Europe War in Ukraine - Thread 4 - thread rules updated

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Hey all,

Seeing as multiple people seem to have forgotten, abuse is against the rules of BF. Continuous, page long attacks directed at a single poster in this thread will result in threadbans for a week from this point; doing so again once you have returned will make the bans permanent and will be escalated to infractions.

This thread still has misinformation rules, and occasionally you will be asked to demonstrate a claim you have made by moderation. If you cannot, you will be offered the opportunity to amend the post to reflect that it's opinion, to remove the post, or you will be threadbanned and infracted for sharing misinformation.

Addendum: from this point, use of any variant of the word 'orc' to describe combatants, politicians or russians in general will be deleted and the poster will receive a warning. If the behaviour continues, it will be escalated. Consider this fair warning.

Finally: If I see the word Nazi or Hitler being flung around, there had better have a good faith basis as to how it's applicable to the Russian invasion - as in, video/photographic evidence of POW camps designed to remove another ethnic group - or to the current Ukrainian army. If this does not occur, you will be threadbanned for posting off topic

This is a sensitive area, and I understand that this makes for fairly incensed conversation sometimes. This does not mean the rules do not apply, whether to a poster positing a Pro-Ukraine stance or a poster positing an alternative view.

Behave, people.
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Feel sorry that civilians are caught in this, but you have to be a special kind of stupid to have a vacation in a war zone.

Yes, but to them why would they need to change their behaviour? Everything about the war is okay and not to fear anything because Russia have told them so.

Remember the SMO is all going to plan, Russia is winning, it is in control, blah, blah, blah.
Three aerial bombs were dropped by the Russian Aerospace Forces on the Belgorod region in three days. Three more aerial bombs fell unexpectedly in the Belgorod region, before reaching Kharkov, ASTRA found out.

According to sources, on Friday, June 21, ammunition fell 2.5 km from the village of Churaevo in the regularly shelled Shebekinsky district. The next day, the FAB was found literally 300 meters from the village of Razumnoye.

The day before, a fallen aerial bomb was found on Yesenin Street in the village of Krutoy Log. Two people had to be evacuated. There were no casualties.

Thus, the total number of bombs dropped by Russia on its own and occupied territories of Ukraine has reached 106 over the past 4 months.

Partisan group "ATESH" conducted sabotage in Rostov-on-Don, where an agent burned a relay box on the Rostov-on-Don - Mariupol railway. This railway is crucial for transferring military forces and equipment within Russia's Southern Military District and provides access to the sea route. - [Denys Davydov TG]

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Feel sorry that civilians are caught in this, but you have to be a special kind of stupid to have a vacation in a war zone.

Ukraine warned them publicly 2 years ago ...
Three aerial bombs were dropped by the Russian Aerospace Forces on the Belgorod region in three days. Three more aerial bombs fell unexpectedly in the Belgorod region, before reaching Kharkov, ASTRA found out.

According to sources, on Friday, June 21, ammunition fell 2.5 km from the village of Churaevo in the regularly shelled Shebekinsky district. The next day, the FAB was found literally 300 meters from the village of Razumnoye.

The day before, a fallen aerial bomb was found on Yesenin Street in the village of Krutoy Log. Two people had to be evacuated. There were no casualties.

Thus, the total number of bombs dropped by Russia on its own and occupied territories of Ukraine has reached 106 over the past 4 months.

So Special Military Operation justified to take western Russia to protect the Russians?
Ukraine knows it's the only thing which will keep Russia from coming back, so should be a non-negotiable for them. Russia broke the agreement in 2014, occupying Crimea and Donbass, they can't be trusted not to break another one.

What other guarantee is there, other than NATO membership for Ukraine?
There are no guarantees. They could stop the bloodshed around the occupied territories for a while perhaps, hey some ceasefires have lasted a lifetime. There were three sides in minskI/II and seemingly all sides broke them at some point

(this just answering a bunch of comments)
You argue that Russia will welch on whatever deal is made, so Ukraine must keep fighting until they can't, I don't see how no ceasefire is a moral position.

