equal or outnumber Good players

Alpha – night-immune; chooses one player each night to discover their role; seers as a villager
Cub – if the Cub dies, the wolves receive two (2) kills the following night phase
Wolf – assists with kills

Win condition: eliminate all non-Wolves Evil players and equal or outnumber Good players

Serial Killer – night-immune; seers as villager; kills one player each night

Win condition: Make it to the final four players

Head Vampire – cannot be killed at night; seers as a villager. The Head Vampire converts one (1) player on all even nights and kills one (1) player on all odd nights. Recruits may only win with the vampires and will seer as their original role / vampire. When the Head Vampire dies, the remaining vampires may choose to kill one player each night. A maximum of three vampires may exist at any one time.

Win condition: Eliminate all non-Vampires Evil players and equal or outnumber Good players

Evil Doctor - knows all evil players but not their role; may protect one evil player each night but not the same player on consecutive nights

Win condition: Evil players equal or outnumber Good players

Seer – chooses one player each night to discover their role
Vigilante – chooses one player each night to kill
Doctor – chooses one player to protect each night from all night actions; may not choose the same player on consecutive nights
Jack of All Trades – chooses one player each night to seer, kill, protect or block; may not choose the same player and/or action on consecutive nights

Flogs – three players who know each other’s role and share a PM

All other players are villager with no special abilities

Win condition: eliminate all Evil players

Note: Factional kills be taken by the lowest surviving member of each faction
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Player List
  1. Greenery (Flog; killed by Vampires N3)
  2. mwerps
  3. serial_thrilla
  4. hotchilli
  5. dank420_ (Villager; killed by Wolves N1)
  6. dogs105 (Godfather; lynched by Village D3)
  7. Dingster (Villager; killed by Wolves N0)
  8. Nunez (Seer; killed by Mafia N1)
  9. boncer34 (Villager; killed by Mafia N0)
  10. jmoo wan (Jack of All Trades; killed by Mafia N4)
  11. Hatchy1992 (Serial Killer; lynched by Villager D2)
  12. CursingFijian (Villager; lynched by Village D5)
  13. AxialMat7 (Cub; killed by Vigilante N1)
  14. Pickitt (Evil Doctor; modkilled N1)
  15. MC Bad Genius (Villager; killed by Wolves N4)
  16. Pie 4 Life (Villager; killed by Mafia N2)
  17. Beaston (Doctor; killed by Wolves N3)
  18. omgfridge
  19. MP_ (Wolf; lynched by Village D4)
  20. Grand Uncle Horace (Villager; killed by Wolves and JOAT N2)
  21. Chipmunk
  22. sante (Vigilante; killed by Mafia N3)
  23. TheInjuryFactory (Flog; killed by Jack of All Trades N3)
  24. thewizardmelon (Flog; killed by Mafia N5)
  25. DERO (Villager; lynched by Village D1)
  26. Jack the Godfather (Roleblocker; killed by Vampires and Wolves N5)
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Hi all

No fancy OP. Just throwing a thread up so people can sign up. Will start the game tomorrow night if we have enough players. Mon/Tue if we don't.

Basic rules and roles + vampires because I like vampire games.

Phases will likely run 8-8 AEDST (TBC)

OP will be updated through the weekend.


Wosh, do your thing!

3KZ is Football Agent93 Allikat AxialMat7 BEaston boncer34 Bovo brahj Chipmunk Greenery croweater 41 CursingFijian damicky dank420_ DemonJim DenieD Dingster dogs105 Drunkgoliath EagleOz Elmer_Judd eth-dog Elton Johns Wig FR0GGY Golumless GremioPower Hatchy1992 HawkAussie Hoos hotchilli I Dont Care Itsmyshow Jack The Godfather
Hi all

No fancy OP. Just throwing a thread up so people can sign up. Will start the game tomorrow night if we have enough players. Mon/Tue if we don't.

Basic rules and roles + vampires because I like vampire games.

Phases will likely run 8-8 AEDST (TBC)

OP will be updated through the weekend.


Wosh, do your thing!
jmoo wan JoshWoodenSpoon JT_the_Man Kabanna Le Grille manangatang MC Bad Genius Millky95 Mooch MP_ mwerps NaturalDisaster NinjaSwan Nunez omgfridge Paddles_ pantskyle Pickitt Pie 4 Life por_please_ya Proper Gander raskolnikov Rodney Dangerfield RU_ rye sante SarahSmiles sausageroll Senor M serial_thrilla

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