Ukraine has lost a quarter of it's pop to refugees, a fifth of it's land to Russia, relies almost completely on foreign arms charity and loans to keep the lights on. A fair portion of their power grid is kaput and Russia keeps slowly advancing. In what world are they going to turn this around?

Ukraine complete defeat,
Ukraine negotiated defeat,
NATO boots, planes, and a likely global nuclear war

Hmmmmmm which one?
There are no guarantees. They could stop the bloodshed around the occupied territories for a while perhaps, hey some ceasefires have lasted a lifetime. There were three sides in minskI/II and seemingly all sides broke them at some point

(this just answering a bunch of comments)
You argue that Russia will welch on whatever deal is made, so Ukraine must keep fighting until they can't, I don't see how no ceasefire is a moral position.

Ukraine has lost a quarter of it's pop to refugees, a fifth of it's land to Russia, relies almost completely on foreign arms charity and loans to keep the lights on. A fair portion of their power grid is kaput and Russia keeps slowly advancing. In what world are they going to turn this around?

Ukraine complete defeat,
Ukraine negotiated defeat,
NATO boots, planes, and a likely global nuclear war

Hmmmmmm which one?
Well, none of them.

If Russia is advancing, then they are on pace to conquer Ukraine about 2250, give or take a decade.

And you forget, with all Russia's advances, all those meters gained, they are still backwards of where they were 2 years ago.

In what world is regaining a tiny amount of territory you lost, winning?

If the war progresses over the next few years like it has over the last few, Russia's military will have advanced back into Russia.

And yes, Ukraines military is surviving on Western donations, which means, that cost is spread over many countries and many hundreds of millions of people.

Russia's aren't.

Did you see the captured Ruusian turtle tank?

It's gun didn't work, it had no ammo, it's turret couldn't rotate, it had almost no visibility. It was a rusted out useless piece of shit, covered in sheet tin, used to ferry troops.

They are pressing into service equipment so old and shit, it cannot cost effectively be employed in its intended role.

What happens when even the shit runs out?

On SM-A346E using mobile app
There are no guarantees. They could stop the bloodshed around the occupied territories for a while perhaps, hey some ceasefires have lasted a lifetime. There were three sides in minskI/II and seemingly all sides broke them at some point

(this just answering a bunch of comments)
You argue that Russia will welch on whatever deal is made, so Ukraine must keep fighting until they can't, I don't see how no ceasefire is a moral position.

Ukraine has lost a quarter of it's pop to refugees, a fifth of it's land to Russia, relies almost completely on foreign arms charity and loans to keep the lights on. A fair portion of their power grid is kaput and Russia keeps slowly advancing. In what world are they going to turn this around?

Ukraine complete defeat,
Ukraine negotiated defeat,
NATO boots, planes, and a likely global nuclear war

Hmmmmmm which one?
I think the hope would be that the West finally give Ukraine the air defence batteries they have been asking for to stop Russias ability to use glide bombs, the West floods Ukraine with long range missiles and allow them to use them inside Russia.
That instantly makes the war way more costly for Russia and not Ukraine.
Ukraine complete defeat,
Ukraine negotiated defeat,
NATO boots, planes, and a likely global nuclear war
NATO gives a serious amount of equipment, planes and pilots to Ukraine, Russia tucks tail and runs.

Putin orders Nukes, High command shoots him in the head and surrenders to NATO. Bloody purges ensue.

Russia firing nukes at anyone guarantees the destruction of Russia. Nobody in Russia is suicidal. They're just the mafia. Even the mafia knew not to go after the police. Even Putin aint ordering Nukes. He'll do a Netanyahu and start a new front in Dagestan or Azerbaijan.
More terrorist activities within Russia, just months after Crocus City Hall. Maybe Putin should look at his own backyard first and quell the rebellions there rather than focusing on territorial gains elsewhere.

This is on Putin. Terrorists feel emboldened to act in Russia with so much of Russia's military resources dedicated to maintaining an invasion that is a clear failure.

The longer the war in Ukraine goes on the worse this is going to get for Russia.
There are no guarantees. They could stop the bloodshed around the occupied territories for a while perhaps, hey some ceasefires have lasted a lifetime. There were three sides in minskI/II and seemingly all sides broke them at some point

(this just answering a bunch of comments)
You argue that Russia will welch on whatever deal is made, so Ukraine must keep fighting until they can't, I don't see how no ceasefire is a moral position.

Ukraine has lost a quarter of it's pop to refugees, a fifth of it's land to Russia, relies almost completely on foreign arms charity and loans to keep the lights on. A fair portion of their power grid is kaput and Russia keeps slowly advancing. In what world are they going to turn this around?

Ukraine complete defeat,
Ukraine negotiated defeat,
NATO boots, planes, and a likely global nuclear war

Hmmmmmm which one?

Russia has lost 550,000 people in this war. Russian society is a shambles. Russia is banned from most international organisations, associations. Natural resource income has been obliterated by this war. Russia cannot compete at the Olympics, World Cup, Euros, UEFA competitions. Hundreds of billions in Russian assets are frozen of friendly oligarchs to Putin's dictatorship.

Russia only counts Belarus, North Korea, Syria & Iran as significant allies. Russians crave their place in the European community - this currently is not possible because of Putin's fascist actions.

Putin right now is like Hitler around 37/38. There is no negotiating with a dictator who declares Ukranian sovereignty, language & culture aren't real despite himself signing a treaty in 2003 which Russia absolutely recognised Ukraine's borders / sovereignty.

The war ends when the cost becomes so great to Russia that Putin simply must retreat from Ukraine. Or h is purged / shot in the head during another Wagner style insurgency (happy anniversary btw).

Whatever the result for Putin there won't be a nuclear conflict either. Everyone knows Putin's implied nuke threats are laughable. They are treated mostly as a source of amusement these days. Putin/Medvedev have hundreds of nuke threats in the 21st century. You and I know they are all bs.

Strap in tovarsich, you are in for a long period of hardship in Russia as long as Putin is around. Perhaps there will be a time you and your comrades can rise up against Vladimir the Tsar and purge him.

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This is on Putin. Terrorists feel emboldened to act in Russia with so much of Russia's military resources dedicated to maintaining an invasion that is a clear failure.

The longer the war in Ukraine goes on the worse this is going to get for Russia.
From reports, it seems that two of the gunmen were sons of a local government official.

Didn’t stop the delusional psychos blaming it all on Ukraine.

Would be interesting if something like this progressed into a wider uprising where a state of Russia decided they wanted to break away.

Russia wouldn’t have the forces available to quell it. Prigozhin’s venture through the Russian countryside with a handful of men and equipment proved that.
Russian occupation of Crimea is getting more untenable by the day. Once the Kerch bridge is inevitably denazified Russia will struggle to maintain the occupation.

Russia would have had full use of Sevastopol naval base until 2042 under the existing lease agreement if they didn't declare war on Ukraine and invade the place in 2014. Spectacular own goal by Putin. Occupying Crimea has sent the Russian Black Sea fleet backwards massively.
Heads up: the Politics/Conflict thread on the NMFC forum has been locked (hopefully permanently), so...

a) Hopefully we'll see a lot fewer fascist apologists on the North boards
b) They might start coming here so apologies in advance :D
Belorod getting smashed by Ukrainian drones.

Gotta wonder if Russian citizens will be happy that Putin's little illegal war is resulting in their own safety being threatened.

Belorod getting smashed by Ukrainian drones.

Gotta wonder if Russian citizens will be happy that Putin's little illegal war is resulting in their own safety being threatened.

Not to mention the 106 bombs Russia has dropped on Belgorod region in the last few months. Remembering Belgorod region was transferred by the USSR from Ukraine SSR to Russian SSR in the early 1920s perhaps they would be safer if the region was returned to its rightful owner, Ukraine.

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